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Posts posted by paulob1

  1. Scam....


    And before you put a brick through his window the address wont be real either!


    Sadly there are people out there who waste their lives doing this. Its not hard to do and I guess he only needs 1 person in a hundred to fall for it and he's in profit...


    and its more like 3 in a hundred by all accounts that fall for it...heard it on tv or somewhere to with another scam artist. they make a small fortune out of people like us...


    the good ones are impossible to identify, even when you have paid them and they do not send the goods you think its someone elses fault, the banks the postal company...these are one of the worst kinds of humanity around...


    I sent 500 pounds to a guy in poland, He pretends to trade in this business, but i never got my engine, and I know of four other people who traded with him and got nothing...but milweb will not take him off the advertising list unless someone sues him and it is 'proven through court' I sort of understand this but with five people now out of pocket surely thats good enough to put a halt to it..or do we have to wait for even more people to lose their money...


    I know HMVF have stopped his membership and thats right...well done our boys but milweb wont...poor show on their part...we all have to work to stop fraud not just the courts...have yopu ever tried taking a foreigner to court...I have cost me the value of four DROPS trucks, we won, all that moneyback and more and never got a penny. Courts dont work..

  2. driver skills nothing to do with why we have insurance...insurance is a scheme that everyone pays into and the few need from time to time...it should be a fixed price for every vehicle, not on the driver, with perhaps a variance for value and or size/age...it should not depend upon the drivers skill because even the best drivers make the odd mistake now and again,...hence why we have insurance...


    what we have in the UK is a prejudiced nd out of control system that is run by money grabbing insuarance companies that do not provide the service we want...this should be simplified and changed...would be very easy to do..and then we would have no cars running around without insurance...easy job to tell and no need to stop drivers all the time to check documents...


    traffic police would be almost redundant....crime stats would half and they could focus on something else...

  3. thanks guys premium choice on the list will try KGM too...insurance is a scam in the UK...in Germany you insure a vehicle...then if anyone drives it it is insured...easy peasey, no rip off prices for young drivers, no stupid policies for the older people. As insurance was designed the sharing of the paments makes it cheaper for everyone...this is how it should be..


    a community shares the costs...it is not about paying for what we use...

  4. I have insured my trucks with footmans james my classic cars and my bikes for the past 10 plus years, i get a letter today that they will not insure my son anymore as they do not do people under 25...they have insured him for the past two years...what a pain...tried Adrian Flux but they will only do Bradley on his own if he has the vehicles registered in his name and is the keeper of the vehicles, what a load of get out of paying twaddle that is...


    so now i am on the hunt for a new insurance company, ...

  5. driving on the road is a pain, I take my 432 out from time to time and they are a challenge. A very noisy one at that...the ot 90 is a bit wider on the tracks which is more tricky, but you can get rubber pads and if you get it registered you can run at 20 mph..easy enough, the 432 runs at max 30 mph but your better keeping to about 22-25 mph in a 432...


    if the ot 90 is anywhere near the same as the mtlb they are mega fast but the gear change is a pain...ours is having gearbox issues so we will change that out in the coming months...


    I took mine for a 40 mile drive it took 2 hours I did stop at home for a bit of a pose, but at the end of the drive I was knackered, exhilerated but knackered..the concentration the effort the noise and the stupid car drivers all make for a very busy journey

  6. I need the age of my munga verified DVLA cocking it up again after its been on the road for the past 30 years, they now decide they want its true age...is there a munga club who can do this for me...

  7. If you are member of the MVT its a free service :D and allows you three verificications a year


    In my opinion the club concerned is on dangerous ground verifying everything given the comments in the guidance document from the DVLA


    here we go again...I always like to think that this club is about helping people with sound advice...the club does it the DVLA accept it and all is fine. No other point need be made...

  8. The Supacat is a great vehicle. Like any other it has it's limitations, go outside them and you have problems.


    The one we have out here has caught a few people out because they do not take the time to listen at the drivers briefing and think they know everything.


    It has a low ground clearance but, if you observe the ground and offset to the ruts you are fine.


    It has no suspension at all and relies on the tyres for some give. I find people drive the vehicle way too fast and subject the machine to abuse frankly.


    The driving position is not understood until it all goes wrong. Because of the skid steer function of the handle bars, pull back on one side at a time, when people over over a bump at speed and get thrown backwards in the seat they tend to pull the handle bars back by accident and induce a skid steer to one side or the other. This is where they get caught off guard.


    On road this is amplified as they get going way too fast on flat tarmac, if the nose comes up and slams down after a bump it can hunt to one side or the other if your not careful.


    Personally I hugely enjoy the Supacat and love driving it and operating it but understand what it won't do and live within those limits.




    got to agree, I have three of these types of vehicles, an argo cat, great fun, and no weight so can shuffle itself over most humps..better than the supacat because it is so much lighter, a reliant engined version which was great but the engine kept overheating and was a pain, heavier than the argo and so gets stuck more...and a scot track, all hydraulic drive and very easy to drive and with the tracks on will go most places, but no suspension, hard tyres make for a very bouncy uncomfrotable ride and as I say I find they are useful for just about nothing...


    sold the reliant engined one still ahve the argo and the scot trac but they sit here collecting dust..

  9. Brilliant, I love having a laugh in our Ferret too, so easy to drive. The sidewalls on ours aren't great either but remember how thick the sidewall actually is. We ran ours for a whole season and failed to notice the valve had been sucked out the tyre :nut:. Liked your page on Facebook, great stuff. Do you use many of them on the road?


    I register most of mine and drive as many as I can shortish journeys to keep them in tip top condition...its the only way to make sure they are all running fine...and to keep everything from freezing up...

  10. Is there anyone in the Southeast who has got a Supercat that my wife and I could come and try. I am keen to get one but she would like to see one and have a go first.


    Many thanks




    very nice looking machines, but no idea what they can be used for, they get stuck at the slightest bit of bog and ruts...good on grass..not great on roads either...no where near as much fun as a vehicle with wheels, proper steering and greater ground clearance...

  11. yes and this weekend I took the ferret home for a nice play, son loves driving this one...they are such a sweet machine to drive about in...she will need new tyres sometime in the near future as the sidewalls are starting to show signs of cracking more and more on all the tyres...


    we took the ferrett on slab common a few weeks ago, that was cool...


    take a look at the cold war collection on facebopok, web page coming too...

  12. yes they are getting to the point where playing with them is always going to be expensive and so i am sure as time goes on this will be less and less the realitiy of owning these kinds of toys...


    for isntance parts for the stolly are now getting more and more rare. air parts now impossible to locate, nearly, and seals need to be remanufactured...its all getting hard work...

  13. The boys have fixed the ural steering pump seal went, and the stolly needs a new brake hose, they have all failed over the past few months will replace the remaing 2...also must fit the bungs next time...it was full of mud and water...


    I have to add that since the stalwart had the jolley electronic ignition fitted it has run a treat...think she was missing a bit on one cylinder by the end of the weekend but they were so covered in mud that may have been the cause...will check...

  14. Awfull mud cant believe those middle and back tyres have tread on them they look bald in some of the pics.


    Still a nice day for getting stuck.....:cool2:



    at the end of the weekend we tried letting the tyres down, its really odd, the Russian tyres have a lower ply rating than the bar grips, but the bar grips give a much softer ride at the same pressures...


    so i let the tyres down to around 10 psi and this improved the off road performance immensley...will try to go as low as 5 psi next time to see how it improves the trucks off road ability in this clay......

  15. we were over at wagtails this weekend, perfect weather, on the Russian military trucks forum...


    I took my stalwart, honda quad and MTLB on the daf and weeks trailer, and drove the ural up the rear...


    great weekend...


    here are a few videos on one very stuck stawlart...it was very heavy clay and became increasingly slippy, the treads would clag up and turn into slicks have a look...



    ural pulling and still stuck...


    eventually took the mtlb the winch on the stolly and the ural pulling, she was very deep and very stuck...

    here she is in another claggy hole...



    and getting out with much effort on brads part with the stiff clutch and almsot unchangeable gearbox....



  16. heheh.:D........don't altogether agree though ....

    ... I found Suzuki SJs and the earlier model , the LJ 80 to be cracking little vehicles and almost bombproof off road.....

    ..the falling over thing I don't agree with at all as absolutely any 4x4 can be tipped over ... I reckon the problem was more to do with younger (perhaps) and /or inexperienced drivers expecting them to corner like a little normal road going car would ..........

    Incidentally I read somewhere a few years ago that there was a concerning number of accidents with Defender / 90 coil springers being tipped over when they first came into Military service as they didn't 'behave' as ordinary leaf sprung Landrovers did especially when cornering?.

    ....anyone ex services got any knowledge/recollection of this maybe??

    I've felt for many years that 4 Wheel drives in general often carry the brunt of a lot of misconceptions and I think they (and Landrovers) come in for a lot of flak that is not due or fair...

    ..How many of you have heard something like

    "Oh it's got a difflock...that means it's unstoppable doesn't it?".....or.....

    ....."go up a mountain won't they?" etc etc ........

    I've lost count of the number of times I've tried (usually unsuccessfully) to explain that a difflock in an older Range Rover merely locks the centre diff and not the cross axle ones and thereby actually turns the drive train into exactly what the Series Landrovers have.....

    .....and don't even start on trying to explain (especially to someone that already knows everything about 4 wheel drives and off roading:cool2: ) about ' transmission lock up/twist' due to having the truck in full time 4 wheel drive on the road........:D

    Recently I took a Series Landrover for an MOT at a garage (that shall remain nameless) and the admittedly young tester fella said " I can't put it on the rolling brake tester cos it's a 4 wheel drive and it'll wreck it" :-D


    its the same as people think about a stalwart going anywhere, they are good off road of that there is no doubt but not anywhere, but also to be fair, anywhere is mostly where people would not really go and the reality of off roading is that you will always get stuck at some stage and the only safe solution is another similar vehicle nearby, a winch may help some of the time, but the more weight you add the more likely you are to bog down, so its all relative...


    my stalwart has permanent 6x6 diff locks the lot, and i know where it will and where it wont go...and some of the wont gos are not that difficlut just a bit of deep boggy ground and we are stuck...a suzuki with no weight balloon tyres will virtually float on the top of the bog and leave me behind...they do topple over easily just as do landrovers given the right incentive...I certainly know how to do the latter...

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