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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Doug, I would do a search on here: http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/ If you don't find an answer already there amongst the 1 million posts, then sign up & ask. There are over 30,000 members so you'll get some sort of answer. But explore the site as there are lots of sections & sub-boards within those. So its important to choose the most appropriate board so as not to annoy people & anyway you may miss people who only hang out around a few sections that interest them.
  2. I think you'll find it is Heater, immersion liquid, fuel fired J2/4540-00-469-6593 with that NCB seems about right?
  3. Robin I think I have probably sent you the relevant AESPs a while back. In days gone by such equipment would have been subject to a FVRDE Design Specification & I have about 100 of these that relate to vehicles & trailers of the 1950s-60s. These are no longer produced as the Fighting Vehicle Research & Development Establishment & its replacement the Military Vehicle Engineering Establishment no longer exist. Documents that might help would perhaps be EMPS (Equipment Management Policy Statements) or EMPL (Equipment Management Policy Letters). They may touch on some design properties although they are principally about expected life, cost & use of the equipment. Again I have quite a lot of these but they are all a bit too early for your trailer. What particular aspects of the design are of interest to your authorities? Because the tow arrangements, lighting, brakes etc would all have to conform to a Defence Standard (DEFSTAN) which in turn must conform to NATO Standards (STANAGS). You could have a hunt around here, although you can download some DEFSTANs you have to apply for STANAGS. http://www.dstan.mod.uk/ My MK3 was made by Reynolds Boughton & they were pretty hopeless at answering questions, they were unaware that they ever made such a trailer. But maybe the manufacturer of your trailer will be more helpful: http://www.universalengineering.co.uk/
  4. Fair enough if you've crawled over it. All I could see were the old 2/6 holes as per 2/7. But I suppose having a spare wheel made me think it was no longer in 2/6 role. Rather like the Bovington 2/6 which is actually a 2/3 with a 2/6 turret dropped on! I remember taking part in the SSVC film "Anti-Tank Guided Weapons - An introduction". The presenter read from the MOD approved script as he stood beside the Bovy "2/6". After some debate, because the script was not meant to be changed from what had been approved, I managed to press for a change that said "the spare missiles would normally be carried here but on this particular vehicle has a spare wheel fitted instead". Otherwise anyone with any knowledge would have watched with horror as it would have made no sense referring to it carrying spare missiles. Yes I remember you had Vigilant tendancies. If you decide to buy I have some nice little unused Vigilant tester labels & I expect I could find some of those elusive missile bin straps.:-D
  5. OK Sorry there aren't so many stickies as I thought. But those that are there, can they be 'roped off' from the general day to day posts?
  6. Just a suggestion. Would it be possible to box off the sticky posts of each section? I think all sections have quite a large but varied number of sticky posts, which most of us seen many times & have been stuck there for years. Each subject section I view has these stickies, which one has to scan along to then find the top of the recent posts. They needn't be in a box just a thick line after the stickies. It would then make popping into the forum to see any new posts so much easier & quicker, thanks.
  7. 2/7 surely? Not so rare.
  8. A bit disjointed as this heading is from the previous page & the distance to camera is different.
  9. fv1609

    Forum upgrade

    Whilst things are still in the melting pot, is it possible to re-instate a facility that was on the forum that predates the one that has just gone? You used to get notification of a post if you were in the middle of writing a reply. Rather than waste up to 30 min to find someone has answered it or be accused of copying if someone answers before you. This can occur if you are slower in answering or giving a longer more comprehensive answer. 30 mins might seem like a long time but if you are dyslexic or just trying to furnish the reply with reasonable English or have some facts to look up it can take that time. But knowing that what you write may be not posted because someone might respond first, encourages a rapid post that may not be well constructed in factual content or grammar. PS That was a good example as when I started to write this, the post from Joris wasn't there. Don't panic Joris you're doing fine. If its any consulation the Land Rover Series 2 Club have had to suddenly move servers & re-install everything & the Land Rover UK forum has lost its skin & looks much the same as the HMVF set up at present.
  10. A bit more but from 1913. 1st YLI moved from North China 22.1.13 to Tanglin & Normanton in the Straits Settlements for 11 1/2 months. Photo evidence to follow. PS I see that was the main strength of 860 men but there was a detachment of 34 stationed in Hong Kong for 1/2 month, that moved to the Straits Settlements on 17.1.13. Although at the same period RYI had a Regimental Depot at Pontefract with a strength of 108. 2nd LYI with a strength of 541 were in Cork for 9 months then Dublin for 3 months. I can't see reference to them being in Jersey at that time. The only infantry unit I can find there was the 1st Deveonshire Regiment who were there for the full 12 months of 1913.
  11. Adam, a bit of a result for you! Before India he was stationed at Curepie Camp, Mauritius in 1901 for 7 1/2 months before travelling on to South Africa. I'll post the evidence shortly but the documents cannot be scanned as they are fragile so I'll take some pictures.
  12. I think the weather or rather the fear of the weather, reduced the attendance. I had a streaming cold & had to resort to stuffing rolled up bog paper up each nostril. Despite this unusual field remedy, very graciously nobody resorted to making light of my predicament. The only thing I bought was a file binder for storing microfiche. Although the vendor agreed with me, I was the only person there likely to buy it, I didn't haggle & accepted the asking price as it seemed to be reasonably priced. Sometimes when an item is priced fairly I accept it at that. It can also help in the future when things are put to one side for you because the vendor knows you will pay up without a fuss. I sold quite a few things with the usual ceromonies of bartering. It always surprises me that I seem to sell things I have been taking along for years. Yet previously unseen stock, is by passed. I noticed this today particularly with the handbooks & EMERs, these genuine books were for sale at less than the cost of a photocopy version!
  13. Jamie I don't have a Mk2 any more, but does this help? Actually there should be another blade to the left of that one, half covering the block & half on the armour. The arms should be linked with an adjustable rod. I think you'll find that the canmec link arm if not entirely correct will be very close. Officially what you need for each visor is: 6/MT3/2540-99-811-7313 Blade (2) 6/MT3/2540-99-823-4995 Arm assembly (2) 9/BOE/2540-99-821-9256 Rod (1) 6/MT3 is general to 'B' & 'C' vehicles lights, wipers etc 9/BOE is exclusively Humber I did have at least one pair, but not sure if I still have it, I'll check. ISTR there should be a metal strip with a long slit cut in it, with several notches cut that engages a dowel in the arm attached to the flap. Can you post a picture? Then I can see what you are missing, I may have the piece. It is generally believed that from production of the Mk2 (Sep 1972 - June 1973) that these hefty vision blocks were fitted. That is not so, the original windscreens were used & the visors were flanged steel plates with slits for the periscopes. The new vision blocks, wipers & hydraulics were introduced in April 1975 & required 30 man-hours to upgrade one Pig.
  14. Paul, I have a large number of pictures of Mk2s on active service . I don't think any of them have white wheel nuts, although a few have a touch of white on the end of the thread. The retaining nuts for the split rims were of course painted red. White wheel nuts seem to appear once they either end on a plinth or enter private ownership. In fact anything can happen, one example has the wheel nuts painted red & the nuts for the rims are just left green. (Not that I am denying anyone the right to paint the vehicle any combination of colours etc, etc) Whether you paint it Olive Drab or NATO Green, will depend upon the point in time you wish to depict. I wouldn't bother blasting it, most in service Mk2s were frequently repainted without much time for the niceties of rubbing down old paint. So a repainted Pig with scabby & blistering paintwork underneath would look perfectly authentic. I would save your money & invest in sorting out your rear axle. If you do want to do a blast & respray then you could treat it to high gloss Deep Bronze Green. This would represent how AFAIK all Mk2s appeared immediately after conversion. If you did that there are some obvious mods that would need to be downgraded or removed.
  15. Richard, yes I see one with a PVC strap on here: http://www.ferret-fv701.co.uk/ces_&_kit.htm I don't know the answer, but asuumed J2/JB12540 was the original one, as it was listed in the Provisional 1953 TOTE for Fieldmouse Mk1. Maybe things changed when the species did? Maybe they didn't realise just how many of the black type they still had in stock?
  16. A very early listing in a TOTE shows Jars, vacuum, 1 qt. complete J2/JB12540, quantity 3. Out of curiosity I searched for the part number to see if there was a modern equivalent, the only match was Pessary, perspex, so I shouldn't think that would be carried in a Ferret.:sweat:
  17. Have a look Lee you can see where the fasteners were welded each side & under the front.
  18. Oh yes, well novelty will soon wear off. Ah I wondered when the penny would click, as they say! I was tempted to add rude words & hurl abuse at the mods to get the post noticed! I think it was £2,500 when it was at MacGregors. I'll find a pic of this special device.
  19. The rear doors had fold-down top flaps like yours, but welded up. But this had turn buckles fitted around the rear door frame to attach tentage in connection with trials of Radio Station Type 'H'. But there was something else that I have never ever seen on another Pig. I'll find a pic.
  20. Oh dear all these people who claim to have been in my garden! Well it's a brother of your ex Paul. I removed the ram so that I could service it more easily, I wanted to put it into very early NI & I got fed up with people thinking because it has a ram then it is a Mk2. Even when I bought it from Bovington they thought it was a Mk 2! I think the slow response is that there have been two military & two civilian registrations for this vehicle But this one had things yours didn't have Paul. Both were external features.
  21. My garden? Didn't know you been in my garden, when was that then? Yes for someone so eagle-eyed, he seems a bit slow on the uptake at the moment. Perhaps its something to do with the oriental cuisine?
  22. and here it is in civilian ownership, nobody seen it before?
  23. I've never seen the proper FV1604 penthouse. Chris Pearce used to use a K9 one I think. Have you got any pictures of Humbers you've owned or come across? In particular have you a picture of the proper ladder? I have a friend who has been looking for one for years, but he's not quite sure of the detail of what to look for. I saw Max a few weeks ago & he has given me all his Humber records including the original directories that they were all printed from. I'm busy scanning the photos & trying to integrate them with my collection of Humber pictures whose identities I can confirm.
  24. Richard, oh dear no, you're far too kind. This is owned by someone famous, I would have thought most forum members would have heard of this person.
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