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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Dear Confused of Ashford, it is entirely my fault I dyslexed & entered the wrong number. The problem is going into edit your own post does not allow you to amend the main title, only the subtitle of each post. I think someone will be along soon to adjust it for me. Nope, not an artillery device.
  2. It might work, but not its intended purpose.
  3. Ha ha, very good, but actually no it isn't.
  4. Well I needed, 6 replacement bushes for the torsion bar mountings. I was contemplating how to remove them from some old units then I thought to look in the box of LV9/BOE bits. And there they were. Seemed a shame to break into the sanctity of the box, but they had been in their for 56 years waiting to be used. As good as the day they were packaged. These Humber bits were repackaged for export & went with a load of Champ spares to Africa. They gradually found their way back to the UK. I bought this little pile about 15 years ago I think. Together with 4 hubs in boxes. Just had to buy them as they were LV9/BOE. Mainly things that don't really wear out, but they do! I have already had to use one of the hubs.
  5. Paul I would be tempted to wire an in-line fuse behind the dash where it feeds into the +ve terminal. Something in the 5-10A region. That way your socket always has protection for whatever you decide to dangle from the aux sockets. Those in-line cartridge fuse holders, if not tucked away, can easily get damaged. Then it all springs apart & it is so easy for a live terminal to short to chassis. I used to have a large ammo box mounted in lieu of a chubby box. I hinged the lid to which I mounted speaker pods on the inside & radio/CD player inside the box. It could easily fold down to cover all the stuff up & an old ammo box didn't look out of place. I fitted a discrete lock to the lid, which gave a bit of added security & was useful for hiding tools & slightly valuable things. Gabba hardcore? I'm sorry you've lost me.
  6. No problem Paul, plenty of amps available! It is an unswitched & unfused supply that comes from the starter motor terminal that is fed from the battery.
  7. Gradually more stuff getting posted. Look in "Other References" for the User Handbooks for Shorland Mk 3 & SB401.
  8. I think we are there really. The breakthrough was from Dougiebarder & clinched by BodgeDeep. I was waiting for the size question & my clue was that it was "over a foot". In fact it shows the upper components of The Army Boot (Pattern 10085) from 1931.
  9. Yes, anything in particular in mind?
  10. Nope but ingenious. They come in different sizes, but most are over a foot.
  11. Robert whatever you do don't use Onduline. Corrugated black stuff made from French newspapers & tar products. Easy to work with but within 1-5 years goes soggy & collapses.
  12. Alan, just hoping at some stage you might share the pictures of the Humbers Pigs under construction. There would quite a few on here keen to see those, although I would query the date c1952. I've never been able to quantify the number of individual Pigs made by ROF(N), ROF(W) & Sankey. Pig body serial numbers indicate that more were made by Sankey than ROF. But I don't know if archives exist that would show the numbers of ROF ones or even the ERMs of the 1-Ton chassis that were used.
  13. Now come on be sensible, it's not likely is it because if they put that on then how could you watch the tellies in their bellies?
  14. A pair of my Drawers, cotton, long or is there something else on the list that might take his fancy?:cool2:
  15. Yes I'm glad you didn't rush it too quickly lose the fun of the chase. I thought GE was going to pick up on my hint from his shrewd bit of observation. The wastage rates are curious, for example it looks as if Drawers, cotton, long are either not issued in wartime or there is no allowance for wastage in wartime, although for varies reasons the wastage rates of other Drawers increases in wartime. Yet the wastage rate of Shoes, canvas, pairs is greater in peacetime. The letters in brackets indicate different rates for a given theatre.
  16. These would be a bit too big for that sort of thing.
  17. Yes it is indeed well done Richard!
  18. Ah yes very observant. But in your comment there is a grain of a clue!
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