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Posts posted by paulob1

  1. Just filled the greengoddess with water, drove around the corner and she went bang, or at least started spewing out water and oil everywhere....is there a connection between the engine and the water tank...because it has proceeded to empty the water tank through the engine...got us foxed...

  2. okay got my door and I have the hydraulic lift mechanism for the missiles, just missing the sight now and a few dummy missiles....anyone know where I can get these.


    should start fitting the engine once I have had the interior cleaned and painted nice...

  3. well I went on Wednesday it was a big queue to get in we arrived at 9.00 and got in at 9.50, then had to walk a good way to get the mobility scooter for my dad then drive it back to him waiting at the entrance...could do with the mobility scooters being near the entrance and a few more tills to let people in pre-ticket holders separate entrance would be a perfect idea...


    I cannot fault the layout as it was what it is, more toilets are needed, as well as more people, the arena is a bit odd and to my mind ill defined but given what we got I still think it was excellent. Over time the boys will refine it and improve it but for a first try I think a well done is in order....


    I think constructive criticism is great but crikey some of you lot are a bunch of old whinge bags, dusty field, crappy burgers, come on, some things can be changed some can't, if your pallet demands best quality steak for your burger I suggest you don't try the burger vans. I had a burger and can say it was pleasant tasty and acceptable...

  4. crikey its looking fantastic already, what an exciting venue....it all looks just perfect...the amount of money in this show must be immense, it is a great showcase for our industry..think I may pop over tomorrow..but have to keep wallett firmley stuck in pocket, saving hard for the museum.

  5. at the withams site google earth shows a few of them, not 60 but a few, I guess they are going to release them one by one to increase the sale value...no matter what we say about Withams they have the right idea about squeezing every last penny out of each sale...not good for us collectors with small pockets...but hopefully a good deal of it goes to the army. Still think a single seller is anti-competitive and un-british...

  6. a diesel running right is always a load less hassle thn a petrol engine which always needs something to help it along every week, plugs, leads points carb setting, etc etc...but still prefer the rev range of a petrol truck they make them so much more fun to drive...diesels hard work changing gear all the time...but I do think realisitically economy not really a big point, practicality is the real issue. how is it going to be used and how often and for what distances...etcetc

  7. Ok I may have covered storage coming up in about 3 months, it will be fully secure and heated/powered at all times...if anyone is interested please PM ME. Should be enough storage for anything from a tank to a tank transporter, a jeep to a kraaz....


    anyway first come first served, let me know if interested.

  8. due to the nil DOD demand of the armed forces, all components /items have to be checked and tested, no exceptions...this in itself can multiply the cost of a component by many times...in all general industrial practices batch testing is accepted...this cannot be the case for indicvidually wrapped items that may not be used for 10 years, but must work when they leave the box....


    It isnt just about the quality of the work it is a lot about the anciliary bits and pieces around the product...


    an aston martin is cheap for the work that goes into it. Aston make little profit per car, and struggle to bring out new models...costs to develop are so high and technology is not cheap, not anymore...although once items are mass produced prices can fall significantly but then the same issues apply...one on one testing of every item...

  9. Well i have my striker and need some parts, got the recond engine from withams this week and that will be installed over the coming weks once we have cleaned and tidied the interior.


    I am missing #


    the hydraulic system to lift the missile launchers

    the rear door

    the unit next to the commanders cupola, the siight for the missiles.


    Anyone know where I can get these from...



  10. the engines are lovely when running right and with simple maintenance they can be made to run reasonably efficiently. and reliably...


    the BTR-60 is wide and unlikely to get registered under a normal format...it may be possible to register it as an agricultural vehicle...but I think driving it on the roads would be a pain...

  11. I teach ballroom and latin, and know a lot of swing teachers, we could easily organize something...


    tug of war NO a tug of a big weight, that would mean that the truck would not have to fight another truck, it would stay sane and people would only have themselves to blame if they pulled too hard...say four dead trucks in the arena and one truck pulling them all out...just a thought

  12. very slow with the gaz engine and under-powered but to be fair they work well enough. I would certainly leave it alone if it is working but replacing the engine is mostly a bolt and spanner excercise, there are no tricky bits to consider only the issue of too much torque, the BRDM axles are not the strongest and too much torque could be a bit painful for the old girls...so dont go for mega power or torque. 200 bhp is a big power and torque increase, I would say with anything above 175 and your going to feel a lot more perky... and hopefully not troubled with excess torque, the old perkins diesels used to rev quiet hard...especially some of the smaller V6/\V8 engines...not that i know a lot about them, I plan to fit one into my stalwart..

  13. I personally prefer the ferret to almost every other vehicle on the road, scorpions and CVRt' s in general are a real easy drive and mega fun on the road but I am always worried about the tracks coming off, hitting a kerb and doing damage, getting pulled for speeding in my track laying vehicle which is supposed to be doing no more than 20 mph...its hard to maintain that speed in an fv432 let alone a Scorpion...


    no limits in the ferret. but as I said go for both.

  14. ferrett is the kind of vehicle you can pootle about in, BRDM needs determination and planning, I have a FUG and its a great fun vehicle to drive if you dont mind hitting things...the ferrett I drive on the road for pure pleasure..I have not driven the BRDM for more than a few yards but when it arrives I will get more experience with it...the fug is a pig to get into but easy enough to drive and murder to manouver. FERRET PRESELECT BOX REAL FUN..



  15. Rumours of any badness you got up to have yet to reach my ears so for sure you are welcome next year ! :)


    Seriously - of course you are welcome, it is the fantastic support from all our exhibitors, traders and re-enactors that makes the show. OVERLORD 2014 is already being planned!


    Please feel free to PM me with ideas, criticism (constructive preferred) and comments and we will see what we can get up to in 12 months time. Already it looks that I can get free high speed WiFi around the field so next year's show reports can be made immediately ! :)


    I would like to see more evening fun. Not just a pub and band, good as they were...maybe a dance hall...so people with partners can enjoy the evenings...


    I think the driver area needs a big hill in the middle, a do it if you dare type of hill..not too high that if the truck fails it is in danger but steep enough to make the trucks/cars think a bit....it would be the weekend fun and it would be good to see vehicles attempt the hill....it would make the show ground more interesting. just dig a deeper trench, mount all the soil on the exit and bobs your uncle you have a great hole and hill to drive up...


    I like the dog shows and things.


    What about a tug of war between two vehicles, only for fun, no breaking things...lets see what can pull what...or maybe a heavy load tug....it would be good to see some more pyro work, maybe a striker firing dummy missiles a few feet...or similar


    still a great show...could do with a few more big or unusual vehicles though...

  16. was a good show and the right weather was duly supplied as ordered. perfect, we had a few problems with our zil, running real rough on way donw blew a hose then the rad, all changed side of road then we did the plugs and oil change at the show...found an 8mm 40mm long bolt in the sump with washer...likely it is a big end bolt. Once we changed the oil we had no oil pressure...how bizzare is that...anyway she drove home, only 40 miles, but suspect the poor oil supply had damaged the air pump and likely the engine is toast...will have to rebuild it. we have a few spares...


    but overall a good show, yes we liked the stalls bought a few bits and pieces...was good all round

  17. I am not sure about the tyres, they are much harder than the bar grips, which give a much softer ride, clean better too in the really gooey stuff...but mostly I think she drives in dryer conditions better with them...


    the winch was amazing and recovered me from a very sticky situation without the snatch block which i thought very special indeed.


    was a fun dayfor sure and weather held up great

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