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Posts posted by ArtistsRifles

  1. If she was located nearer home I'd have done it - and taken the risk the coporate security manager would have ordered it removed from site as soon as they saw her (or one of the leftwing loonies reported it) taking up at least 4 parking bays!!


    I reckon it's a worthwhile thing to do!!!! :D


    Military Heavy


    • Vehicles over 7.5 Tons

    • All vehicles Tracked or Otherwise

    • Plus one Private Car

    • Annual Price £125.00

    • Roadside Assistance

    • Recovery For Breakdown

    • Recovery For Accident, Theft or Vandalism

    • Recovery anywhere in UK

    • Assistance at Address

    • Hotel Accommodation

    • Message Handling Service

    • Relief Driver

    • Technical, Routes & Motoring advice

    • Key Recovery

    • Free European Helpline






    Just signed up for the above quoted cover on my Alvis Stalwart - for peace of mind (or otherwise...) can you confirm the method of recovery if the vehicle cannot be repaired at roadside would be on a flatbed and not suspended tow as the 6x6 Alvis range (Saladin, Saracen, Stalwart & Salamander) cannot be towed, flat or suspended for anything other than very short distances.



  3. Off for a weeks R&R with the caravan down in the Loire valley folks - when I get back it'll be a step closer to getting little Maude home :D:D


    "See" you all in a weeks time!!!!!

  4. Bad idea taking a dog to an airshow, the noise of displaying aircraft will frighten the life out of them and if they run off onto the runway, you'll be up for a lot of explaining.


    Not to mention if they run off at the wrong time there'll be a bit of a mess to clean up!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

  5. Was there on Saturday - planning to stay overnight - but the wife got other ideas due to wind & rain and given what was planned expense-wise the next day it seemed politic to keep her happy!). However I echo Chris's sentiments!!!!


    I had a great time there - some very nice vehicles on display and enjoyed my time talking to the various owners and crews. I must admit to feeling a bit of a square peg in a round hole at times being sans vehicle - but next time should see Maude there too :D

    Then all John and Lee need to do is find some one with a Salamander to complete the set for the group!! :D:D:D

  6. what is the stolly called then Maude


    Did you mean "what" - or "why"?? If it's why then thats easy - the very first time we ever looked at one the wife mk 1's first comment was "it's all mouldy". Hanging up in the HQ of my old regiment back in the seventies was a caricature sketch of the regiments then cap-badge of Mars and Minerva done by a former member of the Regt back in the 1920's entitled "Mouldy Maude". That image has always stuck in my mind and as soon as the wife mk 1 said that - it popped straight up again!! So the big girl will henceforth be called Maude :D:D


    If it's "what" then thats also easy she's a Mk 2 FV622, hull number STALII/629, Army No 19 ET 90 that was with 10 (Field) Sqdn R.E for most of her service life. Most unusually none of the swim gear was ever stripped by the MOD/Army so she's virtually as delivered in that respect!


    You should be home by now when will she get there

    Good question - still trying to find a storage location for her locally so till I do she's staying at her current home in East Sussex.

    I was talking to Stuart at Kelvedon on Sat about her and he thought she might just fit the gate at Coal House Fort after all and suggested bringing her up at the next open day (which, due to pre-booked holidays means the 25th June for us).

    Fingers crossed she will fit - or that an undercover storage point will turn up - I'm still looking hard. :D

  7. Just got back in from this event - mainly due to grief of the ear-hole from the missus about the temp and rain!!


    Would like to say a big thanks to John, Lee and all the other members of Essex Armour & Softskins MV Group for putting on a great show. Really enjoyed my self today and had the added bonus of finally seeing the inside of the Kelvedon bunker :D:D Also had a good chat with the guys from the War & Peace show and got some useful info about that event and will be booking myself in from the Wednesday.


    Going to be even better for me next time as I'll be able to take my own vehicle then!! :D:D:D:D


    Once again - to the organizers and all those who there - if you're reading this - Thanks very much for a great day out!!!!

  8. OK - just rung RoadSure and arranged cover on the Stalwart from mid-day tomorrow. Costed £90.82p (had I not been in the MVT it would have been £167 so that was £30 well spent :D ). Also had the breakdown cover added at £125 - so when a home is found she's ready to roll :D:D:D


    Yet another step closer :D:D

  9. :shock: Yes- see how that could be bad news!!! :D

    I'm lucky - my wife is a technophobe and e-mail is one of lifes unexplained mysteries to her even though she has her own account.


    Anyways - serious note - just rung RoadSure and arranged cover on the Stalwart from mid-day tomorrow at a cost of £90.82p (had I not been in the MVT it would have been £167 so that was £30 well spent :D ). Also had the breakdown cover added at £125 - the very nice and helpful lady on the phone asked if the vehicle was over 7.5 tons, I told her it was nearer 9.5 tons and she said "oh thats in the higher bracket then at £125".

    So maybe they have a scale of charges rather than a flat rate ????

    And whilst I really DO NOT want to think of the Stalwart having to be recovered a tiny little part of me want's to see the look on the face of the recovery man when he's told the sun gears have to be removed from the transmission of the wheels in contact with the road

  10. Bl*&dy weather!!!!!!!! There I was thinking it was going to be a nice wrm dry weekend - and I end up driving to work in a torrential downpour then driving home n winds so strong they were rocking a low convertible.... :x:x


    Lets hope it changes back for tomorrow. Will ony one else from the list be there from the list other than Lee & John???

  11. Thanks Steve - will bear that in mind for next time. The wife says that Crepe van to the right of the museum did the best ones she'd had the whole two weeks we were there!!!

  12. Thats the spirit!!!!! :D:D:D


    Incidentally keep meaning to ask - whereabouts are you on the Utah beach stretch?? We took the caravan over last year and stayed at a site - "Le Cormoran" - up on the western tip last year and had a fantastic time wandering around the museums etc. and would love to go back again to see the British and Canadian beaches

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