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Everything posted by paulob1

  1. this sounds like a group who are not local who may travel about...the tools they used are typical heavy handed and dont give a monkeys about anything...
  2. Son drove the ferrett I drove the kraz, shes a nice drive maximum is really 60 kmh about 35 mph, above that the front nearside wheel starts to vibrate..need balancing but is never going to get that...she runs really easily. Brake lights playing up will sort that tomorrow. for those who can use it or want to..
  3. gue running, a bit rattly and smokey..hopefully nothing too bad in this...some of the turret items have started to work but we have most of it unplugged so we have a way to go working out cables to where etc... oh joy, Brad wants to get the old girl under permanent cover, but no easy yet...
  4. I can come up with a million and one reasons why we should ban all moving vehicles. Still silly having a speed limit of 20 mph...30 or 40 mph would be fine. Maintenance is a matter of course and as the DVLA show, very few motoring accidents are caused by vehicle defects. I would not like to drive the 432 at more than 25mph myself, but thats me.
  5. I would have thought on snow some sort of cushion vehicle would be better.. anyone ever try the poles on hovercraft, will do a check...#
  6. yep you are definitely ahead of me on this...PM me a list of items you need and i will keep you posted if i get anything. I am trying to build up a collection of stuff and have bits amassing slowly...
  7. mine had not been in second, or third for many many years but it changes lovely in the yard moving up the gears smoothly and without hesitation...stuck solenoids sounds realistic.
  8. how totally bizzarre, a slow moving army tracked vehicle is a danger to other vehicles, however a slow moving non-army owned one is not...hypocritical or what...
  9. Son got more bits working today, interior lights more wipers, need some periscopes...still got to get the turret control gear installed, got to collect it from Baz...and some other bits... still got to find the front bins...no responses on these yet...
  10. its only a bit of a drive around, test the engines work on the tanks and that we have enough men to drive them....nothing really that special, nothing moving overseas. Do we really need to worry about moving vehicles in the UK. if we are hit in the UK, tanks wont be waiting for trains they will be moving under their own steam (get it) and heading for cover/ sites to protect...so assuming our wars will be overseas it doesn't seem to have much point to me...
  11. now moved to its restoration position, we will strip and store repair recover and repaint the parts here and put them back on...she should be a nice looking mostly working tank by the time we are done...not sure about the turret but we will see how that goes...
  12. can I do a bit of a sum up... displays need to be clean well lit and easy to get close to...so the museum needs load of space...hmm. do museums have unlimited space and time...I doubt it.. information needs to be accurate.....understandable vehicle accuracy for some of us here is very important...to my mind that depends upon the actual purpose of the display. price is paramount but income is clearly crucial, so finding the right balance is important. 10 pounds today seems okay 20 pounds too high... The features need not affect those who are doing other things within the musuem, ie a display must not affect other displays or other peoples visit. useful...
  13. I bought an old marquee a few years ago, its big and tall enough with a few mods so we will put that up and then put the tank in there, we have sides and loads of covers to keep it dry..site is pretty windy so we will make sure it is heavily tied down... when we get the museum proper I plan to cover most of the vehicles with marquees....until I can get planning permissions for enough buildings..going to be a long hard slog getting to the museum though...
  14. Well we have started its going to be a long sloiw process to get the old girl looking good. we are not going to get her running completely, the turret I suspect will remain dead for some time... so far, we have just looked at the following getting everything moving hatches, gun lock, catches, manual controls. we have broken the mechanism on the commanders GPMG mount no idea where we will get one of those from but search is on... items I need are the rear track cover, drivers side, new bins still missing the front ones have the rear ones agreed...trying to remove the old ones without destroying them, near side repairable i think, off side too far gone...also need new skirt tops, they are very thin and in a bad way... the cabin is a mess but we will get to that last I suspect...just stopping it filling with rain is a good start... going to erect a big marque and get it to be able to drive in...this will keep the old girl dry and allow us to do more work on her...greasing things and changing grease nipples is going to be a big task... I will try to post pictures if i remember to take them...
  15. report it to the police...they are getting keen on these people now...
  16. ANd lotus Esprit 1994 S4S, 300 bhp of fun fun fun...going to cost me a bit though, needs a seat recovering in cream leather...got the man to do it though...in my eyes it is a classic car, not military but definitely classic..
  17. a select bunch of great people...
  18. its called being slightly mad, or maybe totally mad...think I err on the side of totally mad...
  19. okay looks like I have the rear bins sorted, the control box, thats going to be fun with a cut cable, smoke dischargers a few other bits still missing rear basket nearside, and the front bins... now its get the thing all greased up and the hatches working and the turret turning easily and so on and so forth..
  20. ooh that sounds interesting, will check this out thanks for that...
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