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paul connor

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Posts posted by paul connor

  1. HI, been a while since i have bought fuel for my pig, and my area apears to have stopped selling 4*.


    Does anyone know if it is indeed fine to run the B60 humber pig engine on unleaded with out risk of burning valve seats? i have been mostly told that its fine, but bringing the pig from newhaven to portsmouth in may might result in the valve temperature going to high! as unleaded burns warmer, so just to get a group oppinion before i fill up.....


    Or do i just use fuel additive?





    hope some one can help...

  2. ahhh, now i know i can talk with authority! hahaha



    As some of you know i do alot of underground exploration,old WW2 sites and mines and caves, bunkers etc, and an essential part of kit is good sturdy reliable lighting that can adapt to situations.


    The best i have found that i personally use, is, well not the cheapest but it will never let you down!


    Petzl myo 5 (belt) it runs from 4*C cell batteries in a pouch with can be located in clothing (batteries run better warm) as well as having 5 LED with excellent 3 power settings. as well as a switchable halogen/zenon 100ft Spot lamp, all very light and very durable.


    As the price is around £50 im sure not of norm interest! unless you want something like that!


    My recommendation would be a Petzl Tikka, or Tactikka.


    Both are 3-5 LED and have power settings, ie , dull, flash, medium and snow blindness! haha


    The range starts at around £15 and worth every penny, light and waterproof! and you can get them in olive and camo strap!


    myo belt 5




    tactikka (led flippable red filter as well)





    hope this is of some help, you can get cheaper jap imports, but alas you get what you pay for!


    also, have a check


    updates soon of more pillboxes, and emplacements, and underground with me in the czech republic:)



  3. it just seems to have gone up alot from what i think i remember


    and seeing im changing the engine, gear box, and all the axles and transfer box its adding up!


    bar humbug.... haha


    and why does halfords not sell Ep90? is that a newhaven thing? and they dont stock sae20-50 at all!

  4. where do you get your oil?


    after leaving my old job where i got cheap motor factors oil, in my new job also motor trade, i cant get anything near as cheap?


    has it had a vast price rise?


    i need to buy a 25 ltr barrel of sae20-50.... but getting quotes for £25+!


    have i been in a time warp? is this a sign im getting old? in my day etc! i hope not im only 27! arrrchhghghghghgh!

  5. Just had a nice chilled weekend with a few beers and the sofa.


    I have watched the following and shall give a brief synopsis for the DVD buff


    HOSTLE by tarantino... Brutal horror thriller, some nice fresh ideas and some very gorey scenes.. but gripping and a good watch, with some very Sick ideas (out in cinemas soon)


    Green river killer.....well hmm, B movie ,shocking story, but poor execution and production... not worth hire of purchase...



    Wolf Creek... now this again like above is based on a true story of a couple being abducted in the outback (oz) but i think thats as far as the true story goes, a few nice twists and mandatory gore, but watchable and not as predictable as you may think


    thats a brief one, but though i would share, as you dont know what you lot watch behind closed doors... except Clive we know he watches Borat 24/7! haha


    I have herd rumours that he has a tastless beige suit on order!


    Next and final tonight im watching my Ebay win, of Chas and

    Dave on VHS! oh yes! get in there!

  6. My PIG costs me £72 with 2 drivers,

    i know the hassle! when my Landrover HVVPK broke down the RAC saved me! off i trotted and less than a mile, hear we go again! having several breakdown covers i played the fun game "who gets here first" so i called the RAC again and the AA


    This time the AA came, and he fiddled about (problem was shite fuel from tank 2, i had hit the crossover switch, and clogged the idel jet in the carb)

    he could not clear the jet, and just sat in his van miserable while i stand in the cold (winter) while he sorts breakdown recovery, Then the usual fun

    "....*on phone* yeah its an army landrover, send a recovery truck/van"

    "it wil need something bigger " i say

    "its a landrover! "says him sarcastic as i was 17

    "its not a normal one" i state, "its a HVVPK"

    "its less than 2 tonnes!" he spouts thinking he knows all

    "no it aint! its near 3.5" i tell him

    after this a childish "is " isnt" resumes . until he basically said your on your own, bye


    i made a complaint about his rudeness and arrogance!


    Then back come the RAC and spend time clearing the block and follow me the next few miles.


    Never go with the AA, useless in my opinion!


    And dont flick the fuel tank sender switch with your foot and block the bus and slow lane on lewes road in brighton for 2 hours! hahaha


    but heavy recovery, and not the dragged style would be of interest, as i hear the PIG does not take kind to being towed on rear wheels for distances



  7. oooooooooooooooo!!!!



    looking on the Forum you mention, the MK1 humber pig that they state should not be a flying and indeed a mock up, i reconise her! thats mine!


    30 BK 43! even has the same battle damage! i can see her outside now hehe


    one thing that i do find odd?


    mine was sold from the dealer to the previous owner that Clive knows, but he stated that he did not paint the vehilce? and when i aquired it , it has a triangle on the bonnet and Londonderry phone numbers on the doors?


    Clive, do you have any more pics of this vehicle? as i would love them! anything with history of 30 BK 43 would be of interest,


    Can anyone else help? pictures, history, i have the Tank museums small travel type card , but its not the most helpfull

  8. thats an RUC humber pig, with drop drown barracade remover.

    Mk 1, is that whats being asked? and it would have been admiralty grey if i remember correctly.

    And that picture is Derry as well i think

  9. hi mate, glad to have a some more younger members!


    i owned my first MV at the age of 18! was a landrover 109, then a year later i managed to stretch to a landrover HVVPK (armoured nothern ireland)


    and i think when i bought my humber pig i was 22? i think>


    im only 27 now, and it soon flys! so does the petrol cost and the swearing and hitting of hands and skin removal of knuckles working on the damn things! hahah


    good luck

  10. Any one organise meets in the East Sussex area? as i have never seen anything advertised, and from what i remember in Windscreen (not a member atm) there was no East Sussex MVT group.


    Has this changed?

  11. im not to sure? i would just copy and paste the text, right click highlight and click copy, then right click in the location and click paste is what i would do...



    i think to quote you click quote, paste your copy text then quote again. and should appear as you have asked...



    if that makes sence

    BTW How do you get a quoted bit to appear? I tried various combinations with the Quote button, but didn't manage anything



  12. ok, I have a question.. im sure Clive may know the answer to this....


    Humber Pigs, namely MK2.


    I have seen many now in green and sand camo. Where was this used? or indeed was it used?


    As far as my knowledge serves me, the MK2 Humber Pig only served in Northern Ireland?


    So why do i seen increasing amounts of Pigs in this camo style?



    Did i miss something? I know its the owners right to paint it any colour, but im just confused?

  13. i do alot of underground exploration, so i put a camera through its paces, wet, damp, mud , sand, and still demand quality and size.


    olympus mj300


    this is great, cards are small, it 3.2mp, and thats fine, check my site link all the pics are taken by it, cards are like a phone sim card, and the battery, which is a small unit that lasts forever! its a lithium and great, its an allround great camera!


    and its splash proof! which is a huge help! trust me!


    and i think it retails at about £300ish




    thats the one, and seems well cheap now as a 2nd!


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