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paul connor

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Posts posted by paul connor

  1. And excuse me Mr PWRR! my name is CONNOR! i dont know!


    Cara was nice to meet you to, you were in a bad way! haha, i just about remember sitting at your site!


    Anyone off to W+P?


    Andy our over LED and excited friend has cut his hand with a grinder and severed a tendon! 9AM monday he shall be going under the hammer (i know thats auctioneering) to get it fixed...


    SO monday is ANDY (tunnellad) day... please give a 10 second silence at 9AM

  2. Yes the bring money to me... they are off now in the windy place working


    Did you buy anything good at the show Borat?


    i aquired


    dpm waterproof trousers!

    a Mortar box

    a camp bed (broken)

    a riot helmet


    and some book from Cliv called Hummer 1500 series?

  3. It was a pleasure once again Mr Borat..


    Im sorry for the small burn hole in your suit from the fire, I must admit Mr Clive did have an odd Pig, unlike my one which is an "ulster" one ;)


    my sons can be a bit rowdy! but im gald they didnt keep you awake

  4. Hey, Yes a big thank you to everyone i met and showed great hospitality!


    Again a sorry for being a wee bit worse for wear on the sat night!


    Good show and a good turn out! nice to meet you all, even if i cant remember it to well :oops:

  5. As few of you know, me and a few


    Like to squeeze ourselves where we dont belong!


    and Alas i have have heard many many storys of buried this that and the other! hidden tunnels 500miles long and the 200 sherman tanks gift wrapped in a bunker.


    But have to come across any,


    Field place in Durrington, sussex is the same, a so called convoy of harleys buried! but alas no record of tunnels! and in post War times i dont think they would bury the things!


    Im not sure how far most fables go... but i have been in WW2 places that most never knew existed and walked over i have never come across anything like, and we have opened alot of the sites

  6. Pig is packed and ready to roll, and get stuck to the axles in a muddy field!


    The weather does not look the best! but oh well! we shall make the long trip and stick it out! we have good company. Alcohol, fine foods(kinda B menu rations) and Dvd on board! so we will be ok...

  7. How oh how???!?!??!?!?!



    Ok here it is, Humber Pigs like most APC's have in the rear crew compartment overhead Canvas covered foam pads...


    But alas what the b****y hell do they stick them up with?


    foam does not like sticking to metal. i have tried carpet glue, which was all good till the sun came out and they all fell off...


    any suggestions? what do i use as a failsafe ?


    the army must have had something pretty hardcore



    please help..

  8. Just wondered, every show i have been at, i see people with the large military tents with tables and chairs in, but when i look at the prices they seem to be £600 +?



    is this the case? surely not?

  9. I think i must have been over enthused this morning..


    The Pig is a splendid vehicle and i would not sell. I would like another vehicle, i understand the idea that with more than one you never spend the time you would on one.. but alas, it seems we have all gone down that road. I sold my Landrover Piglet which i should have kept really.


    I have herd Stolly are a hydrolic pain, as well as the saracen and saladin being heavy and a pain, suppose my childhood fantasys of heavier armour got the most of me starting this thread.


    Storage for me is not an issue nor the source of mixed fuel, i can get prob 50L a week near every week.


    But alas, i shoud really think about saving another poor PIG as well, as there are so many sitting rotting!


    I think ill think before putting my typing in gear



    ho hum! back to the wine

  10. The Pigs future is a very safe one! did 47M in here yesturday! and went like a dream... fully serviced and ready to Roll to Overlord.


    I would be tempted with Johns hornet, but the money needed to buy and build would be out of my budget i think..


    I just fancy expanding my collection again..:)

  11. oi oi oi!!! get to the back!!! i was here! well i was in the burger cue near the front!


    but, a pint would be nice:) we shallbe bringing a regiment issue of beer on the roof of the pig... its nice how there is suitable guttering for said shackling!



  12. thankfully i have the feeling in my tongue and lip!! just a great big hole that keeps bleeding when it so desires as well as swollen gums in said area..



    wish i could do the whiskey approach!


    not sure how long i have to leave before i cna drink?

  13. ouch! that was not the bext experience in my life!


    just had my rear molar removed! has had a repeat filling for the last 5 years as the pressure of my wisdom tooth keeps pushing it out, so alas, it was crown and root canal... or removal!


    i think i have done the right thing! at the min feels like someone has removed it with mole grips and a hammer! as well as it keeps bleeding! such fun!


    i have no idea how long this will take to heal! and i tell ya what! i could murder a beer! but i shall hold off!!


    does the hole fill over? i dare not prod it with my tongue at the moment!





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