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Posts posted by paulob1

  1. garbox has a lot of issues and i will sort them over time, it runs sure enough, brakes need adjusting easy enough, hand brake too after it was burnt by said previous driver, then it will be going for a nice paint and brush up...not really military in this guise but it was used by the military as a heavy haul truck at times so it has some military history.


    list so far,



    gearbox settings...she is definitely not working right, first job is clean it out new oil and then seeif that improves the gearbox changing experinece, if it doesnt then it will be a take out and replace or rebuild...am on the hunt for a kirovets gerbox...its juts the gerbox gear changing clutches that need changing...possibly if it isnt adjustments.

    clean out all then fuel lines replace all the rubber bits and seals and get it running sweet...

    tidy up.

    find PTO system and fit then buy heavy pto chipper and go chipping my trees...


    need to find some suppliers of parts for these things...not easy so far...

  2. ooh excellent, I used my stolly for ripping out a tree stump once, i first tried with the zil 131,nothing then I attached another zil 131, nothing,


    so out comes the stolly, first gear it just ripped it out without hesitation or stopping...



    then I got told on a forum never use a stolly for ripping out tree stumps as the shoock loads can break the bevel boxes...luckily they didnt tell me before I removed the stump...and nor did they tell my stalwart...

  3. it surely is good news. does stir up more questions though...I assume you mean warfield near Bracknell...


    it obviously wasnt going abroad, it wasnt going to the gypsies cash fund, it wasnt going to be used for anything untoward.


    it will no doubt be a most intriguing story, if the truth is ever found out...maybe it was a drunken prank...maybe just a chap trying to get home...who knows, perhaps it is someone on here....

  4. Thanks for the replies.


    I'll head over the the other forum when I get a moment. Just had a brief glance and there seems to be some interesting reading over there. Its quite re-assuring that there is a dedicated forum too.


    I have seen the Ural on ebay, but I think it is too new for me to drive on a cat B car licence. Looks like a nice truck though.


    dmetalmiki, I have sent you an email.


    if you are going to drive an 11 ton or more truck you need to get your licence upgraded. Not only will it make you a safer driver, it will make you more aware of the dangers of driving a big vehicle on the road and ensure you know the rules for big vehicles.


    The Kraz is over width, but was manufactured from 1959...very early pre-production models...there seem a lot of these in the UK...I think some were collected a long time ago by BUDGE.


    The kraz is generally reliable, but you need to ensure all oils and seals are good....the bodywork is metal over a wooden frame which has a tendency to rot....this menas the cab will eventually fall apart...but its an easy fix and the woddwork is not difficult.


    they are goodish engines and have been used in almost everything, MTLB, KRAZ, Kirovets tractor etc...they are not very refined but strong and reliable. They will run on just about anything...from old engine oil to std diesel, paraffin and petrol included although I would always advise that petrol is diluted 50/50 with diesel before being used...


    I do not have a KRAZ but i do have the two of those engines, one in the MTLB and a spare...the spare is a bit sick at the moment so am trying to resurect it...


    I would suggest a Zil131 or a Ural4320, or 375d as a first Russian truck but I do know of a Kraz for sale if you PM me...

  5. who knows who did it....great theorising but is there any feed back from the police...is there any evidence of it being moved from the site...cameras etc....are there any gypsy camps near to the site...


    just means one thing...we need better security. sad but in these days of tough times I suspect we will be needing to cover our backs as well as our fronts sides and tops...etc...


    lee any theft is odd to me.....I dont know where it was taken from but if your saying that it was an easy steal from where it was then the above applies...but then all the other questions come in why just the truck...


    I still think its odd that just the truck went and specific parts for what appears to be an opportunist theft...but may not have been...wonder what the police have said...

  6. got to agree, it doesnt feel like a pre-planned theft, not that I know anything about stealing at all. Does sound a tad odd, that someone can walk up to a truck get in drive off and no one knows anything about it, if it was low loaded and time was taken to steal identifiable items from othe vehicles the time taken to do this must have been immense.


    All sounds damn odd to me...

  7. I have to ad this,..it surely cannot have been planned...did you always plan to leave it in the car park...at the specfic time, was it left there long enough for an opportunist thief to plan collection...was it carried off or driven off...there must be someone who saw it going...what have the police said...

  8. I suppose the ideal scenario is that we save everything that was ever made...practical considerations taken into account memorials serve a purpose just as much as running vehicles.


    However some people would have all military items melted down and turned into farm tools, so I doubt there is a common view..except within the military collectors world. However a tank memeorial may give rise to some thought by the people who have no interest in it....and forget just what happened and is still happening around the world to free people from tyranny....and in some cases to try and put people back into it...


    Finally I personally think all military vehicles should be given to me and I will look after them for ever..full stop.

  9. they are an excellent bunch ofchaps. Radim is very very helpful..Just make sure you both understand fully what you are buying. English is tough for them and although they speak it very well, sometimes they miss crucial meanings.


    For instance new engine to them means new to me, not brand new from the factory...an important mistake I nearly made...I wanted brand new...but once I had the picture of the engine I understood...they were not trying to be awkward just did not understand my words...


    But I would say they are one of the few dealers out there that you will trade with over and over again and never feel cheated..

  10. This is rather a shame,but at many forties events this year I have seen that on the advertisement it has stated 'Only allied uniforms,no axis will be admitted'. Maybe this discrimination has something to do with this situation... Many of the owners may like to wear costume befitting their vehicle? I like to see all types of uniform. Sometimes it is a little dull when EVERYONE is dressed as a GI....


    how dumb...

  11. As i said is it a standard switch eg simple on of putting a light on off Or is it vairable working a guage through vairable resistance in the switch.

    If its the first any oil pressure switch with two terminals can be used eg lucas Delco reme etc as long as the thread the same.


    variable...works the guage...

  12. Is it it simply oil light on off switch or has it an electrical oil pressure gauge. If its the first any screw in any oil pressure switch with same thread will do the job. If second try fitting a mechanical guage using nylon pipe to connect as a stop gap until sorted. What make is the switch i doubt very much its leyland specific


    its an electrical one and not particularly standard, its a valio item and they know it but cannot supply it we have to get it from the army or the manufacturer..damn annoying

  13. okay I need some help...oil pressure switch failed on my truck, so now need a new one they are only Leyland?daf fitments and all the truck places I know say they cannot get it...anyone got any idea where I might get one...have a useless truck without it..


    we did a full fluids check and everything is all greased and oiled and ready to run sweet again.,...front leaking diff was nearly empty...thats full now with the new higher prssure valves supplied care of John at protrucks...top man indeed, owe him a pint or three...


    anyway can anyone help with the oil pressure switch...

  14. Update on vehicles owned. it seems to have grown without me knowing it...and I forgot to mention a few more, I am a dope...

    1. Leyland Daf still some air leaks but will slowly eradicate them all, bit of play in one track rod end, being replaced as soon as part arrives.

    2. Foden, in shop next week for more work, to body, to replace rubbers on suspension, fit a silencer to the exhaust, will need some new tyres and we will fit a mechanical cab lifting mechism. PLus fitting of new winch.

    3. Ural box, needs horns fitting. and an electronic fuel lift pump

    4. Ural flat cargo, mostly done.

    5. FUG some water leaks and registration needs sorting

    6. Zil flat bed, some body work and some tidying to do and finally registraion.

    7. Zil cargo runs fine awaiting registration.

    8. Zil Decontam unit is in process of being rebuilt.

    9. ZIl camper needs furnishings and registration.

    10 Zil wrecker awaiting finishing..more boxes and a rear hydraulic winch fitting

    11. Brads zil needs timing and electrics sorting for forum weekend

    12. Berliet GBC 8KT Tipper

    13. FH77 needs air brakes sorting..

    14. Saracen Wreck, want to make it a four wheeler with two smaller wheels middmounted not carrying any weight and used only when in deep doggy doo do...

    15 Saracen...all done apart from paint...will need a the second gear brake band replacing at some stage...

    16. Ferrett fuel pump needs attention and she is going to sand colour

    17. Stalwart OBRIEN stuck clutch

    18. Paulwart running fine.

    19. Ural 375, awaiting installation of ford 7.3 litre diesel engine...cannot wait, plus a loggers crane.

    20. UAZ 452 awaiting registration

    21. Gaz 69 awaiting MOT and registration.

    22. Zil rear crane, Nikita blew up its exhaust and now needs this replacing with other tidying work and fitting of a better flat bed behind the crane and relocation of the hydraulic tank and the equipment boxes...could also do with wider support legs for the crane, thinking of fitting extension legs to it to add about 3 or four foot either side, should make it much safer as when it has a full 1.5 ton load at full reach she will fall over when the load is moved to the full reach sideways....not safe...

    23. Tatra 2 door awaiting flat bed

    24. Tatra 4 door awaigint engine and a restoration and paint.

    25. MTLB working fine, needs a bit more fancy work inside.

    26 432 needs paint

    27. 434 needs fuel pump and hydraulic control gear.

    28. Unimog is for sale

    29. star 266 awaiting registration

    30 Star 660 leak on front airover hydraulic brake

    31 Star 660 awaiting head replacement.

    32 Zil rear cab crane awaiting flat bed and work to crane then registration.

    33. M62 awaiting work on wings and cab and air leak on brakes then paint.

    34 M817 awaiting full respray and a bit of bolt together work.

    35 MAN beavertail recovery truck new water pump being fitted...plus 24 volt winch.

    36. Land rover 110 with 300 tdi fitted ex falkland islands...going all green instead of blue...

    37 weeks trailer aweaiting cosmetic restoration and MOT

    38 MESA trailer in use but will be getting better ramps, a slightly longer rear end and an extension to the front tow bar. then we need to weigh it to see how much it weighs emplty and then we can work out the full load it can take,...hoping we can get it down to 1 ton empty and then carry 3.5 tons on it...max load is 4.5 tons.

    39 Zil 131, spare truck is going to be converted into a driven trailer, like the zil 137...well thats the idea, if it ever happens we will never know...may be better to get a new cab and get it running again...time will tell...

    40 Diesel zil need new fuel pump, awaiting fitting.

    41 Kirovets should be with us some time next week.

    42. BRDM is awaiting collection from Poland.

    43. Munga 1 ready for road

    44. Munga 2 awaiting rebuild

    45. Munga 3 getting diesel engine.

    46. Green Goddess

    47. Land Rover 90...buggered.

    48. Scott Trac, needs inner tyres and then tracks re fitting

    49. Argocat, needs new engine fitting

  15. I am amazed that anyone votes 'for' the petition but then I am amazed that people think any law is sensible....we are supposedly modern civilised people and yet we have more rules and regulations in this country than virtually anywhere else in the world...it is non sensical that we need to be fined 30 pounds for riding bikes on the pavement, its non sensical that you can be fined for your employee falling on the snow because you didnt put up signs saying 'take care snow'...its ludicrous that lawyers fight cases for compensation when in reality there was no whiplash or loss to the people involved...we have a ludicrous system perpetuated by those who think the Law will protect them, and those that know it will just keep them in a living, which it does. However when some one murders someone the law has failed, when someone has an accident the law has failed, the revenge attitude of the law is foolish and pointless...it does nothing but generate angst and animosity. i agree we dont need a lawlass society as some will always want to err on the wrong side of decent no matter what the good people do but come on...more laws we dont need any more laws...any reduction has to be applauded.

  16. Unfortunately lots of people get killed or maimed every day on our roads by perfectly well maintained vehicles......... its the driver. We should pay more attention to the drivers suitability to be on the public highway rather than just the vehicle.


    Driver gets one MOT throughout his life time, now tell me that is sensible...if reducing accidents was the real aim of VOSA and DVLA and the government then we should have five year driver refresher courses. not tests but refresher courses where people go through the basics again and some of the changes that have occured during that five year period...in my opinion this would reduce deaths on our roads a thousand times better than the MOT test..which I doubt saves anyones lives.


    my garage will check a car over for people, and we do spot all the issues the MOT does, but we are then in danger of being accused of making up problems for work...because our business is word of mouth we are well trusted and people come back to us time and time again...we have just finishe a 30's topolino for a lady and fixed my riley, ooh just remembered I have a fuel leak on the riley, and it passed its mot last week, they didnt see the fuel leak...I will get the fuel leak fixed not because it would fail its MOT but becasue it has a fuel leak.

  17. I have a few military vehicles, even scrap value they are into five figures, if they have even a smallish value they are worth a good deal more so madness it surely must be...and certifying such madness not far from the reality of our lot, mind you i have a load of cars and other vehicles too...so i am well gone...

  18. I guess we all have stories of near misses, a wheel fell of my car the other day the day after the MOT test, nothing is fool proof. if you think all of these dieas through cars are dangerous full stop..moving is dangerous, standing still is dangerous...my riley failed its last MOT because the washer was not producing enough water...oh and the front offside brake was leaking brake fluid, working but leaking, we could see that oursleves and it has been replaced...my ural would fail its MOT unitl todays as we could never get water out of the jets in sufficient quantity...now with electric motor...


    we can go on and on, i know this guy who...etc and I KNOW THIS GUY WHO ...ETC ETC ETC No to MOT for pre 60's cars is right...it should also be like that for military vehicles not used commercially ad doing a limited mileage...ridiculous to treat my DAF doing say 1000 miles a year the same as the DAF doing 200,000 miles a year...


    anyway no to MOT's

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