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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Actually Wally it would probably do that very well & who knows this have been used for that sort of thing when it was not being used for its primary purpose!
  2. An Army item constructed of XPM, hessian & wire gauze with a touch of paint.
  3. Bryan you have got the orientation correct & I suppose it does look a bit like a big air brick, but it isn't for that.
  4. Richard yes & yes You would think so, but it isn't
  5. No it isn't Wally more of an outdoor thing, but I can always rely on you to one of the first in on a new object.
  6. I have been unable to match FV55750 to an NSN. I have searched for "Bracket Assembly" & found 9,669 NSNs. Of these there is a cluster around FV55491-FV55889, but FV55750 is not there. It does suggest it was around in the early 1960s when codification started in earnest but became obsolete. That cluster all shared the NSC 2540, well that is Vehicular Furniture & Accessories, so nothing we didn't know already!
  7. LV9 is the VAOS Section for vehicles of WD design Sub-section ASC is for (Armoured) Scout Cars in the FV700 series If it was for fitting on a Saracen it would be LV9/AAD
  8. Malcolm I wasn't claiming to have discussed IR & ER coils, I just said "I have touched on IR & ER coils" by way of defining the difference in the list of coils & a photo on an IR coil. I assumed people knew of their differences but there is scope for expanding on that in a newer version. But as it is people complain that I have deviated too much from the original subject which is meant to be about Land Rovers, so it is difficult to please everyone. Incidentally I assume you are reading V1.03 which has 6 more pages than V1.00? (I have no way of removing the old version). Funnily enough I was at a stall last week & bought this 1943 book by SP Smith CBE The Electrical Equipment of Automobiles. This gives a commentary on the two systems.
  9. Andrew "Internal Preservation" means it has undergone the processes laid down in EMER WORKSHOPS N 111 Chapter 2 Section 6. This really means everything inside was lavishly covered with PX-4, other than the coolant channels that were treated with Water Displacing Fluid PX-10. Depreservation & Commissioning is covered in EMER WORKSHOPS N 121 Sections 6 - 9. I'll endeavour to scan those pages tonight.
  10. A bit of light reading here. The House of Commons Report into the Claim of the Baron de Bode 1834. The report was regarding the Baron's claim to compensation given to the British Government from the French Government after the French Revolution. British born Baron Charles de Bode, held property in Alsace at the time of the French Revolution. However he & his family fled France during the French Revolution. The revolutionary tribunals confiscated a large number of properties & funds during this period, including the Barons'. Following the end of the revolution, the French Government agreed to give £5,500,000 in compensation to the British for their subjects whose properties had been confiscated. A Select Committee was appointed to arrange this by the House of Commons. However, Baron de Bode did not receive a penny of this fund, which caused much outrage by the general public at the time. Many thought it was because King George IV had trousered the compensation himself! An interesting read for just £2.19
  11. John I made a potential divider from a string of resistors & tapped off the low voltage for the scope from the earthy end. Don't know where my device is at the moment as not fully unpacked after move, but there are diagrams around the internet.
  12. Malcom where the primary & secondary are not connected inside the coil it is for use in an Insulated Return system. Where the primary & secondary are connected inside the coil it is for use in an Earth Return system. This is by far the most common system nowadays. I have used an Insulated Return coil on a Land Rover (Earth Return) by connecting the end of the primary to the end of the secondary. It is important to connect them to add the back EMF of the primary to the secondary, which way round will depend on polarity of the vehicle's system & which system the coil was designed for. I have touched on IR & ER coils on page 26 of the Bright Sparks for Land Rovers article & the wiring arrangements for positive & negative earth systems on page 3.
  13. Don't waste money trying to source an original condenser, not only will it be very expensive but it will probably be defective by now as they deteriorate with time even though they are unused. There is plenty of room in the distributor to fit a wide range of condensers for various types of vehicle. I have used ones intended for Series Land Rovers. There is some discussion on their construction & testing in this article (despite it being about Land Rovers) http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?53479-Bright-Sparks-Latest-Update But you must use an a distributor condenser (capacitor) as the article explains it will be rated to withstand 500v despite the ignition system working at 24v (well 12v really with the ballast resistors)
  14. Andy so I wonder if they will "avoid potential safety issues" by rehashing those EMERs as AESPs? Vast numbers of Series 3 Rover EMERs in the series WV Q 020 etc were converted to AESPs in the octad 2320-D-100, seemed an awful waste of effort. As you say many AESPs refer back to EMERs, particularly EMER WORKSHOPS. Will some of those have to be AESPed & the AESPs that make references to EMERs themselves re-written?
  15. The reason given was "To avoid potential safety issues". Just because something has "not been updated in 10 years" doesn't mean it is no longer valid or worthwhile. The texts of most major religions have not been updated in 10 years but they still seem to serve a useful purpose for many people. I can't think of any procedures in connection my vehicles that I will now abandon.
  16. From 1st September Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Regulations (EMERs) entered a 4-month period of obsolescence. If there are no justifications received to maintain any they will be rendered obsolete after this period. There are only 350 EMERs remaining & these have not been updated in 10 years. This list can be downloaded from http://www.allanwebb.co.uk/lecomportfolio/
  17. Nice to see the painstaking effort even over relatively small details. I didn't know about those transfers, in the past I have used old fashioned Letraset but that was an awful fiddle doing one letter at a time. Nice see a 19 set being recommissioned, you see so many chopped around & "improved" by radio amateurs which just destroys the value. I had various sets that I messed around with which I wish I had kept unmolested. Feel a bit sad now I binned a variometer last year. The perspex was smashed & it had the wrong connector, but when you try to sell it for £5 & still people want to haggle & argue, I just gave up & put in with my pile of waveguide etc that raised £600 in scrap in the great pre-move rationalisation
  18. Did the rounds in Hay on Wye. Couple of interesting finds. Been looking for a sensibly priced one of these published in 1962. A lot of testimonies from people who have long since died. Amongst the violence of the 5 years leading up to the events, there were surprising examples of individual chivalry from both sides. Then this caught my eye: Particularly the first report. Looking at the daily allowances it is interesting that the legal profession were valued more than high ranking police officers. The other reports include: Riots 1894 Probation of Offenders Act 1907 Bastardy Orders 1909 Law relating to Coroners & Coroner's Inquests 1909 Question of Deaths Resulting from the Administration of Anaesthetics 1910 (at the time local anaesthesia was regarded as far more dangerous than general anaesthesia)
  19. I think you will find that cookers like this will be in the series EMER ENGINEERING & MISCELLANEOUS D 300 onwards. Any user manual & parts book would be in the Army Code No sequence. I am at a show so don't have access to look up any details. PS You say this is a Mk 2, but of what No.1 Mk 2 or No.2 Mk 2 etc?
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