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paul connor

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Posts posted by paul connor

  1. odd question... but what song do you listen to (if you have the luxury of a wireless in the ol' beast) or what would you think was best linked?



    I think the one that springs to my mind would have to be "one step beyond-madness" not sure why..... prob because a Humber aint the quickest...


    sounds good on those uphill struggles!

  2. hahaha




    The mechanic at my work was the best!


    "oh, its based on a landrover"


    "NOOOOOOOOO!... Well ok, its green, has wheels and is held together with nuts and bolts! was made in England and is powered by a combustion engine! but thats it!"


    Winds me up! And he is a so called "landrover 101" enthusiast


    Yes my Pig is a basically a Landrover 109. that they made bigger and used no Landrover parts on.



  3. was in the pub, with the humber Pig sitting outside with a few mates enjoying a coke (dont drink and drive ladys and germs) when we overherd in the next cubicle/seating area ...


    "well its obviously a landrover hybrid"

    said the gent..


    "well it has wheels and its green"

    said my friend


    "well what do you think it is!"

    said the gent irrate!


    "its a Humber Pig"

    i stated


    "no it isnt!, its a landrover! what do you know!

    he snarled (must have left his humour at home)


    "its a Humber Pig....its mine"

    said i


    "well whats it based on?"

    said the gent


    "a humber 1tonne truck"


    "well that does not tell me much"

    He said sarcastically


    We just looked at each other wondering what else we could say? did he want a Spec sheet? wireing diagrams?


    i know my friend should not have been sarcastic, but why do some people seem to want to tell me what my vehicle is?


    We have now started calling it "the landy" not the "pig"




    oh well...


    Im confused, it seems this is the 3rd person to tell me what my vehicle is!

    A mechanic at work told me (yes told me!, not asked) that its based on a landrover!

  4. ok, here goes, i wanna get the full attire for my Humber pig mk1, As my father served in the 1st Parachute regiment.... heres the prob


    What was the full kit? as it seems to vary in the pictures i have seen?


    Ideal the Northen Ireland street combat wear,


    I have a 70's Denison. With wings and red DZ flash on the right arm, and pegasus on the left,

    AS far as i can see its green lightweights, and some sort of boots? DMS? or Jumpboots not sure??


    and a beret/ helmet, anyone know the type used?


    Scrim net scarf and assume the old wool issue jumper..


    any one have any colour pics? and ideas? as my father passed away before i could ask what the full kit is, and my mother does not remember...



    oh yes, i assume 58 issue webbing ?


    can you help?

  5. just trying to source them both, i have the nesbitt one, which is again has many vehicle mistakes!!


    its uses mk2 pigs as well as HVVPK 109's! which did not exist then!

  6. As pictured next to Sandy Row two weeks back.


    Funny story as well! well kinda foolish !


    Was Driving back from Londonderry, when as we drove down a hill i noticed a Police unmarked van with doors open and camera's trained on the trafic.

    Naturally i slowed down and passed with caution, heading up the next hill gradient my girlfriend said "there was a soldier lying in a dictch back there" suprised and foolishly i scanned the rear view mirror for a second. When i trained my eye's back on the road ahead i realised there were four HVVPK landrovers and a Military checkpoint! after some heavy braking and a little screach! I managed to look like a fool and drove past red faced!


    I should have known! i was in the Army! haha


    Im very suprised i was not pulled over! when in ulster kepp you're eye's on the road ahead!



  7. Clive , i have to say, that along the way you have been the most helpful person i have met in the hobby!

    You took time out years back to show someone round a Pig and how to service them, That has ment alot to me! As well as answering a constant barrage of questions since then, yet always find the time.

    And even as i was young took me seriously, which alot of people dont seem to do, another person i have alot of respect for is john Newton! shame he is not on the internet!


    thanks for the patience Clive, means alot and i owe you countless beers at the next bar i see you at (hopefully Overlord)

  8. are they in fair condition then? just need a good clean?

    Im really annoyed at myself for ruining the one i had! has really put downer on the day! I am going to clean and put the old ones back in! only changed as i had rounded one! system was fine! didnt even need bleeding!


    only one problem Clive, i dont have a car at the moment! living in central city with the parking restrictions is a real pain! so until Feb when i get the chance to get a 109 im stuck with public transport!


    What the chances of posting them? i dont want to be a pain:(


    if that is ok? what would you want for them? as i can just post you a postal order or cash etc

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