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Posts posted by ArtistsRifles

  1. Looking through the list of galleries created thus far - a few stuck out as "interesting"!!!! Such as:


    Backgammon Netscape

    Play Poker for Free

    Backgammon accessory

    Texas Holdout poker

    party poker


    Have we actually got members with these screen names - or have some underhanded types been at play???

  2. Just got back in from an excellent day out!! Many thanks to those who organised it if they are reading the forums on here.

    The Powder Mills site is much much more interesting than even I thought it would be and even the wife mk 1 enjoyed herself (although she nearly had a little "accident" when Lee let the MOBAT off :evil:)

    Saw some very interesting vehicle - photo's are up in the gallery - inc a couple of very nice GMC's plus a couple I couldn;t swear I knew what they were so are marked unknown. If some one lets me have know what they are I'll amend the captions accordingly.

    I even managed to source a BRAND NEW Clansman ICB-3 from one of the traders :-)


    Looking forwards now till next year when my little girl will be there!!

  3. If any one is interested I've actually managed to locate a firm prepared to store MV's - it's called PACU and is based in River Road.

    Web adress is http://www.pacu.co.uk/


    As a guide - they are quoting me £1.25/day (£8.75/week) for a vehicle approx. 21' x 9' (dimensions rounded up to nearest foot).

    Its external storage though, not undercover but on hardstanding. But it is to CASSOA Silver standard which means:


    • Free from natural perils
    • Vermin control
    • Hose reels on site
    • Secure perimeter protection
    • Access controlled
    • Owner/Warden on site



    Contact Details:

    Tel: +44 (0) 20 8594 8414

    e-Mail: Emma Dobson emma@pacu.co.uk

  4. Think I might have a fall back-plan - at long, long, last :-) :-)


    Was looking on the CASSOA web site last night (for something entirely unrelated) and found a place in Barking that stores caravans AND vehicles. So I e-mailed them and they can take it if necessary at £1.25 per day. Just waiting for an answer to a query on access times/arrangements and whether I can work on her whislt in the cmpound.

    The place is called PACU - http://www.pacu.co.uk/ - based down in River Road.


    And even beter - the logbook arrived today - whcich is a bit of a relief given that the DVLA managed to "lose" the ones for the last two vehicles that got switched to me.

  5. Only two and a half weeks to go :-D I can't sleep so excited :nut: I think I will end up :naughty: and :argh:



    I'm starting to border on the edge of incipient panic!!! Still can't find a home for the Stalwart locally where I KNOW she'll fit!! One more prospective avenue closed tonight - got two more to go, then if they both bomb out and if she won't go through the gates at CoalHouse I'm up the proverbial creek sans propulsive devices :-o :-o :-o


    Definitely looking forwards to the show though!! :-) :-) :-) And to mkes things better/worse - depending on your view point given the home situation (I say better...) - I've been asked to take her into exhibit at an employee event at work on the Thursday the show starts which means I'll be there late Thursday afternoon - event finishes at Dunton @ 13:00 so I should be able to make it to the show, all being well, by 16:00.

  6. You mean the avatar????


    Should be able to do it by clicking on the "Profile" button at the top of the screen then picking "Forum Profile Information" from the menu on the left.


    From there you can either use on of the default images, use on thats elsewhere on the web or upload one from your PC (pick the selection button).


    Hows that for a fast guide????? :-) :-) :-)

  7. Are you staying till the weekend??  If so - make sure you stop by and say hello!!



    If I stop by and say hello, can i drive the stolly again :-D



    Ooooh - dunno about actually driving  :roll: :roll:


    Got a funny feeling the trip to Beltring is going to be the first time I get to take her out, way things are going so I could be permanently glued to the steering wheel - with a manic (maniac???) grin etched on my face.....    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    See me on the day!!!!!!  :lol:  :lol:

  8. Tried the gallery out today (if I wasn't supposed to yet then apologies...).


    Going into a blank album gave me the options to add pictures. The interface that came up was neat and easy to use.

    However, once a picture was added, there seems to be no way to add additional ones. Am I doing something incredibly dumb here or????

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