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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. To some degree yes, but I decided to more than double my fuel bill by going to the other one.
  2. I packed it in at 1530 when the rain started, the irony is that I got wetter in the Pig having to drive with the hatches open than if I stayed put. I think we were very lucky that the rain held off for so long. We were also very lucky SOE put so much effort into make it happen. Work that started well in advance of the show & is no doubt continuing as I type. Agree with Rambo the toileting arrangements worked well with a good distribution of the blue boxes reducing queues at a particular point & ensuring one could not be caught short because there were always facilities nearby. Many thanks to the organisers, I'm sure the new site will ensure a continued growth for this well established event.
  3. I'm coming from Hambledon. I just wanted to sort out the geography in my mind as I hate missing turnings & having to do 5-point turns in the Pig. I wasn't sure if there would be signs on that approach as the general assumption is that everyone will want to travel on the motorway & come in via Waterlooville. But now I'm going down to Asda first, so on my return I will end up being on the preferred route
  4. Paul, ok kept thinking that was a Morrisons. But anyway that doesn't seem too far in the grand scheme of things. So is the show ground immediately below the junction of Forest Road & the B2150 ? Although I thought I saw it on Sunday I don't know which was the joining road.
  5. Well Richard not fussy really even a pesky tescky would have what I need. Doesn't it sound mouth watering? Although these are not ingredients for just one dish!
  6. Rosie I think I can visualise where it might be. But I doubt that it would have what I'm after (jars of anchovies, Peshwari naans, mango/lime pickle, cardamon seeds etc)
  7. Can anyone please tell me where the nearest supermarket is to the site. I don't know whether to do some shopping for provisions now or stock up when I get there. I know there is one in Waterlooville but I will be coming in from the other direction (ie Hambledon) Is there one nearer to the site? Many thanks.
  8. I can't see how many studs yours has, but it could be a coming together of trailers. Sorry about the picture quality, but I didn't want to break the spine of the book. So how does this compare to yours?
  9. Ah so it is a 1 Tonne, I thought that was just a slip & your meant 1 Ton as you had said Brockhouse. Looks like one of the 1 Tonne Rapier based trailers made by GKN Sankey either for carrying spare missiles (FV2411) or associated kit (FV2412). Wheels 5.50 x 15 5-stud Tyres 7.70 x 16 I get you a picture to compare. Have you a picture of the contract plate?
  10. Drove past the site yesterday just getting the feel of the route. Coming from the west nice rural run through Bishops Waltham then Hambledon down to Denmead. Far easier to approach than the last site. Yes I know its 'faster' via the motorway. But actually it isn't because the Pig doesn't go that much faster on a motorway. My road run is savouring the pleasure of Humbering in the countryside. Apart from the safety aspect of driving a vehicle that goes slower than other road users think you should be travelling, I can't put up with the aggro, rudeness, selfishness & stupidity from my fellow motorists. I know that the proportion of that behaviour may be the same on 'B' roads, but as I meet fewer motorists = less aggro:D
  11. Yes that was EMER WV V 617 Mod Instr No.116 May 1978. Saracen mods seemed never ending, they occupy some four EMER binders!
  12. That was taken on my phone. If any one wants a decent scan of that in two sections, please PM me with your email address.
  13. About 30 inches if that's any help. I say 'about' as the trailer is horizontal but parked on a slope, so allowing for the incline that's as close as I can get to it.
  14. As you know these 1 Ton trailers were expected to be towed by 1 Ton Trucks of the time ie K9, MRA1 & Humber. The spare wheel for these was interchangeable with those for the trailer. I have looked in the User Handbooks for these vehicles & there is no indication of the height of the hitch. Nor in the trailer books or their associated EMERs, Depends what sort of Rover you had in mind. I have a 1 Ton Cipher Office & towed it with a LtWt which looked a little silly. For a while I used a Dutch LtWt & that looked very silly. Behind a Defender & Wolf nose still down a bit but didn't look silly (to me) although the two were well "out of era". Behind a Bowman uprated Wolf it looked just right, at least from a towing point of view. Bear in mind if you tow it for a while with the nose down tremendous force is applied to the fibre bushes that support the tow eye bar & the bushes will become eliptical. I was unable to find replacement bushes & had some manufactured from a modern material. Of course I then started finding the original bushes from various sources!
  15. Still got mine & still working, although drifting was always a problem. Lots of knobs & buttons to play with! It worked to a tolerable degree on wet sand. I have an Ace 250 which is a good little machine for dry beach work. But is hopeless in wet sand & I do hate motion detection.:argh: For wet beach I use the Garrett Seahunter Mk2. Not only is this pulse induction, it is non-motion detection & I can strap the control box to my waist so much less tiring. Being completely waterproof even if I fall over & drop it in the sea there is no problem. I like the more rugged construction rather than the flimsy plastic of most machines. If it rains just carry on, no need to fiddle fitting little plastic covers over the controls.
  16. Matt would be interested in seeing you machine. The skill of the operator is everything, sometimes you read great write ups of how much treasure, coins etc a particular machine has found & therefore must be the one to buy. But who knows, it could have been detected by a less expensive machine & with an appropriate operator maybe more could have been found! The dilemma is with a large area to search, you know that if you lived to be 500 years old (yes I know people think I am that age) but you still wouldn't be able to search the area properly. So should one sweep rapidly over a large area & cover as much ground as possible, or meticulously do it section by section? I usually do small sections intensely, then move of to another piece further away & repeat, trying to hit a hot spot & zoom in on that. Sometimes I think where would a sensible operator go, then choose somewhere quite different as it less likely to have be 'done'! Sometimes I go where it has just been 'done' to see what someone else has missed. That is very satisfying. Even if you find nothing, I keep kneeling down to look as if I have!
  17. WOI I don't go as deep as this chap although I have the same machine which is rated to function down to 200' BSL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFg6GUlA_CQ&feature=related My last find was unearthed just with a screwdriver............... ......in the pump of my washing machine:rofl::rofl::rofl:
  18. Eddy ok interesting stuff. I just wondered if it involved salt water as the majority of metal detectors, despite various claims, don't function very well or not at all in that medium. I like to search slightly in the water as the tide is going out as it makes it easier to kick the sand out of the way. Fresh water you'll be ok, but seriously don't get bogged down. Maybe go with someone with some rope just in case.
  19. Eddy are you wanting to be looking on land, beach or sea?
  20. You'll have to work out the torque. I should have said 240bhp at 3750rpm.
  21. Digging? I just used a screwdriver to find those 9 coins :-D
  22. Probably not! You would need something like this: http://www.imaginglocators.com/zond_index.html I found that recent hoard with the most basic equipment!
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