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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. My wife has a normal car & for nearly 30 years I had to use my MV as my day to day transport on a 40 mile round trip. Lightweight Rover ambulance Carawagon Dutch lightweight RAF 90 Wolf The best was the Carawagon, I could make a cup of tea, have some baked beans, have a lie down & wait for the traffic to die down before going home. The car park changed to multi-storey, so that had to go.
  2. http://www.shorlandsite.com is back again. The framework has been there for 6 months, but now there is more flesh on the bones (& yes including a link to HMVF). I still have a lot more to go on, including 2 User Handbooks & 2 Parts Books. If anyone has anything to share with us on the site that would be nice & I hope to have personal albums of Shorlands. Although it will be restricted to vehicles that are fairly close to their original construction.
  3. The ISPL is dated June 1970 & what I think is the final amendment is dated April 1973, listing 87 separate contracts for Rover 10 & 11. The two above are numbers 20 & 21, so quite early on. Clearly a Rover 10, the Rover 11 has its own drawing. No ERMs I'm afraid. PS The User Handbook dated March 1967 only lists 3 WO contracts. At that stage none for AM, although the book is allocated an AP number.
  4. No amendments recorded in my edition. It was being regularly lent out by the Technical Library of 44 Comd Wksp up until 1972 & I would have expected that of all copies to be kept up to date. The ISPL for Rover 10 & 11 Army Code No.22007 shows the loom & component layout for FFR Rover 10. I know that there were at least 2 wheeled vehicle contracts for Rover 10 24v, although they could have been for the RAF.
  5. Joe I thought I was onto to something as I have EMER COMMUNICATION INSTALLATIONS M 200 "Clansman insecure net radio installations in 1/2 ton FFR & GS Land Rovers". Unlike many other vehicles it doesn't give the layout in the EMER. It lists all 31 combinations of Clansman kit to go in a 1/2 ton (there are 103 combinations for a 3/4 ton!). Instead it refers the reader to the either the 11 supplements in Part 7 or the 27 supplements in Part 8 of the User Handbook Army Code No.61590. Sorry I don't have these supplements, but at least you know where to look for the definitive layout rather than rely on seeing an installation at a show which could be to the owner's personal interpretation.
  6. All I did was to quote the publication that appears to cover Rover 10 FFR. I appreciate that the Rover 1 fulfilled the FFR role well, but it was not in service in March 1967.
  7. Sounds about right Richard, I was stuck there - couldn't have guessed it, I didn't know what a mantlet was!
  8. Not entirely fair Martin. By driving home early I got considerably wetter in the Shorland than if I sat tight on the showground. I could have at least put a tarpaulin over some of the leakier parts of the vehicle. Because I have no rear window nor windows in the doors, I have to drive with them open. So everything inside gets a soaking. I have attended all the MVT "Kembles" but this year, with the changed date, I was in two minds whether to go or not. My main priority was to get everything ready for GDSF & get there early to establish a place in the very crowded display area. As it was I had to spend a day drying out & a day loading up again. I don't know what days Kemble would be next year, but if its the same weekend I'll give it a miss & just go down to GDSF in a leisurely drive & get set up in good time as I have done in the past. Rather than make the effort to turn up to Kemble for a day & 2 nights.
  9. Yes that makes more sense that comes up as 2590-99-866-8154, unfortunately the description line is limited & I only can get: PLATE CLAMPING MANT.... The NSC 2590 is for misc vehicle components. Anyway I have cross referenced the NSN on fiche & come up with a DMC (Domestic Management Code) 9ANY 9, or what used to be LV9, is for Standardised A & B vehicles. I can find no trace of 9ANY in any publications & catalogues even up to current. I suspect it is a typo for 9AHY, which covers "Spare parts for heavy tanks & derivatives". That's as far as I can take it I'm afraid.
  10. A wide range of Larkspur installations.
  11. It doesn't appear in the Champ ISPL. FV478433 corresponds to 5365-99-866-5677, that is a shim. Are you sure the FV no is correct?
  12. 10AS is a RAF Vocab sub-section covering machinery, machine & mechanical parts other than in Sub-section 10AC, which is unassembled radio items. I've got some AP1086 vocabs & will look it up as time permits - just back from GDSF.
  13. Richard, it comes from RAC Training The Mechanical Fundamentals of Tracked & Wheeled Vehicles although I think they pinched it from Driver Training (All Arms) Electrical & Mechanical Principles of Tracked & Wheeled Vehicles Those books are jolly good points of reference.
  14. Doesn't seem to matter, Chris.
  15. I had something similar once, it was just a strut for the radiator having got moved & hit by the fan.
  16. Yes less vehicles. Not helped by poor weather which is compounded by the windiness of an airfield & clashing with many other shows & the imminence, for me, of GDSF. The stalls for me were fine, but one's opinion is always influenced by what bargains you find. I made a number of interesting purchases of books & photos, yet I bought more than at W&P! But there were a lot less stalls selling things than at previous Kembles. Now I don't mean this at all unkindly, but there was a big increase in stalls for various service charities. One gives what one can, but you can't give to every charity stall every time you walk past them. If you ignore them it looks rude, if you decline you look a mean b@stard & if you say you have given already you look like lying mean b@stard!
  17. Sorry can't visualise what you mean. So that would give it a diameter about 7 in?
  18. Right ok, I'm with you. I've put it on the list to pack. Although a PM to remind me tomorrow night might be a wise precaution. Space in the Shorland is at a premium & need to squeeze it in somewhere. Nearly another triumph for my reading dyslexia. At first I read "knackered ankle" as "knackered axle". I was going to send you a page from the EMER to help you repair it! Hopefully your ankle will heal with time, unlike a axle or torsion bar!
  19. Can't beat it can you. Yes in Shorland but I'm in a mega depression, that I haven't pigged out at a proper show this year & will have to wait 9 months now. Also annoyed that it has been like this for a year & I could have done something about it. But most of us tend not to do a service & chassis check at the end of the season. Another lesson learned!
  20. I do have a spare one, but was it you that asked before or was it the other Adam I promised it too. So Other Adam speak up if you were there first. If not I can bring it to GDSF £25, but I will need reminding. I'm back on Monday to load up.
  21. Apart from a 15 mile jaunt in May the Pig’s last outing was W&P last year. In readiness for GDSF I have been giving it the big service, after nearly a day's work I inspected the torsion bars & their mountings. Fine at the front but not so at the rear. On both sides the lower bolt of three has bent in a hole that has ovalled out in the upper suspension arm. Nearside Offside The bolt is so twisted on the nearside that at first I thought it had sheared. Very annoying, now as the Pig won’t get a show until Overlord next year. But I’m glad I spotted that now not a police/VOSA accident investigator! Luckily I happen to have a spare upper arm Although I have another set on the old GS chassis outside, I don't really want to use those as they were later modified with an improved grease distribution system within the bushes. So first I will replace not so bad one with the spare. The arms are not sided so I can then take the old offside one & fit it to the nearside. I think the worn end would still be usable as it just supports the rebound support arm. So I would go & have a look at yours before you next take your Humber out!
  22. 13 BK 82 was a FV1611 & struck off 5/8/69 at Ruddington. I have never knowingly seen it in the flesh or in books, newsreels etc
  23. Yes it was out last weekend: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?t=14393
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