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paul connor

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Posts posted by paul connor

  1. Only just got in, after 5 hours of travel! and cancellations on the Great British rail service!! and reserve buses to cover the line closeures! Joy!


    The list of people are..




    Chris aldous


    Rob (nuts on the wire) Rapier

    RussianMark(not on forum)



    As well as forgotten his name:( and his son, nice to meet you all..

    (names for above?)


    Im glad you all had a nice day, as Tunnelrat says we can do another trip again soon, and hopefully not get you all as muddy!


    I shall put more pictures us as soon as I get them loaded....:)


    thank you all for the great company! and alot of laughts!




  2. Ok, a quick overview of the trip.....


    Meeting at 1030/11am.... (site may be changed for ease of finding)


    Head to location


    1: underground magazine : access, well a wee squeeze but fairly simple, also some original mess buildings and Observation posts.


    2:battery plotting room : access, Down a shaft on a steel ladder (14ft) and your in.


    Move locations off to the next area 20mins away


    3. Gun batteries and surrounding pillboxes. access: very simple on foot.


    4. Deep shelter. access: not an easy one, but while we near for those who are nimble and small! while we are close we may as well have a look, others continue around the site, you wont be left out i promise.


    off to next location


    5. Gun emplacements and magazines . access: on foot, few brambles


    6. Fortress plotting room . access: small squeeze and down a ladder again. simple, unless you hate ladders


    7. underground magazines . access: on foot. and observation posts


    8. Deep shelter. Access: small drop (2/3ft) and down some stairs. (very enlightening place)


    9. Battery plotting room :access, ladder again


    10. if the light permits. new site and Deep shelter 2. access:squeeze and slide in... easy



    All the places are easy enought for the able bodied, Anything you dont like the look of do not do, as there will be lots more!


    I do stress! a torch! and a poss change of clothes as the rain recently may result in getting dirty!


    And safety is your personal issue, but alas i would not put anyone in a place i did not think was a good idea!


    If anyone is worried about anything please ask! now if your time...


    If the drop in the Deep shelter entrance is worrying you, bring a small set of steps:)


    but im sure if you all can clamber in and out of tanks and green machines you will take in your stride!


    And i hope we entertain you for the day!



    So.... Questions ? or worries? lets have them:)


    looking forward to seeing you all

  3. Right O here we go:)






    rapier rob



    Chris Aldous

    steve ryan


    thats the list so far, we cant really take anymore, as large groups! always counting heads! someone is always being picked on! dont want bullying! or any name calling! or pulling hair! Tunnelrat will be doing the register at the start and end of sites we visit.


    well, so you all know the location to meet, we may need to regroup when we all meet, as with 10 cars in convoy may be issues at sites parking etc.


    Remember to bring the following....


    Torch! and a back up!! as without it, alot of the sites will not be as enjoyable

    Boots and warm clothes, and some gloves. *test your torch!*


    We are still not 100% of the route we shall take, as we need to be haisty as it gets dark at 1630.


    But meeting at the moment is 10am, at the petrol and petrol derivatives fueling station:)


    any problems i shall post my mobile on here next week, and i shall get a 100% time shedule and smooth over any problems....


    hopefully we can keep you all entertained!



    and bring your camera!


    Tunnelrat will be doing signed photos at £4.99, as well as his signature series Petzl Headlamps at £24.99 , and Eraser and pencil sets are £3.99...


    all are available at the stall at the end of the trip.


    hehe Speak soon

  4. way back from War and Peace 06.


    While dropping a friend back to his car on some industrial estate, Pig started to gain a misfire, loss of power, now on roads i did not know, i was crossed with a hill, and a long one with lots of nice blind bend!


    You guessed it! running on two! ground to a hault! got out, checked the fuel,changed to jerry can direct feed.. started! ran! lovely!


    Off we went, same thing, but worse!


    Stoppped, checked points, plugs, all ignition... fine, started ran! great!


    mile later! engine cutting in and out, stalling! what the hell was it!


    pulled into a pub layby! great! at least its 2pm, and we in a carpark of a pub! food and drink! ... shut for refurbishment! hahahaha


    Turned out to be a faulty on/off switch on the switchpanel!


    But the hill was great! blind bend! on a hill, my APC blocking the road! cars screaching and tooting! hand to get my friends out to direct traffic!


    One less than helpfull so called mate had so much stuff in the rear i could not get to mu tools! thus raising my fury! then he just made wise cracks and didnt help!

    And he is a mechanic( apparently) but as has been proved, he does not even know what points are .... if you cant put a diagnostic computer on it, he has no idea!


    Dear me, what do they teach people nowdays?



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