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paul connor

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Posts posted by paul connor

  1. Can anyone tell me where the


    "latest posts since your last"

    "view you posts"


    have gone? as its making it hard to keep up with what is going on?


    please can we have them back!

  2. i shall be there from thursday eve, and I shall Try and print a logo at work, or ill knit one and fly it:)


    Feel free to pop in and have a tea or a coffee or a beer, pull up a rock and sit down :)

  3. i did joke with a friend about painting my pig white! but alas, i have seen pics in belfast in the 80's when at xmas they were!


    Yes the Sand colour of a MK2 pig is rather odd! as im sure they would be a disaster on gravel! let alone sand! hehehe why not take around the arena tank course! let play strip the halfshafts!


    Im a bit ashamed that im going to fit a drop pin tow hitch!


    But i should go all out and fit a bofors on the roof and spray a US logo on the door.... of my MK1 pig hehe

  4. Hehe i do have a tendancy to panic! haha


    Well i now know that a landrover hitch (nato) will fit.

    hole spacing 7cm top two apart, and top to bottom 3cm


    So now im faced with a few issues, i do seem to ramble on! but i prefer talking and asking as much info before i buy the wrong items or indeed make any silly mistakes.


    The hitch eye on the trailer i have is 3cm gap... i assume that this will not mate with a Nato hitch! As this is more like a drop pin one.


    Do you think i should source a drop pin hitch? or buy a nato hitch and a new eye?


    Also with trailers what is the normal angle for them to sit? I would assume it does not matter as long as there is adaquate clearance and indeed its not dangerous.


    As it will sit quite high at the front for the hitch to link.. but again the rear still has lots of clearance..


    I assume im right in thinking with the law you need obvious, brake indicator and side lights ... as well as a number plate light and plate...

  5. I am aware that it is indeed not a Nato trailer, but does the tow eye look compatible with a Nato hitch? as i dont know much about it?


    Also do you know what a Pig should have in way of a hitch? as there are 2 sizes from what i can see..



    Or indeed do i need a drop pin style one?

  6. I shall have a stab under the paint tommorrow.

    So at least i now know what it could be...


    Well if its military or indeed council, will do the job to cart bits about as the pig has very little storage.


    Ill just paint it Olive drab and chuck netting over it at shows:)

  7. The Camo i think is an after addition... im not sure the Age, but i have 2 new tyres to go on...


    Its an odd setup, and with the 24V and the tow eye i think it is of some military/heavy use..



    hope so one can help

  8. Ahh, i hope so, then it wont look so out of place beind a pig, altho i know my

    Vehicle in its role should not have a tow bar and indeed a trailer, but alas at shows you need all the space you can have!

  9. I have Just been given, yes given! a trailer..


    Im not sure what the type or indeed if it is Military, but it looks it!


    It camo painted, very scruffy, but chassis and metal work in fair condition no welding needed.


    It has rounded wheel arches and 15ins wheels, its also 24V which makes me think its definatly a military model.


    I looks kinda like an older sankey type, but it has a lid much like a pig bonnet.

    Secured in the centre and has to flaps, each with a kinda of built on piece of metal to stop it on the other flap when its open... if that makes sense?


    I shall post a picture of it tommorrow, and hopefully work out what it is.


    I shall use for shows as i need a trailer... if its not British and period i shall hide it under a net! hehe


    also it needed 2 tyres! bonus as we had 2 part worn ones at work! result!



    So today free trailer and free tyres! just needs a good rub down and a paint!

  10. Can people let me know when the issues of magazines (MMI CMV) come out with the Overlord show in, as i dont get into town much. as im curious if my Pig has been featured:)

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