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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Of the 87 contracts for Rover 10 & 11 as at April 1973, the only Rover 10 FFR were those two RAF contracts WV7129 & WV6907. As regards the reference in the book, it was me that supplied the list of contracts.
  2. Not the lost property office or anything to do with the Royal Family.
  3. Ok GE, the first one plays now. Bit fiddley with the SS brush & SS poking wire. I think our Swedish friend should put his demo on youtube. It would show how the bits to be joined, melt & fuse into each other rather than just part of a soldered joint. Can't quite visualise your gear change gate. But I will be using my metre of Alutight for repairs of significance. I might just use the odd bits of the Lumiweld on non-critical things just to use it up.
  4. I can't get the first video to play. But it seems to be Technoweld, I have used Lumiweld with some success in joining the splits in the aluminium roof of a horsebox. I was pleased with the result. There is also Alutight & up until recently had regarded them all as the same. At very big shows you see these being demonstrated. I just happened to see the Swedish chap demonstrating Alutight, it all looked very impressive. But I queried his technique as he cleaned the surface by scratching with an ordinary screwdriver. With Lumiweld you must not use steel, you have to use a special stainless steel brush or rod to prepare the surface. He said techniques that require this preparation are akin to brazing. Whereas the Alutight acts as a catalyst to allow the aluminium you are joining to homogenise with the welding wire. This means that less of the wire is needed to make a union between the bits you are joining. Any excess aluminium from these bits can be scavanged & used to initiate or add to another joint. I watched several demonstrations & it was very impressive. I noticed throughout the GDSF on several occasions people who had bought the material on a regular basis come & express their satisfaction at it's properties. AFAIK the sole seller in the UK is this chap who comes over from Sweden who uses it in industry. It can be bought from Sweden at £40 per metre, but of course you get it cheaper at a show for half that. It convinced me & I'm looking at my 1 metre of it in front of me now, although I still have some of the Lumiweld left.
  5. In case anyone should think the Rover 10 was for some reason merely 24v but not actually FFR, I should have posted this as well. It shows the Rover 10, with not only the generating system & power distribution, but also the arrangement of the FFR coaxial cables.
  6. I have often been intrigued by the other autojumble at Netley Marsh not to far away I think it is called Eurojumble? This is in direct opposition to the Beaulieu event. Given Euro pricing approach I'm not sure if there would be many bargains. I believe it is predominantly motorcycle-jumble, which accounts for the reduced levels of m/cycle stuff at Beaulieu. I'm sort of tempted to hope that all the m/cycle stuff would go there. BUT the bargain RUC helmet I bought last year was sold as a m/cycle helmet. So perhaps I should have gone to the Eurojumble?
  7. Chris, I did see a boxed Champ distributor. I missed seeing the distributor seller in the expensive tents, who usually has a NOS "B60" distributor which it ain't, it is a CVR(T) one & revolves the other way & has a different rotor arm. I have also noticed generally that stalls that have prices marked with a continental 7 rather than a proper 7, are more expensive! Also stalls that are priced in Euros as well as £s, are also more expensive. I don't know whether that is foreign dealers who need to recoup their ferry fares or there is rounding up in price conversions. Traffic is always a problem but RTAs only compound the problem. I live 17 miles away & the RAC Route Planner says the "fastest route" will get me there in 44 mins. In practice you have to at least double this for an a-j event there. I ignore satnav/route planner & ignore all signs to Beaulieu or Autojumble. I go via Brockenhurst, this takes you in via the lower road which has much less traffic, you can then park in the field opposite the main road. It is not so far to walk from compared with most of the main carpark & at the end you can drive straight out, with no queuing. My journey there took only 40 minutes & this included 20 minutes at Lyndhurst. So this not only beat the a-j queues but beats the "Fastest Route" estimate of 44 mins!
  8. Went on Saturday, very warm & pleasant, I suppose it will turn out to have been the last day of summer! Didn't see you Robert woa2 you moved your pitch, although I think I spotted it later as I think yours was the only Mk 1 9x9 on the showground. I was glad to see the mil clothing dealer who's stall burnt down at GDSF was there selling stuff. Don't think I saw anyone from the forum. Purchase-wise all I managed was as a long bendy nozzle for the air spray for the compressor & 2 captive nuts which were the wrong size! I always hope to see the unexpected, last year I bought a 1960s RUC riot helmet from a seller who had no idea what it was, but nothing at all exciting this year. So apart from the day out in the sun I found it a bit boring looking at shiny bits for cars. Copies of Classic Car were being handed out, but I declined to have one. The woman seemed surprised & slightly hurt & asked why I didn't want a copy. I replied that I'm not interested in classic cars, fast cars, sports cars etc just functional vehicles. She retorted "Well why go to a classic car event?" I'm now asking myself the same question!
  9. Not really. I won't ask how you worked that out, but yes 1965.
  10. What is the purpose of this list & when was it produced?
  11. Peter well that certainly is the specified size for RAOC markings & most were to be in white except for a few that were in red. But I can't find anything that would explain it in RAOC/RCT/REME parlance. I was looking through some transportation requirements for the 2/3 & rail transportation is detailed on "Sheet 8". Could it be yours was transported by rail & RT S/8 informs the loader that the details are to be found in JSP71 Rail Transport Sheet 8? Once the journey was made the the marking was irrelevant & over painted. When it eventually it made the return journey, then it was marked accordingly? I'm not entirely convinced by that, but has anyone got a better idea?
  12. Peter, what size & in what colour are these markings? When you say "twice" do you mean in two places or is one just a renewal of the previous marking?
  13. Although this vehicle is something of a curiosity, it was not unique. By 1948 there other similar conversions with some in UK & the Canal Zone. There was one in BAOR & one in Austria. The Austrian one was short lived, I assume. I can't believe there was a risk that someone might try to run the engine given the state of the radiator, as the radiator is marked NO WATER, KEIN WASSER I think(!) Given that it was a vehicle depot requirement to label an empty radiator, I just wonder whether it was not a RTA but hit whilst being stored in a vehicle depot?
  14. The other advantage you have Adam is that the single speed is much easier to turn than the 2-speed with all its gears & heavier bearings. All the 2-speeds I have turned, new or well worn, have been extremely stiff. This has to be overcome by the engine & this is wasted power. I wonder if you get slightly better mpg if you have a single speed? I had even contemplated removing the lower gearing but if you don't top up the dynamo gearbox after non-use then the clutch fails & you lose the low rev charging facility. Might that then mean improved mpg, as most of us don't need the low revs static charging facility?
  15. The rain was a real downer & of course nobody's fault. But if it is that same bank holiday weekend, it is too far a hop in the wrong direction to get ready for GDSF. So I'll give it a miss. Besides there seems to be a lot going on in SE England to clash with it. Now if they moved the Beaulieu event to that weekend it would be ideal for a lot of us down here. Instead of the end of May show which splits the attendance with Overlord, moving it to the August bank holiday could double their attendance? I expect the MVT would feel they would also like a Midlands show presence, well I think the Evesham June show has great potential to be developed.
  16. Yes Robert see you there, I always go to the yellow field first. I see no point in being engulfed in the massive influx that sweeps through the first stalls they come to. Starting at the other end it is much less of a scrum & I get more bargains there. I think this is partly because there are more fringe things up there, it is less of a feel of the rich man collecting auto-memrobelia for his professionally restored classic/racing/sporty cars. Can't stand all that stuff, which is what most of the museum consists of. Apart from MVs of course, I can identify more with PSVs, commercials & ordinary cars for the ordinary family. Anyway there will be something for everyone I expect.
  17. I've disconnected the choke cable on mine, don't need it any more - the wonders of electronic ignition!
  18. Did you mark your 'remains' with a "L" in stones to make sure you didn't camp on top of it some time later?
  19. Latin, latrina a contraction of lavatrina from lavo to wash. According to my 1850 dictionary. But I think they have go it wrong, surely it is a first declension verb, so lavo is I wash? Bit of a contradiction really as the majority of people do not seem to wash after their activities.:shake:
  20. Yes, but it is to avoid the wrath of English Heritage.
  21. Yes you are right, I always used to insure my everyday MV on a normal policy.
  22. It depends, there were 6 types of Screens, latrine used by the Army of which the last 2 were used also by the RAF. 8340-99-130-1296 8340-99-130-1297 8340-99-130-1300 8340-99-130-1301 8340-99-943-8484 8340-99-943-8485
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