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Posts posted by paulob1

  1. the major point about the restoration is that we are restoring it, partially by rebuilding and by doing this we are showing our skills partially by sourcing new parts where rebuilding is not possible...ie new rubbers and tyres and other engine bits where remanufacture or restoration is not possible...


    if you need your MV restored we can do it and the foden is part of the process to show all just what we can do...


    I hope to have a fully kitted out new location over the coming months as I am desperately trying to find a new location for the collection and the business. The aim is to have all my 50 plus vehicles under cover within 12 months and to have the collection up to 100 vehicles by the end of next year...we have a lot to do...


    we will be needing volunteers next...then a grant from the Lottery fund...and then a new building for them and then we will have a military festival and so on and so forth...I wish...

  2. agree 100%...re Gregorz, Polish Motor Vehicles DO NOT DEAL WITH HIM he has taken money from me and others and does not supply the goods...


    Does it have a water cooled oil cooler. I do not know the t54 engine at all but this is a potential source...if it does...


    these can fail and put water into the oil..




    the bad news is that if you have water in your oil, it could be a head gasket, OR A RANGE OF OTHER PROBLEMS...


    Not going to mention the other problems as it may make you cry...I think at the least you may need to have the heads off, at worst a full engine rebuild unless as i say there is another water oil interface that could have failed, ie water cooled oil cooler..etc...


    there is no chance that its just plain old condensation or a leak through rain or similar getting to the engine, ie filling the sump and getting in via a filter or something...????

  3. yes they are designed to squidg like that, the std UK tyres bar grips do not, what would normally happen is the stolly would keep going striaght up and likely lose traction on the sand and fail on the very steep incline, these tyres reduce the load on the rear tyres and let the truck tilt further forward so making it easier to do very steep climbs...

  4. briliant...fantastic job...I have a spare chassis...I wonder...


    so comparison.


    fuel consumption

    std ...........................modified

    4mpg.......................... 8-12mpg?

    top speed on road

    45mph........................ 70 plusmph


    air over hydraulic.......... air

    top speed off road

    variable...................... unlikely

    reverse speed

    45 mph........................ 10mph

    trench crossing

    1.2m............................. 12 inches maximum as long as speed maintained.


    30 hours between............. 10,000 miles



    simple once used to it.......... like a truck easy..


    for fun it is a great on road conversion that can be used regularly...as a capable military vehicle it is no good at all...just proves how good the saracen was in the fifties over 60 years ago...

  5. Of course you are right Tim!


    I was interested in exploring the options given the postings here about this...


    Ideally I would like to do the test in the Scorpion, on the road.


    I am hoping that I can track down some tuition from someone at the Tank Museum or ABRO's both very cose to me.


    I am also fortunate that everyone is used to learners in tanks round here! I have often driven along behind a Chally on it's was to or from the training grounds - quite a sight and sound!


    The warthogs seem to go round in packs and there area nearly always a load of Spartans parked up at the burger van across the road from us every morning...



    I can add terry's course is great, he is spot on and very helpful....the training is good and it builds your confidence. his vehicles are well maintained and whilst I am sure a bit of training never goes amiss, not sure its any use for the test.


    Interestingly when i did my course in 2010, and my licence came back it showed my entitlement was back in 1977, I didnt need to do the test at all...silly me but I feel much better for having done a bit of road training anyway...


    now i feel much more able to drive my 432 on the road safely...

  6. Paulo, Alaskan did a BIG conversion which is a resounding sucess. His thread is here on British Vehicles somewhere.


    yes that sounds like it...i would love to do this, a saracen with say 250-300 bhp with an auto box would be a scream to drive...and it looks like the auot box will be a whole lot sweeter for the drive train than the semi auto box it used to have. with only 4 useable gears...how many gears does your allison box have, 5 6 or 7...I envy you indeed...but once I have a diesel stalwart i think a diesel saracen would be my next plan, or maybe a diesel ferrett...there are so many good diesel engines about...

  7. No reason why the 4230 should not pull it - although the dead weight is 14 tons, the BMP class vehicles roll very easily.

    Stopping it after would be a different story though!! Unless they had a driver in the BMP to use it's brakes in conjunction with the URAL's?


    As to them doing it - safety wasn't usually a major concern in the Russian Army, least of all that of civilians.... As far as the army was concerned if it had to move - it moved regardless.... And by the book - 40 mph is the max. permitted speed, on or off road, for a BMP.

    That said - I know how the OT handles and I would not like to see it towed on an A frame at all..... Certainly would not be in the hot seat whislt it was if it had to!!!


    no real reason hence why it was towing it, but technically if you tow a vehicle that is heavier than you your asking for real trouble, the ural is 11 tons, the BMP 14-15 depending upon model and equipment etc...dicey at the best of times...and the ural is designed to pull only 11 tons, maximum...

  8. Thanks for the great comments fellas! There is one other SKOT in Australia and that is at Puckapunyal, it hasn't been started in over 15 years and is a very sad, sad state. As far as I know there are not very many MTLBu's floating around the place. I suppose they would be similar to drive as the MTLB? So that begs the question LOL, how do you drive one of these??




    mtlb's are relatively easy, they have a neutral turn function so turn on ths spot when in neutral and you pull the levers.


    they have five gears and are very fast...scary once you get into 4th and fifth. they steer well at low speed very slowly at high speed...


    brakes stop you instantly, air operated and will have you doing stoppies in no time...get a seat belt


    normal clutch and gearbox operation...throttle and brake...


    lovely engine...


    seeing Jarek on thursday next week...

  9. unbelievable, a that the 4320 can haul it, b that they actually did it and c that the guy in the car is still alive...


    cannot imagine what speed he was doing in the truck but it had to have been over 40 mph...my experience is that if your hauling a load heavier than you are, then you are on very dodgy ground after about 35-40 mph, and without brakes..pure madness...

  10. yeah i agree and how so easy they could have been laughing all the way to A&E.

    But it is a good video in that gives anybody with an ounce of intelligence some insight of the forces involved moreso when moving on to bigger vehicles that multiply those forces by tens of times.

    Lets face it it had the lot people stood over the top of flaying winch ropes.

    People stood within gob smacking distance of breaking nylon straps

    Know all spectators encouraging TOMMY with his disco to give it it some.

    No damage done apart from TOMMYS towbar being bent and a load of cheap easily replacable kit getting trashed.

    I laughed all the way through


    yes we see it all the time, when i take my big trucks out to play the most fun is had removing landys stuck in the deep doggy doo doo. But I am using heavier duty equipment and it moves these things easily...however I once used a 12 ton rope, on a landy stuck in the mud it broke instantly.... good quality strops are unbelievabley strong at times...and have only seen a few of those really cheap ones fail...

  11. Yes mate...Moto Armia.......they are also helping get back my money from that other piece of snot! LOL They won't fit in my driveway though! Should cause a stir when I drive the SKOT/ BRDM-2 on the road



    Can't wait to drive them.....hopefully they won't break down after two hours :D



  12. After spending $7000 on a new motor, the gear box really shat itself. It was sold to a chap in Western Australia. The money is being used on the SKOT and MTLBu and a BRDM-2 that is currently being restored, ready in two weeks!



    fantastic....well done and at last...these are from Jarek are they...he is a good man if it is...

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