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Posts posted by paulob1

  1. Its actually quite interesting looking up the definitions of Medium Mobility and Improved Medium (MMLC and IMMLC respectively). It was an attempt to come up with a series of specs that guaranteed certain things could be done. As well as our two DROPS contenders there was a LMLC (Low mobility) - the Foden 16 tonne - and a HMLC (Stalwart).


    The only difference in cross coutry related specs (ground pressure, power to weigh, ground clearance etc) between IMMLC and HMLC was amphibiosity. At one point we trialled a IMMLC 8tonne variant - the so called Big Wheeled Bedford with fast deflating (but very slow inflating) tyres. Central tyre inflation was too much for the beancounters.


    Thus the MMLC was supposed to have a decent capability off road - and it did, although not in the same league as the Foden or stolly or whatever. The fact that they are still cutting it in the sand (quote the procurement executive at the time in response to our we dont think its all that good in sandy conditions - "this vehicle is being procured for northern germany. It will never ever be deployed anywhere sandy") is testament to the fact that they are actually half decent when not on hard standing.


    Diff locks in early, plenty of momentum and no sharp turns were, and presumably still are, winners every time. Oh and always carry a rack so that you can caterpillar out of trouble in extremis...


    caterpillar out now that sounds intersting, more explanations please...

  2. Yep me to,A 10L Petrol ,6 cly engine (which has A straight though exhaust) make's a lovely nosie!But as it is the LWB version (of the M54) at over 44,000lbs & 32 feet long,short or light it not!


    yes they are cool engines, nearly 2 litres per cylinder...plates for pistons I guess...mine flies at over 60 mph if your brave enough...and she is 22 tons as a wrecker plus bits...

  3. Not saying a word....................


    Actually MMLC were always not too bad cross country, especially with a load (pretty rubbish without) just hampered by that dead second axle. The Scammell IMMLC was a 6 wheeler and there was serious discussion post Gulf War 1 about either removing the second axle or fitting the hubs with hydraulic motors that could be driven in extremis from the hydraulic system. No-one was interested in persuing it though for obvious reasons.


    We used to worry about all the testing being done at Long Valley and similar though, as these locations gave folks a very optimistic assessment of cross country ability.


    My first venture off road with it was when the diff locks would not work it bogged down at the first bit of mud. so have always been a bit wary of it...however now I have the diff locks all working reliably it is much better...and yes she struggles a bit more without the weight on the back...assume the suspension being unloaded does not give as much and hence some of the wheels have no grip....I am however getting a bit more adventurous with it now...


    however its a road truck mostly so off road playing will always be limited.

  4. Paul,


    Thanks for your various replies.


    Some how, crossed chains and load binders work so much better for big kit like this than ratchet straps ever can in as much as the ability to draw a load down, my opinion based on a number of years of heavy equipment moving, not embraced by everyone else. Fair play if you like them.





    I personally hate ratchet straps and straps for anything much bigger that a car...always prefer chains....

  5. oh and forgot to add the stolly is held by her hull not on the wheels so the suspension of the stolly moves, hence the chain movement...when we stopped prior to going on the road the chains were tightened somemore, but you will always get some bounce in the suspension if you fix to the hull not the wheels...

  6. hi Robin


    In answer to your questions..


    the stalwart is mounted on the rack with four doubled up ratchet load binders each of 6 tons working load and 18 tons minimum breaking strain, four of them, with doubled up chain with a minimum breaking strain of 21 tons, so one chain block alone will hold over 36 tons before anything will break....thats nearly five times the weight of the stalwart, and there are four of these one on each corner.....


    The rack is not held on physically it just fits under the loading lugs on the chassis, and the big hook this allows it to twist and bend so allowing flex in the chassis.


    Yes the stolly is a little bit rearwards on this occasion, it should have been about 12 inches further forward but at 8 tons its not going to task the trucks load limits or its balance...as is shown by its off road ability...


    The ural electrics died on the day and not only did the old girl have to haul the stolly she had to haul the Ural on a straight bar 25 miles back to site...she worked very hard that day...

  7. it is metric fine for the nuts and bolts, these are not so common here in the UK...so beware of this...


    its an easy engine to work on there is enough space in the engine bay to get at things its just that there isnt really enough space for you as well...so somethings can be awkward...


    oils are all typical russian, and mostly mineral oils are used, however the brakes I have never been able to find which is the right flid...they used to use dot 2 in the early days but you cant get that any more so I am at a loss as to what to use...


    I am hopefully getting mine in a few weeks too will get a few spares and some nuts and bolts for mine as a precaution.

  8. That cad stole over $60,000 AUST off me. We are starting a legal proceeding against him with the Polish Public prosecuter.

    Would be interested in hearing more, as it can prove what a crook he is, IF we can get a sucessful case against him, will help everyone in the end.

    PM me if you are interested, Iam sure that there are more than two of us out there :wow:


    we have three people, two got paypal to refund the money. I understand that Paypal cancelled his account. I could not claim it trhough paypal as I had waited too long. bit unfair really as the only real proof you are not getting what you bought is when it doesnt tunr up after all your conversations with him. Anyway there is a real papertrail on this..the amounts are all smallish and show a catalogue of theft...All of this must be easily shown and traced through his bank account and Paypal. Will get onto the boys who nearly got done and see what info I can get together for you...


    this guy has to be taken out of the military game...

  9. sorry troy that was my typo mistake...I meant you.


    yes and you know if I can help ever with your efforts let me know..I am a lot closer than you so am willing to help where I can and I have a lot of polish contacts...


    this guy needs to be taken out of our game...and we have to keep shouting,. Mod Edit should re look at their policy on these matters. i know there is always two sides to a story but this guy is an out and out Fraudster...

  10. I have been telling everyone about him for months, the problem is Mod Edit will not take him off the list as we have not taken him to court and sued him....he is a real thief. I know where his father lives and am assuming he is living with his father again as there are you tube pictures of him at his fathers house.


    what he also does is buy vehicles, sends them to you without paying for them and they get confiscated...I think thats the story, robin can fill us all in.


    He is a seriously nasty chap...never every send money to him...

  11. It starts pretty much after 3 cranks on the button, checked the fuel tube today and its gone down some more and i havnt started it since the last time i looked :shocked: wtf is going on ?? all i can think of is its balancing between the 3 tanks, but it seems a bit random and it takes several days to do it !

    i also dipped the rear tanks the other day and it seems to be the same level as the first time i checked!?

    cant smell any fuel leaks.....

    will have to investigate some more i suppose?

    the book says they burn 28-38 lts per hour but it only ran on tick over for 15 mins max and the fuel tube went down by 30 mm and now over two days later its gone down another 25 mm approx...


    if you cannot smell the diesel and it is definitely going down then you may have a leaking injector......we had one drain out into the cylinder head and then slowly fill the sump with diesel...when we came to start the engine it would not turn over because of the fuel in the head...easy enough fix.

  12. Have you tried Hagerty- 0844 824 1134 some of my mates in the AVO owners clubs used them, as as i recently posted I have just moved to them. Try that number, i spoke to Charlie who was most helpful.


    All the best



    will give them a try but the nfu look as if they are going to come good...and then I am sorted...been with the nfu for over 7 years with my main vehicles, shame i am going to have to leave footman james...I have my classic bikes my cars and my MV stuff with them, a lot of vehicles and have never made a claim in ll the years i have been with them, and I havebeen with them for a long time....


    They say its their underwritter that has changed his mind on family members under 25..utter madness...

  13. yes it is but it is wrong, it is prejudical against our younger members...and we all know you cannot be prejudiced these days...


    i have three sons, they want to drive my cars and trucks, brad did his HGV c+e with onyl 2 advisories, I got 5. I want to put my second son through the tests as it makes people better driverss learning how to drive a big vehicle, my opinion..and it will therefore make him safer on the road...but if he cannot get insured it makes a mockery of the law...

  14. still having no joy with isurance...NFU last hope.

    and Griff I hear what you say, its about risk today, but that is not what it was introduced for and not what it is really about. Insurance is about spreading the cost of covering accidents.


    if you start making people pay more for their insurance then they wont pay, if you then follow that through some people will have to pay more for those that dont pay...


    'oh well blow me, thats what is happening today and we wonder why' .(sarcasm) ..well its because some people think that people should pay for their insurance based on risk...wrong...thats why we have people with no insurance...its too expensive because we are making people pay disproportionately based upon risk...it will never work...


    society is about sharing the costs and building for the better...its not about blame and risk...the real cost of insurance is the neck injury claims and fraud, and paying out for uninsured drivers......not the number of accidents the kids have...

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