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Posts posted by ArtistsRifles

  1. Neil


    A lot of banks/lenders will not deal with anything Military related the worst being the Co-op..


    Cheers Lee - will bear that little gem in close mind!!!!!

    How about just saying "Historic Vehicle" - think that will go down OK???

  2. I asked a friend who's a traffic police offcer this very question on driving a post 1960 Historic Military Vehice on a normal license and this is his replay - might be of interest to you - particalrly section q (ii):


    Wow what a low baller that was, do you write promotion board questions by chance??


    You have most likely looked at DVLA site, personally I found it more user friendly than any of the reference books we have at work!!


    Look here http://www.dvla.gov.uk/drivers/special_licensing_arrangements_f.htm


    The section I think applies is q


    constructed or adapted to carry not more than 8 persons in addition to the driver and carries principally goods or burden consisting of;

    i. play or educational equipment and articles required in connection with the use of such equipment, or

    ii. articles required for the purposes of display or of an exhibition, and the primary purpose of which is used as a recreational, educational or instructional facility when stationary.



    Drivers must be aged 21 and have held a category B licence for at least 2 years. A mobile project vehicle may only be driven on behalf of a non-commercial body. However, drivers who passed their car test before 1 January 1997 are not subject to these conditions



    The last bit seems to cancel out the conditions? Also look at clause L, would your vehicle be of this age or younger?


    To be honest in this day and age I very much doubt that,


    1) you would ever get stopped.


    2) The 'Hombre' that stopped you would have any idea of which exemptions you could claim, (unless you struck the jackpot and met an 'old time' traffic cop, of which we are a dying breed!!).


    Hope this helps, it is worth thinking of a couple of points though. If you decided to contact DVLA and they said Niet, would your concience allow you to go ahead regardless? Knowing you I think not. If however you decided to go ahead based on what you interpreted from the DVLA web site, and lets face it if they can't get it right who can? if you ever got stopped the worst I could see you could be reported for is 'driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence', this is a very broad offence brought in to 'simplify' things, in reality it is a get out clause for all the little shits, but if you were to defend yourself and point out that you were only driving based on the info you gleaned from DVLA web site then I think you would get off.


    It's a very listened to defence by the courts these days, "I would never have done it if I knew it was illegal your worship" In these days with the all powerful Human Rights act, they have to justify to you why they find you guilty, and IMHO I think they would struggle given what I've said above.


    Still awake? Isn't traffic law interesting?

  3. Don't tell them it's for a MV say it's for a car..


    Why's that??? I'm after a 10 year repayment period to get the repayment figures down to a manageable level and I have a sneaky feeling there is a limit of about 5 years if it's for a car???????


    Any one out there in the bean-counting business who could confirm or deny this???


    hi neil,

    well done hope to see it and you soon!!!!!


    Thanks Stuart - I reckon it will be at least mid-May before she's in my possession. A handy interval because the current owner said he is going to do the clutch slave cylinder in that time :D Gear changes were interesting to say the least on Sat. Once in and running though - she ran and sounded as sweet as anything !!!!!!

  4. Well - for better or worse - looks like we have a deal - subject to a finance company saying yes!!!


    Picked up the windscreen enroute - and scored a new side window (dropping one) in with the price and there's an inner rear drop gate in good condition, some calipers and other odds 'n ends still to come. All for £10... Must be THE best eBay deal I've done!! :D


    Met the Stalwart owner at Bentley and had a good look over her - much impressed withthe amount of work done thus far - even the infamous Fire wire alert system was working. Nearly all the manuals (inc. the B81 RR one and the official parts list) and EMERS come with her as well as a stack of spares.


    Thus far the best interest rate is with Northern Rock so lets hope they say yes!!! Fingers - and everything else - crossed!!!!

  5. Ah - now there's the problem Jack!! If I can reach a deal then I've got to go and try to borrow the £££'s so it would be a while before taking possession. Be a lot easier if I could "flash the cash" but.....


    Roll on early retirement so I can get rid of the loan.......

  6. Best of luck with tomorrow Neil


    Remember to haggle hard and buy low :twisted:


    hi neil hope you get it


    Ps. Good luck with the Stalwart tomorrow


    Thanks every one - fingers crossed!!!! :D:D

  7. Doing what Clive recommended!!!!! :D


    Beginning to think I'd do better doing what you were obviously thinking - advertising services for older women to raise funds for my worthwhile charity fund "Neils Stalwart" :D

  8. Frequently Clive - but thus far all requests for the crinkly folding stuff have gone unheeded!!! :(


    Off to look at one that HAS got the cover fitted - AND the full swim-board installation - tomorrow. Asking price is £6,000 or thereabouts though.... Been on my knees pretty non-stop since that one came up but.....!!!!

  9. Any one recommend a god supplier of canvas/tarp covers??

    I'm interested in getting a cost for one for the load bed of a Stalwart - just in case the one I get has it missing.

  10. Thing that puts me off the http://www.121mv.com/ site is that everything is marked POA.


    I'd rather things either had a defined price or a price from sort of figure if the seller doesn;t want to commit to a definite price for a ehicle. At least then you've got a guide as to how much it will be - I hate having to phone up for things only to find the asking price is out of my budget 'cos it makes me feel a right twat and time-waster!!! :(

  11. hi neil,

    great photos and as you say nice to meet the people behind the posts.


    Thanks Stuart - had a great time there and thoroughly enjoyed myself. just what I needed after the last few weeks at work!!! Now I'm really looking forwards to the next one over at Kelvedon Hatch.


    Hey Neil


    You doing that Camping thing?? or are you just coming for the day/s ??



    Not sure yet John - a lot depends on what happens this forthcoming Saturday!!! :D

    I'll let you know when things have fallen into place one way or the other. Be nice to do it though!!!

  12. Any one fancy a (replica) blast from the past??


    C&C Military Services have a replica WW1 tank up for grabs - built for the fim "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" it's based on a Centurion AVRE and can be yours for a mere £25,000!! :o

  13. Clive,


    Did you mean to say:


    Alles ist gut, aber ich kann nicht dieses Forum verstehen, mein Deutscher bin nicht so gut. Viel Dank


    ???? :D


    My German is a "little" better - not a lot though - I just refuse to use it as a matter of principle due to conditions at work!!! :D

  14. hi neil,

    great photos and as you say nice to meet the people behind the posts.


    Thanks Stuart - had a great time there and thoroughly enjoyed myself. just what I needed after the last few weeks at work!!! Now I'm really looking forwards to the next one over at Kelvedon Hatch.

  15. Up on ebay right now is a Mk 2 Stalwart described thus:


    6 x 6 wheel drive, air over hydraulic disk brakes all wheels 5 forward, 5 reverse gears, Rolls Royce B81, 8 cylinder petrol engine, 4 ton bough winch, powered 4 wheel steering, with some amphibious equipment still fitted. MoT exempt. Good runner and driver.


    And in a rather "unusual" colour scheme:



    Wrote and asked what was missing from the swim kit etc. and the reply was:


    the stolly was painted by the previous owner.

    the cab interior is reasonable with a new drivers seat and left hand passenger seat.

    the missing swim gear is the drive shafts to the hydro-jets to bevel boxes, the tiller levers and control rods and the bilge pumps but i have a new electric bilge pump. the centre right side wheel station is presently being replaced, i have all the parts required for this, all other wheel stations are in good order.the dropside seals appear to be in reasonable order but without floating the vehical its a bit difficult to tell.

    i have photostat copies of some of the manual including an illustrated spare parts manual, also i have a 24v petrol generator set (Battary charger) that i will let go with it.


    Sounds to me more like ALL the swim kit that was removed is missing!!!

    Still - if the trip this weekend gets no results I'll go take a look at this one if he hasn't sold it by then!!

  16. also said not to change gear while turning a corner ( but I can't remember why )


    They tend to stop VERY fast (and stall out) when you dip the cutch due to the wind-up in the transmission. Power needs to be applied cautiously and slightly progressively when cornering. Accelerate and she'll veer one way - lift off too quickly and she'll veer the opposite way for the same reason.

    A Stalwart needs to be treated with care and respect on the public highway at all times - their other part trick comes from the steering rams. You need to correct the steering just enough to keep her on a more or less straight line. move the wheel too far unintentionally and the rams kick in and take over. Not unknown to need both sides of the road + the pavements + the hedgerows to correct this if it gets too bad :oops:

    Oh yes - and the gear change is even worse than a worn Militants one!! Going from 2 to 3 is a risky business as there's a fair chance of missing and trying to get 1!!

  17. Too true about the grunt. Stopped on the M4 at some services way back when and a Kraut truck driver started exacting the urine from our Militant tippers. So the troop S/Sgt took a couple of tow cables, hooked them onto the front of the Krauts rig and proceeded to pull it around the truck park with one. Soon stopped him laughing :D .

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