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Posts posted by paulob1

  1. take a deep breath and try to read all this if you can...


    have to move afew vehicles as the grass is needing to be cut again...damn stuff...plus i have to collect some hay for the cows and move some water to fill the soon to be completed water trough...

    anyway start with green goddess, fires up first time no problem off we toddle,

    start the ural, after filling with petrol, battery ok starts first time with choke, moves off lovely.

    Zil with open top semi box body, battery down, bring over jump leads and good battery, fires after a bit of coaxing with the fuel pump, moves fine once hand brake freed off.

    Zil crane battery low fuel good, fires after a jump start and a bit of fuel in the carb, she is now being used as the water carrier.

    Zil flat bed, fires up with fuel good battery and good fuel pump.

    Star 660, batteries very iffy, bad starter and then dies, wont start now, needs looking at...likely a bit of water in fuel lines and will just need starting again..will sort it.tow her out with DROPS to cut grass...

    Zil crane 1, no fuel and no batery, just pull her out for now...cant be bothered loading another battery

    Saracen, wont pump fuel up, fuel pump dry or knackered..hell job replacing that...fire4s easily enough with a bit of fuel in the carb...

    Diesel zil has a stuck clutch,...damn, thought it was the clutch actually gone at first but no its just stuck. Had to move her about a bit and play with the air lines, mixture of low air and lack of use for a few weeks...

    FUG, fires easily, no seat as it is away for refurb...ouch that hurts, they are uncomfortable enough with a seat...without its just purgatory...

    M62 batteries dead, jump start her melt jump leads...take off batteries fit new freshly charged batteries, she fires easily lovely engine...lovely truck, just needs new wings fitting and rear winch fixing and she will be a real good un...

    M817 has had batteries on charge all night fires first click, cummins engines, lovely...brakes weak, will need to look at them this winter.

    M660, boys fail to start her, it take knowledge, I get in pump up the fuel, pull the choke, press the button and she fires instantly, boys look on amazedbad news ...no brakes the front wheel cylinder has emptied all the fluid...damn scary as I very nearly take out one of the trailers.

    FH77 jump start her from the jump pack, fires lovely, try to move no drive at all...all hydraulic fluid gone...fill her up, with lic 10 and away she goes...have filled the reservoir with a special seal swelling agent, hope this will reduce some of the hydraulic leaks...need to sort the brakes as well at some time.. love that gun...

    Ferrett, starter weak so its handle starts, works fine once you get the hang of it...still hard work, not looking forward to fitting a new starter...

    Berliet, lovely truck, batteries weak but charge up quickly and she fires on the button...damn fine engine..

    Got to collect hay so fire up foden, the clutch has been iffy for a while, now its gone completely, not looking forward to changing that...may look to get it done else where...bloody good truck but still needs more work.

    Ural cargo body, wont start...key lost new ignition key found, slow starter? has an earth short so needs to be sorted.

    and finally after fitting new belts and sorting Paulwart, my off road stolly (thanks BAZ of ringmotors) I fit new fuel regulator, to stop it flooding the carb and engine, (we have raised the tank to give me some space in the hull,fantastic, she fires up lovely, regulator is leaking needs ptfe, then find I have no brakes, main pipe gone inside hull, replace with new pipe, then two pipes go on the right hand side, one from each reservoir so I still have no brakes..pipes being remade today, for fitting then I will have a working off roading stalwart.. with big russian very aggressive tyres, it will be mega...cant wait to try it out...just got a few things to fit...see below...wheels give me at least another 2 inches of clearance with the hubs nearly level, I may drop them a tad more for another couple of inches of clearance on the torsion bars but will do this after her first off road outing...more interested in saving my knuckle joints and tracta arms than tgetting a few more inches of clearance...also need to check the winch is working and am then thinking of fitting a hydraulic winch on the back too...got to fit a few extra boxes for tools and ropes and things and she will be one fine off roading truck...


    off roading stalwart...new air lines to cab, old ones buggered, new air hose to be used to inflate and deflate tyres when off roading, this will have a permanent air line so that i can re inflate once i have finished playing,....will run about 10 psi most of the time...new 240 volt feed from geny to feed power to new sound system, she is getting 1000 watt amps, x 2, MP3 based music system and CD player and very big speakers...she will be a loud truck for sure...I may just be able to hear it above the din of the trucks drive system...

  2. my berliet tipper is a god send, its totally reliable, now we have a new air valve and runs as sweet as can be...bit of rust but i will fix that in time....still not founf a berliet TBU in good nick though...

  3. okay fixed the fuel pump, running sweet as a nut...i cleaned the plugs and that has done the trick, no back firing, running totally sweet. Went to the pub...no dipped beam, one rear light out...only just passed the MOT for heavens sake...will fix this week. they are a sweet car when running fine. just got to fix my other two now...lord Carington would be most pleased to know his truck is back in use after being swamped on slab...

  4. the foden has an eaton gearbox which i really do not like but you get used to it...the foden is a lovely truck but with the wrong back axles it will only run to 52 mph which is a reeal pain, i wanted at least 60 out of her, makes a journey of any miles so much easier...


    No I have stopped buying military stuff, am heading into the few classic cars and a number of sporty type cars...bit bored with all the hassle this country seems to throw at ex military. pointless twaddle, just makes me bored with it all...

  5. munga 1, ex the Honourable lord Carringtons personal transport, passed its MOT yesterday tax and insurance today and we are away...then its munga 2 rebuild, using parts off mung three which will likely end up as a wreck, or just maybe with a small diesel engine in it...depends on my welder getting back to work...

  6. Hi Im looking to replace the swim gear in my stolly, the usual parts are missing, do you still have the parts mate.


    Your stolly looks well. Ross


    ross i dont have the drive shafts spare or the levers or the main operting shafts but they are all available out there...keep asking and you will find them I have two dowty units but will keep those as spares for the other one.,..

  7. A DC3 Over-flew the show field (3 times) this afternoon, Draycott Level, Stoke-on-Trent, member of the crew leaning out of the loading door waving. Very nice, looked and sounded beautiful, any lower and we could have touched it.


    Yes I was in Tissington hall, Derby, saw it fly over....

  8. my unimog only does 45mph if you can stand the vibration, noise and bad brakes...not my idea of fun...


    amber lights do have a specific use and its for vehicles with a maximum speed of 25mph...if they cannot achieve this speed an amber flashing light needs to be used...however if your vehicle is forced to travel at slow speeds due to age weight or other restrictions, run with an amber flashing light. it should be dimmed at night or switched off, I use mine at night on some narrow roads, it gives great early warning to those driving along the lanes.


    If the police believe my actions to be dangerous they can happily test me in a court room, remember it is not the police who will fine you its the courts...the police may insist that you stop using an amber light if they feel it is blinding or being used in an inappropriate manner...the police generally have better things to do if they dont see that being the case...I would always argue my case for safety being usually, that I am in an unusual vehicle, generally old and generally not going much above 30-50mph depending on truck being driven...stollys are lucky to reach 40mph at the best of times.,.

  9. That's great, until some fu**wit runs up the back of you anyway and his smart a*#e lawyer gets him off because he was blinded by your non complient lights.

    Do as much as you can to see and be seen, just stay inside the law when you do it.


    sadly croc is right re the lawyers but I do feel amber flashing lights are worth using when you are an unusual load...ie slow travelling, or large or awkward to see....a flashing amber light can be used during daylight hours for the above reasons...it should not be used at night...although I still do in certain places, ie country roads. etc..

  10. we need a military vehicle/classic vehicle consideration within VOSA/DVLA If the vehicle is an ex military vehicle then there should be a specific category for it and it should be allowed to be driven on the roads, of course there has to be some proviso's for instance the chieftain can easily be driven on UK roads but would be a nightmare on some...so I think we can safely say that whilst the legal width of the 432 is close to the limit and over in some cases, this should be overlooked for most if the army regularly uses it on the roads.


    Perhaps we have to impose some speed or usage restrictions but there has to be a simpler way than there is currently...


    examples of driving home with a nut lose, we all have stories like that...no one ever takes a risk driving their perfect vehicles home do they...what sanctimonious irrelevant statements we keep coming up with.


    THE MV community needs to stick together, lets get lobbying our MP's to help us continue this noble hobby and maintain our massive history for all people...lets not consign them all to the Scrap Yard...

  11. typical UK mumbo jumbo, LETS USE THE SAFETY ASPECT FIRST, THEN WHEN THAT FAILS LETS JUST STICK TO THE FACT ITS ILLEGAL. NO JUSTIFIABLE REASON WHY, THEY JUST ARE...our roads are too narrow, no they are not. I guess we have to have some reasonable size limit, I only Guess I am not sure we really do...but common sense says if the army have driven them on UK roads for 50 years...then is it realisitically right to make it now illegal...I dont think so.






    UK MUMBO JUMBO, personified by some rather nice people on here....

  12. Tax discs for most of our old trucks are free, not having one is a bit daft but it can happen, i have a one or two trucks and things and i am slowly adjusting them all to be taxed and insured on the same day, then I WONT FORGET ANY...IT IS EASILY DONE...


    Some people do push the limits, and to be fair I would think that the problems of anyone driving without insurance are large, and ill advisable, but people do. The worst situation is where youngsters have no insurance becuase they have been priced out of the market...they have little choice but to drive without insurance, this puts them ion trouble with the law and forever destroys their lives...insurance companies have a major role in this...


    its not the only problem but it is getting harder and harder for youngsters to get insurance, this is unfair...


    oldies you should all be ashamed of driving whilst un-insured...be aware that a civil case taken against you will make you personally liable for the losses...so you are taking a massive risk...you could lose everything...


    reporting someone, am afraid in my eyes is not your responsibility...you neither have the facts nor the information, however telling the owner may be good news as he may have forgotten...if you see one of my trucks without tax, tell me, because you can be sure I would be glad to be told...

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