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Posts posted by paulob1

  1. To those who argue that the MoT is valueless because it is only a snapshot I would say that at least that snapshot is being taken and it might mean defects are found before they become dangerous.


    Once again, for some owners the MoT is the only time anyone 'mechanical' ever looks at their vehicle. The same probably applies to a lot of modern cars.


    - MG


    non mechanical people have their cars fixed at garages.

    Garages are looking for work

    They will welcome the opportunity to tell owners that a few things are wrong with the car and need doing...we certainly would and do.


    We do the mechanicals and electrics on old cars...we will now use the lack of an MOT to help us win more work...easy peasey, we are gong to offer a road safe check where we will cover the majority of the important issues.


    the government test wont be needed....

  2. anyone out there know the inside and outside width dimensions of the OT90 tracks...ie the minimimum inside width and the maximum outside width over the tracks...overall length and weight would be useful too as it seems its about 13 tons but cant confirm that...

  3. I have had interest from a certain military magazine, for doing a feature of the event, so your stolly could appear in a magazine. :cool2:


    Wherever we hold the event, I have to come over with a low loader, so normally I will pick up another stolly on route!

    (if my Belgium friend has not finished his by then) it's a fair few miles for me, so I will also need to save a few quid for the journey etc.

    so to cut costs its a good idea to team up and transport 2 at same time.





    good point shaun, I have at least three turcks I can haul, one my own, assuming I only take one and therfore have two spare places...maybe three if i can get anothe trailer before the meet is organised...


    would be good to see how many will come...perhaps we try to make it war and peace, perhaps they can knock up a lake for us for the week...

  4. Thanks Lee, it may well be VOSA but not sure my comments were at anything other than normal speak and were of course just my opinion...not an accusation or a fact, but if you think they breach forum rules I will not repeat them.


    However I do believe that the reasons for taking this money and the introduction of yet another complexity to the taxing and insuring of cars/vehicles on the road is purely for the raising of revenue. It has nothing to do with safety or making sure people have insurance, and this appears to me to be taking money from people under false pretences, I think its called fraudulently obtaining money, which is a criminal offence...all be it on a national scale but it cannot be justified, just like the annual SORN...that was introduced to stop insurance fraud and tax evasion, it did nothing of the sort, it was about raising revenue.


    The latest scam, oops scheme will generate cash for a while until we all know about it then we will sorn and reclaim the tax asap and it will backfire on the DVLA as they will ultimately lose the road tax revenue. But people will still drive on the roads uninsured because of driving bans, insurance too high and or refused and with cars that will never be mot'd, watch this space for ever more sightings of cloned cars...its the safest way for the crooks right now...the chip in the number plate has a lot of merits...

  5. I am stunned that government has been able to defeat the DVLA. they introduce regulation to rais money, nothing else, it is not about keeping the roads safe it is about keeping their jobs. WHolly commendable i am sure for those thousands of people employed sending my son a letter telling him he has a fine of 50 pound for not insuring his car which has been off the road since he bought it for repairs but not claiming back the tax it had...17 year old had no idea.

    the same attempt to fine my dad who had the same issue but they tookhis licence off him after hehad a stroke and he had no idea...these people are real criminals remember...

    The dvla AND ANYONE WHO PURPORTS TO THINK THAT THE MOT and other means of testing are essential to road safety are typical of how this country has progressed to the H&S situation it is. Go to Africa, Asia, most Russia, China there are heaps and there are good cars...and everything in between...driving standards are attrocious but it works. I doubt cars falling apart on the road do anything much other than save the peoples lives from the crazy drivers that are on the roads.

    Driver attitude and ability and state of mind are and will remain the cause of the majority of car accidents in the UK.

    My car passed its mot a week ago. the day after a wheel fell off because our trainee mechanic had tightened the bolts with an air gun...I was stopped when it fell off. and this is not a lie, he had damaged the bolts on the spacers fitted to the car by the previous owner...and they had cracked. If they had not taken the wheel off becuase the MOT said the discs had tiny cracks which they did, the wheel would likely still be on. okay the discs may have broken in a few years time as the hair line cracks may have eventually failed...but how did that help my now damaged car due to the wheel bolts breaking...mot did not help at all...


    each event has a corresponding consequence...this is the way of life. the MOT is not the answer to road safety..

  6. Driven at reasonable speed and not thrashed up through the gears you can expect to get 10-12 mpg.......convoy work always produced very poor fuel returns, too much low gear work. When you consider that a Jeep will only return about 18-20 mpg, thats not really so bad.


    I have no idea just aht its better than a stalwart and worse than my car...I drive mine very slowly, I do go to 50 mph now and again just to give her a good clean out, but she never runs more than 10 mpg.


    some of the engine rebuilds were done with hardened valve seats, think they have the head painted in yellow srtipes or something...if they have not been done then the unleaded fuel will ruin the valves eventually...you need to use the additives for unleaded fuel in unleaded fuel cars etc...you know what I mean.


    however they are still prone to drop a valve if you drive them as was intended when attending a fire...on a regular basis...so I certainly recommend gentile driving...I love driving the goddess, no idea why you double de clutch in 2 3 and 4th it has full synchro, only 1st does not...if your nice and gentle with the change there should be no problems at all...well thats my few hundrede miles worth...

  7. crikey rather him than me, I know these things can do all sorts of tricks but I have also seen how easy they can go over...it does not take much...intriguing why he was on top of the silage heap and how he got up there...

  8. I know a few of us are trying to organise a few stalwarts to get together for a full on swimming and off roading meet. One of the locations being suggested is the one in lincolnshire...its reasonably middle england for most people to get too within reasonable costs.


    Anyone one here with a stolly intersted in joining up. We dont have a date or anything yet but just guaging interest.


    Plan would be to swim and photgraph as many stollys in the water as possible...dont forget your bungs guys and make sure your bilge pump is functional...I fitted an extra one to the front of mine as she sits very heavy in the water forwards...so i am told as I have never yet swum the old girl...


    I have been thinking if I could make up some bolt on frontal device that would give me say an additional ton of frontal buoyancy...that means about an IBC size box up front...not sure if I can achieve that yet but looking into it...


    anyone know if there is a better way to improve the frontal buoyancy, am thinking if I seal up the front winch housing this must help...not sure how easy that will be but I guess any little will help.

  9. OMG!!!!! I laugh still about it!!!! I woke the next morning and every single little muscle on my poor body ached!!!!! I had bruises where I shouldn't :blush::blush::shocked:

    cant believe I tripped over the grass infront of you lot, all the cadets in the carpark and half the SOE team and I was totally sober!!!!!!! and my hubby just stood there laughing!!!!!!

    feel ok now (well apart from my pride, thats still bruised :nut:!!!!!)


    OK I will wait for Paul to get in contact re the book xx


    I have andys details re the stall holder, he is going to keep an eye out for another one for me...but i need to keep looking as well, so damn annoying I had it in my hand but he had sold it a few hours before..

  10. Well when she is full of hydraulic oil everything mostly works...items that are a problem are


    the main rams leak all the hydraulic oil over time. annoying so will try to use a thicker oil plus use some seal restorer...the combination should help it to work better and leak less until we have time to remove and repair the seals.

    there is no remote control box for the loading crane.

    the air brakes seems to be innoperative

    the whole thing is in swedish and we dont know anyone who knows Swedish.


    I need manuals for sure...damn annoying I missed the manuals at the show...damn annoying...

  11. never really got on with the shunt button, brakes seem inneffective with it, I know its designed to save the air but never found it very easy. I think the thing really needs a spare air tank or even bigger ones all round.... Although to be fair we have found a leak on the trailer.

  12. yes, it is not too wide, you can make it too wide by lowering the torsion bars and flatening the suspension but if you set it up properly it is not too wide... The down plating has become a paper excercise as I said, however the problem is replating a Stalwart assumes someone will do an MOT for it, the re doing the V5...that in my experience is unlikely although to this day I do not see why. You could just try doing it via the V5...but it must then stay within the limits, you cant do it and then ignore the limits...of course the ideal solution is to take the C license test, it will make you a safer driver and able to handle the Stalwart a good deal better on our roads...the CPC only applies if you want to do it as a trade, not as a hobby.

  13. Update on vehicles owned. it seems to have grown without me knowing it...


    1. Leyland Daf still some air leaks but will slowly eradicate them all, bit of play in one track rod end, being replaced as soon as part arrives.

    2. Foden, in shop next week for more work, to body, to replace rubbers on suspension, fit a silencer to the exhaust, will need some new tyres and we will fit a mechanical cab lifting mechism. PLus fitting of new winch.

    3. Ural box, needs horns fitting. and an electronic fuel lift pump

    4. Ural flat cargo, mostly done.

    5. FUG some water leaks and registration needs sorting

    6. Zil flat bed, some body work and some tidying to do and finally registraion.

    7. Zil cargo runs fine awaiting registration.

    8. Zil Decontam unit is in process of being rebuilt.

    9. ZIl camper needs furnishings and registration.

    10 Zil wrecker awaiting finishing..more boxes and a rear hydraulic winch fitting

    11. Brads zil needs timing and electrics sorting for forum weekend

    13. FH77 needs air brakes sorting..

    15 Saracen...all done apart from paint...will need a the second gear brake band replacing at some stage...

    16. Ferrett fuel pump needs attention and she is going to sand colour

    17. Stalwart OBRIEN stuck clutch

    18. Paulwart running fine.

    19. Ural 375, awaiting installation of ford 7.3 litre diesel engine...cannot wait, plus a loggers crane.

    20. UAZ 452 awaiting registration

    21. Gaz 69 awaiting MOT and registration.

    22. Zil rear crane, Nikita blew up its exhaust and now needs this replacing with other tidying work and fitting of a better flat bed behind the crane and relocation of the hydraulic tank and the equipment boxes...could also do with wider support legs for the crane, thinking of fitting extension legs to it to add about 3 or four foot either side, should make it much safer as when it has a full 1.5 ton load at full reach she will fall over when the load is moved to the full reach sideways....not safe...

    23. Tatra 2 door awaiting flat bed

    24. Tatra 4 door awaigint engine and a restoration and paint.

    25. MTLB working fine, needs a bit more fancy work inside.

    26 432 needs paint

    27. 434 needs fuel pump and hydraulic control gear.

    28. Unimog is for sale

    29. star 266 awaiting registration

    30 Star 660 leak on front airover hydraulic brake

    31 Star 660 awaiting head replacement.

    32 Zil rear cab crane awaiting flat bed and work to crane then registration.

    33. M62 awaiting work on wings and cab and air leak on brakes then paint.

    34 M817 awaiting full respray and a bit of bolt together work.

    35 Man truck running sweet.

    37 weeks trailer aweaiting cosmetic restoration and MOT

    38 MESA trailer in use but will be getting better ramps, a slightly longer rear end and an extension to the front tow bar. then we need to weigh it to see how much it weighs emplty and then we can work out the full load it can take,...hoping we can get it down to 1 ton empty and then carry 3.5 tons on it...max load is 4.5 tons.

    39 Zil 131, spare truck is going to be converted into a driven trailer, like the zil 137...well thats the idea, if it ever happens we will never know...may be better to get a new cab and get it running again...time will tell...

    40 Diesel zil need new fuel pump, awaiting fitting.

    41 Kirovets should be with us some time next week.

    42. BRDM is awaiting collection from Poland.

    43. Munga 1 ready for road

    44. Munga 2 awaiting rebuild

    45. Munga 3 getting diesel engine.

    46. Green Goddess

    saracen wreck...to be modified...

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