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paul connor

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Posts posted by paul connor

  1. Yes i thought it was a warm weekend

    ! but alas! forecast is lies! lies! lies! (calm down)


    I have the faint spots on the wings only, so dashed over another coat today! im sure it will have a sandstorm now! haha


    Im not going for the factory look, more what the army would have done, so brush and minimal rubdown.


    Lets hope now i get everything else ready for overlord!

  2. Well im getting there, slowly!


    I have got all the brakes ready for the repair kits that should be in the post by now, so a full cup replacement on all cylinders as well as master repair kit.


    Fingers crossed!


    Also she is all sanded down ready for the Deep bronze green repaint. also have been on the interior stuck all the roof pads back up(i give it 10 days!)


    and have been trying to fix all the little bits you miss and paint as much as i can...



    Also have kinda struck a deal at work! so i should be able to (fingers crosses) if the MD is kind, buy 200litres of 4star for £50! now i have said that it wont happen! haha


    But this sat is paint day as well as brake overhaul .


    then its a full service and fluid change and lets all hope that she gets to OVERLORD and i shall see you all there!


    Could do with a spare Distributor if any one has one? or just arm and brush/contacts


    bye for now

  3. Any idea the best way to clean them out?


    i did a few years back by steam cleaning with parafin and then topping up and swishing about , as the tank had old fuel in, now there is a horrid brown gunk in the bottom. one tank is not nice other a bit better, but alas i need to sort it before i put more fuel in.


    Do i use the crap fuel i have to fill. shake and repeat until its clear?


    but this still leaves reisdue as well as corrosion ?


    anything better?

  4. great! one cylinder is leaking from the banjo nut,other now has piston stuck... need to replace all the seals in all cylinders...


    as well as the master cylinder may be leaking again!!


    i give up! bloody pig!!!


    call them that for a reason!


    any one got any cheap cylinder seals?

  5. i hope not, thats one item i have not worked on, but alas, i may be an expert soon...


    im taking the ol girl to my work (just across the road) and taking the wheels off and cleaning all the wheel stations and checking everything..



    hopefully find the prob, as there is nothing better than a warm and dry workshop rather than a field

  6. Small start to the, well not restoration, but spring clean and sort things out...



    due a repaint... but first, once again!


    BRAKES!!!! bloody things leaking again! after a master cylinder overhaul and a replacement wheel cylinder and seals.


    Has been sitting for about 2 months on return the header is empty?


    no real trace of where it has gone! i just hope its not in the drums!! topped back up monday and there is no loss! but it has gone somewhere!!



    so here goes fault finder no2!


    I really dont need the grief of replacement cylinders , master and hydrovac!!



    or is that part the fun haha



    oh well,, ill post more on the weekend

  7. i Herd that the police took them off them, but then in another artical stated that the KLF were using them to test experimental sound warfare equipment that was found in the back.... not sure that woul dhave been in the back!


    so as far as i know they are unfortunatly still orange

  8. now i bet you have not seen these 2 before??


    Dont know if you remember the 90's dance group KLF, well during there career they burn 1.000.000 pounds in the woods on front of the press while circling them in Pigs and playing white noise!


    At last i have a picture of the pigs in question, not the best paint jobs, but muist have scared the hell out of the press when they were taking in vans miles to some woods, then presented with a suitcase with a million in. then people with masks and fluresent cloths light the money as Pigs circle them with white noise being blasted!


    must have scared a few reporters! haha




  9. Bloody sunday the film -james nesbitt.


    The use of Humber Pigs, Mk2, when in 1972 they were using Mk1, as the Mk2 was not made, Also the Landrover Piglets were wrong as they used a HVVPK which also would not have been date correct.


    And the pig was a flying Mk2, which again was not around!



    Sorry bit geeky there, Also the number plates used were Civvy, and not the military type

  10. I shall be at the following so far:


    Madiera Drive brighton on the first Sunday of may, just for a spin, and i think there is ment to be a few others attending for a classic car type thing


    Overlord bank holiday may


    Laughton fair in september...



    these as the only ones i know for sure:)

  11. im stil not a huge believer, i think my pictures might give an overload to the spirit lady..



    i have pictures of most mental asylums and there morgues and service tunnels and padded cells(yes there still out there! pm me for locations)

    Also bunkers and WW2 positions where i know fatalities happened. And a frequent, if not 2 in 5 has orbs in, but again only when a flash is used.


    Im not knocking the "most haunted" style, as i have seen Derek acora live and he was, amusing...


    But i personally believe that Orbs only really appear in digital photography.

    We all believe different things and thats fine... but if the orbs are real spirits

    F**K me i have been in some haunted situations!!! ill get some pics up of morgues! see what you think!!

  12. if you look at my site (shameless plug)




    If you look at most of the underground shots, i get "orbs" they are nothing special, its a combination of dust and water in the air. You will only see them with the flash. Other causes is having a longer exposure rate on the camera will blur and pull in light sources that are not apparent.



    like the FF! great pic!

  13. Just curious,


    Madeira drive brighton always gets the classic cars, bikes, time trials, and all sorts of gatherings..



    why not an MV one? or have i missed something? as a very popular place and always full in the summer i think would be a perfect location?



    any idea?s

  14. ok, i have never done this before


    i want to stencil paint some lettering onto mu MV, but have never done before?


    what is the method used? i know the spray bit, but where do you get the stencils? do you make them?



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