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paul connor

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Posts posted by paul connor

  1. Well now i have most the kit:)



    All now is saving and my GF birthday money for SLR with wood furniture and pre 95 deact!


    Lets hope i can get a nice one for a half decent price!!


    anyone got one for sale in OCT? any ideas on pricing?


    I know new spec are poo! and about £120-250

    old seem anything from £300-800




  2. There is a reason for this, its because its a free domain ".TK" they get the say on free adverts... i know this is a chore, but alas its the only way i can have "humberpig.tk" with out spending money:)


    or the other solution is a really uncatchy huge domain name....



    but other than the ".tk" diverter to the forum. does it please your eyes?



  3. Hhaha, Neil im used to my driving, so i hold on at all times! haha


    Jack, i would like to thank everyone i met


    Canadianscottish for joining us for drinks and being a good sport


    Artistrifles for the rides! shame you could not have joined on mine! but alas same era in the arena!


    Safariswing for the help with letting us pitch there! i hope we didnt wake or annoy you to much!


    And the mystery man that drove the big american truck who stopped to tow us, on the road to Matfield


    and of course, mum, dad.... well i blame you for my stupid obsession with 1 Para and Pigs! (miss you)


    erm, (american pop artist version)


    I would like to thank God, for the strengh to do what i did, Jesus Christ for your guidence... and Tim my producer



  4. We left at 3pm and arrived in sunny Brighton, at 1030pm! now thats not bad!


    How manyt things can go wrong!


    We gained a nice misfire and power loss issue! the engine cut out and would not run very well, back fires the lot!


    We changed the fuel to a jerry can, checked the points, all ignition and fuel and air filters to no avail!! i had a bad feeling with headgasket!


    We callled out Roadsure... took there time, but Mick Gould commercials came and by this point i have worked the problem out.. But thanks to them anyhow.


    It Seems that the problem was on the power switch on the ignition!

    It was shorting out and not staying on, thus killing the engine and causing bad running and misfires!


    The light had been coming on when the engine died, but it would anyhow. It was at closer insepection on very dull alot of the time, but due to the sun it was very hard to notice this!


    So, with a cable tie around the offending switch we carried on, ran out of fuel in heathfield! then after a nice household sold me 5litres we limped to the next station..


    So £85 on fuel, and seven and a half hours later we arrive in brighton then newhaven when its stored...


    The next problem, the caravan park i store the PIG only allows access to the storage area between 830-730at night.. normally i would park else where and not be worried , but alas my friends car was in my PIG's space! so we had to leave the car and get the bus! (as we had been warned by the owner thursday for loading late, i didnt wanna push it and get thrown out of my space)


    So then the bus back... and home by around 1130.


    Oh the joys! haha


    Many thanks to the Chap that stopped in the American Lorry offering a Tow.


    Also would like to say thanks to the Essex armour group for there help with W+P


    And all the other faces i put to Screen names...


    Was a pleasure and we shall be back for a week next year!


    As soon as i get a new instrument panel! haha


    So 3pm till 1030pm vehicle home! 7.5 hours! for a 50 max mile journey



  5. I have had a drop plate made, and also sourced a drop pin tow hitch... and just need to buy a new drop pin.


    Alas being a complete amateur to towing i have a few questions.


    With the pin that drops into the hitch... i know there a several sizes and that it should be tight in the hitch. Is this the same with the trailer tow eye?


    IE a 1inch drop pin in a one inch hitch, should it have a one inch eye? or should it have slight movement?


    I cannot find guideline's anywhere on the internet.


    My trailer will now sit level with the drop plate and lights etc have been fixed.


    Its just the eye issue, can some one help?


  6. Ok, how much room to you get?


    Or is it kinda get there and be fast...



    Im getting worried that as i shall only be there on the thursday that i shall not get a good pitch...


    i dont wanna be pushed in the rear fields and forgotten...



    Can anyone save us some space? for a humber pig APC...

    a trailer and a 6*3M Marquee


    We shall put a few beers your way...






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