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Posts posted by sirhc

  1. There were a number of them for sale a few years ago, they were quite expensive (£10,000) as they were brand new. I have been told they went for disposal in 2003, before the MoD decided they might need some for Iraq, so bought them back, refurbished them and then sold them off again!

  2. Adrian,

    Trying to find out anything about what you can and can't do without passing the H test is a bit of a nightmare, there's next to nothing about it on the website. I intend to take the test once the weather picks up a bit. You can take the test in a mini digger, so really we could hire one for a day, get it delivered to a farm and all book tests for the same day!



  3. Neil,

    Marcus has one at the moment which is quite clean and tidy, when I was there the other week he was getting an engine ready to go in it. The Samaritan I bid on was sold on shortly afterwards, I think it went for around £5000 but that was non running.


    All the other Sultans and Samaritans Withams had sadly went to the scrap man at the beginning of the year.



  4. Neil,

    Unfortunatley the Samaritan seems to be a particularly unloved vehicle, I only know of 3 which are in private hands. I saw a nice one come up for sale 3 times at Withams, I bid on it the last time only to be outbid by a mate! It's a real shame though as they are nice vehicles, I think a lot of people have a thing about ambulances and dead people...




    width=640 height=480http://www.sirhc.co.uk/gallery/album/Withams%20Tender/Withams-2004-5%20(23).JPG[/img]

  5. Neil,

    Those places will teach you in a 432, which is really easy to drive. I did not like driving our 432 on the road because it's so wide, the drivers hatch is in an awful place and there is no seperate brake pedal! The test is dead easy, so you're bound to pass first time. Most of those places have 100% pass rate. They don't teach you how to actually drive on the road though, roundabouts etc take a bit of practice and I doubt they let you out into busy traffic! If you just want to pass the test then it isn't too bad, but it is much cheaper to use your own vehicle and take the test in that if you have one.



  6. Jack,

    This is a bit of a grey area and I can only comment on the vehicles I have registered and driven, which are a CVRT and a FV432. These vehicles are built to be road legal and have rubber pads on the tracks, indicators, brake lights etc. Registering them was no trouble as they come with the correct documents from the MoD. If you were to try and register something else, like a Stuart or Sherman it might be more difficult, but many people have done it.


    Driving on the road, technically you will need an H licence. I do not have one yet, because I haven't got round to taking the test. The test is fairly simple, drive a few miles, do an emergency stop and reverse around a corner. You can book them through the DVLA, they come to you but will not come to your house. I emailed the DVLA about driving without the H test and got a response which in effect says you are ok if you fit L plates. I am going to take the test in the summer, and obviously I need to practice before taking it!


    As long as you are over 21 there are no other restrictions, you can drive when you like. I would not reccomend driving at night in a tracked AFV but I suppose there may be occasions where it is unavoidable. I also drive with a flashing beacon fitted, and a commander who is in communication with me via the intercom. I have driven on the roads with no commander but I try to avoid it. I have heard stories of people taking tracked AFVs on the motorway, and while some of them are certainly fast enough it would not be a good place to have a breakdown!


    Hope this helps,





    [attachment deleted by admin]

  7. Where else can we place a free ad to sell off those odds and ends we no longer want or want to look for those bits we need and where hundreds, if not thousands, of people look at?


    Other than the one attempted scam (which I could also have had from other forms of advertisments) I've found the website very easy and successful. This hobby would be a great deal "poorer" without Milweb.



    Ebay? It's not free but you don't get half as many Nigerians, and people who say they'll have it and then vanish.

  8. :dunno: he's just trying to make money like everyone else who sells things or offers services, after all the site is free for most people and does cost him money to run (pot and kettle :? :whistle:)



    My point, John, was that I should not be expected to pay the same as Withams, Marcus Glenn and all the other dealers who make a living from it. I do this for a hobby - to them £80 a year is nothing, to me it is a lot. For £80 I would expect a professional, modern website where I could log in and manage my adverts, remove them myself when items were sold etc. Instead for £80 I get something which looked old 10 years ago and a big hole in my pocket. I do check milweb every day, but it really does make me cringe.



  9. The biggest scam on milweb is that if you put more than a couple of adverts on there they think you are a dealer and expect you to pay the same fees as all the other dealers. I have been unable to advertise anything on there for the last year because I refuse to pay £80 a year.



  10. I'm not entirely sure when it happened, but I was told a couple of years ago when I had some spare ropes left over from my Spartan. Typical that I sold them and now need some! You can imagine it would not be nice to be standing in the wrong place and get squashed between 2 CVRTs though!



  11. Most of the CVRT ropes you see about aren't the kinetic type. I believe they were withdrawn after several accidents - there were several cases of the vehicle being recovered crashing into the recovery vehicle. You can tell the difference by the appearance and feel of the ropes, the kinetic variety are shiny and are smooth and silky to touch.



  12. Mark,

    Just be thankful you didn't end up with 2 puncutres in the same day. I had one on the way down to Kemble in the Ferret, and a second one when parked up. Luckily ATS in Cirencester stock tractor inner tubes so we managed to fix them both!



  13. Mark,

    I wired my ipod into the Clansman amplifier/speakers in my Spartan. I just took some old headphones, cut the plug off and connected the wires to the line in terminals. It works fine, but the sound quality isn't great!


    You should be able to do what you want, just try connecting it up and see what happens. :-)



  14. I think it is right that those bringing tracked vehicles get a bit of help when attending W&P. If it weren't for the Cadmans low loader most of the tracked AFVs would never make it. The tracked vehicles are what make W&P special, they are almost all in the arena at least once a day, drinking away vast quantities of fuel for the public enjoyment. This is what the public pay to go and see, this is what they can't see anywhere else. Most vehicles which attend the show are parked up from start to finish, how many of the hundreds of Jeeps or Land Rovers do you see in the arena?


    I have used the Cadmans low loader to bring some CVRTs from Nottingham to Beltring for the last 2 years, we pay towards fuel, but it is nothing compared to the £2000+ quote I had from a commercial company. Just because we own the vehicles doesn't mean we can afford the transport, and the same is true of most people with tracked armour.



  15. Yes, contact the Vehicle Verification Officer. He will be able to provide a document which the DVLA will accept as evidence.


    For those registering modern vehicles it is much easier, you just need the Cast Vehicle Form (blue piece of paper from the MoD) which you get when you buy a vehicle.



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