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Posts posted by sirhc

  1. Paul,

    I wouldn't waste my time with paint stripper if I were you. When I did a bare metal respray on my Ferret I used a Needle Scaler and an angle grinder with a wire cup brush to finish off. The wings and bins etc were sandblasted and then powder coated.


    I put a coat of red oxide on first, then went over it with Nato green. I have since been told that a coat of gloss green over the red oxide would have been better to keep the corrosion at bay, but mine hasn't a speck of rust and I did it 5 years ago. The whole job only took a couple of days.


    width=640 height=480http://www.sirhc.co.uk/gallery/album/Ferret/Ferret%20Restoration%20(125).JPG[/img]


    width=640 height=480http://www.sirhc.co.uk/gallery/album/Ferret/Ferret%20Restoration%20(132).JPG[/img]


    width=640 height=480http://www.sirhc.co.uk/gallery/album/Ferret/Ferret%20Restoration%20(134).JPG[/img]



  2. Mark,

    The 432 had 3/4 of a tank in it when we got it, so we just keep topping it up. I have no idea how much petrol or diesel is in the fuel, but it burns it all and goes very well! I would just pour it in and see how it runs.



  3. Mark,

    Buy some 220 liter plastic drums and store it in them, somewhere safe and out of the way. When we bought the 432 we were offered as much fuel as we could take from a recovery company. I found a local company who sold plastic drums for £10, hired a van and filled up 4 of them. I still have 2 left in a friends field...



  4. Paul at Withams told me they had a Thompson stolen on Saturday while it was raining. I heard some other dealers complaining about things going missing too. I did not have anything stolen this year, but a couple of years ago I had the light lenses stolen from my Lightweight one night. Someone camped near by had the wheel nuts stolen from his 101, and another Lightweight owner had his antenna base stolen... all in the same night.



  5. The arena was very VERY bumpy this year, I'm not sure what they've done to it, I don't remember it being like that before. You can see how much the big tanks are bouncing about, it was 10 times worse in a little CVRT... even going slowly.


    Nice video!



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