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paul connor

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Posts posted by paul connor

  1. Sure thing, come along... we will prob close bookings at 15ish... and im sure we will have drop outs and add ons last minute..



    hey TR we better be good at this! hhe better start revising history of the areas!!!




    Come on jack! where are you? bovvy to brighton is about 2hours, and an hour and halt to dover....



    the HMVF forum troups on parade for Field marshall Jack, "officer on parade, by the right disssssmissss"

  2. Ill have to get back to you on that at the minute, as i think Tunnelrat is having car issues! i shall be travelling by train to Ramsgate to meet him, as alas i do not have a car! living on central Brighton does not permit! and the Pig is not really the best for the trip! hehe... If Tunnelrat is having car issues still, we may have to blag a lift :blush:


    But so far, if i say meet at esso? bp? as located here



    any questions?

  3. Ok, this is all new for me! no idea! how they work or indeed what im looking for...


    Infantry in Northern Ireland. what would they have used as COMM's, i know its back mounted. circa 1970-80 is my ideal, can you get these? and do they work? :banana: :yay!: :banana: :yay!:

  4. I shall give a few more ideas, as im getting alot of questions, i hope this helps and can ease some people:)


    issues :


    Dark- yes it is haha


    Spiders - not many, and they are friendly if there are


    Entrances- plotting room is small gap, small lowering onto the floor(we shall assist) then down a ladder, about 12ft, so if you have issues with that please sit that one out:)


    Deep shelter: its a small drop in 2ft, and down stairs, about 150, but it has landings for a breather! and there is no hurry!


    Elderly or children - not advised for obvious reasons


    most of the things we shall do, are indeed very easy and just as walk about and very rewarding, you do not have to go all the places, and can leave at any time.


    I hope no one gets worried, as its all very easy.


    If you can climb in and out of military vehicles! you can do this for sure!


    85% will just be casual walking and seeing nice things.....


    this help? any questions:)




  5. Yes im game! my pig is now kept on the harbour, with lots of old buildings, but alas will be a few months as i have a lot to do to my Pig.. ill let you know when! and well, i shall meet you on the Underground trip?



    Neil thomas? i know you! welcome! i bought your HVVPK landy!

  6. Well so far thats 10+ of us! so thats all good!


    Please remember:


    Hard hat (up to you but usefull)

    Gloves (its cold and protection)

    A torch/headlamp (and a back up! and batteries)

    Boots or sturdy footwear (trip and slip hazzards and a walk)

    Bit to eat? (we shall be out a good 4/5hours before we get to a pub)

    waterproofs (you never know)

    Camera/videocam (im sure you will want a few snaps)


    Saftey is paramount. again this is your own issue, we are just a few lads who want to show offf what we do and find:)


    Although the places are safe, there are trip hazzards and some slippery surfaces.


    We would prefer Adults, children and elderly not advised for the underground sections.



    Well as soon as i can get a 100% count on the people, i shall set a meeting place and ill print off a few bits so you have some mini maps and some literature for the day:)


    Look at me aye! sounding like a tour guide in a museum! hehe


    Any questions please ask

  7. I shall be making a huge effort this W&P.


    My pig shall be repainted and wearing Londonderry numbers and a complement of 8 mates, all in full 1970's attire, weapons and riot equipment.


    And our camp site will be themed as much as we can towards the period.


    Will be nice to see a Pig with full crew and correct battledress, and full of troups as well





    Pig convoy would be good, i know Tony shall be joining me on the trip up...


    anyone else?

  8. Yes i know Tony Warner well, alas my Pig rests next to his...


    Also there is one in Worthing i have discovered, in sand and green camo?


    John does have a mk1, a squirt, as well as another in his barn;) (in bits)


    Would be nice the next war and peace to get a convoy going of pigs

  9. I use a plastic treat as used in Valeting. Its a little bit like tyre paint, but its clear and forms a "as new" appearance... but the main thing is , it forms a barrier and stops the rubber drying out..


    If you would like some to try i can bring you 5 litres mr Cliv

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