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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Richard yes I think it was pretty effective, so no hay fever on Saturday night. Might have had difficulties driving home with it on Sunday though:D
  2. I can really see the brain cogs going round at full speed.:-D Good detective work but the thing overleaf is not part of this thing. The painting idea is ingenious but not correct.
  3. I hate to say it but I much preferred the weather we had last week rather than what we have this week. Apart from keeping the dust down, it kept the pollen levels down. Hay fever is very tiresome, I noticed the levels starting to rise on Sunday & a large part of the journey back was slow & unpleasant. Pulling into a rural layby was no solution, my best hope was to keep going until I hit an area with what I assume had lower levels or at least a different type of pollen. Sorry but I'm glad it wasn't a scorcher last week. In previous years I have had to resort to wearing a respirator although that certainly helps, it does open oneself to even more ridicule than usual
  4. Nope not for aiming anything (bombs, sausages etc)
  5. Phew that's a relief I was afraid someone was going to get it in one. Nope not cooking related.
  6. In all probability that drawing goes back to those days.
  7. Yes far too easy will have to find a real stinker for next time
  8. The winner of the Dale Prior Memorial Prize for Best Humber 1-Ton based on originality AND servicing. I have watched this vehicle in its up & downs & various guises for about 25 years. It is so nice to see it in this lovely state. The whole of the rear body was reconstructed with great skill & precision. Well done Roger!
  9. Well done pretty much there in the first shot! Although the date, as others surmised was rather later, in fact it was 1941. I was expecting suggestions along the lines on a new olympic hurdle race, G4S changing rooms etc
  10. RAF item also used by New Zealand was still current in 1999 as 6530-99-129-6828
  11. My best buys: Manual for Storemen of Air Ministry Works Directorate.1945 £4 The War Office - A Newcomer,s Guide.1950. £6
  12. Ian I contacted the vehicle manufacturer who I thought might have an after sales upgrade or specification for an upgrade. The advisor said he needed to speak to his team leader. After a few minutes the advice was that if I wanted to change the rating on my V5 I should contact DVLA. I said wanted to modify the vehicle first then have it inspected then it would change on the V5. He went off again & said the manufacturer doesn't give any advice about payload upgrades & the best thing for me to do was yes, wait for it, contact VOSA :nut: In the meantime I have found this company who sound as if they produce kits for certain vehicles & seem to actually understand the demand for upgrades & downgrades. I've sent them an email so I'll wait with interest. http://www.svtech.co.uk
  13. Welcome Doug. Ah yes 810 FUF I used to see it a lot when it was owned by John Burford then at some stage I believe FG Dave on here owned it & has since sold it on. But not seen it recently. "16 BK 41" yes I remember snapping it at Bovington in its "ambulance" guise. Story at the time was that it was to go to Eire to represent a UN role. But I gather it never went. Although I did find in Hansard that a Pig was donated for this purpose valued at £1,000. Yes John Marchant quite a father figure for us. Seemed to have quite a few Humbers once including that one that had a car body mounted on it for banger racing. I saw that 2 years ago or rather it has been rebodied from another Humber. Not many vehicles would have survived banger racing to be restored again! I have seen John about in the last year I think. Not too long ago he was displaying some outrageous earth digging plant I think.
  14. Robert two things spring mind either as some sort of rosin flux in connection with soldering or as an insulating material to be melted into connections. I have a 1909 telegraph manual that lists lots of things used by linesmen & the like but nothing like that listed. WT Henley's Telegraph Works hold a patent on an insulating "compound" 51(?) used in connection with sea going mine hunting equipment.
  15. Maybe all that dust we used to get wasn't so bad after all? :cheesy:
  16. They seem to be cutting back on staff & cutting down on where certain things can be done. I think the nearest station that still does type approval like this is on the Isle of Wight, being some distance from the sea on the mainland is not helpful.
  17. Is that RF burns or buying kit you don't really need?
  18. Thinking of uprating a truck from 3.5 tonnes to 3.9 tonnes. Was recently told it just needed stronger/bigger bump stops & then a VOSA inspection. So I contacted VOSA asking what were the legal requirements to be satisfied. The question was unanswered & I was sent an application form for a test. I wrote again thanking them for the form, but before any work was carried out I needed to know what statutes/criteria would the applied to judge the worthiness of such a conversion, for they must surely exist? This was the reply "Unfortunately VOSA do not handle enquiries of this type." Anyone any idea to whom & where I should enquire? I noticed a customer satisfaction feedback button so I could tell them how helpful their response had been. That feature was inoperative, how strange
  19. Well if he sells one then there must be a demand. So maybe take some nicer pictures yourself & start selling those? :-)
  20. The crucial thing I suppose is what happens to the water once it has landed? Is the soil there chalk or clay based? Round here the fields stay flooded for ages as it is very clay based.
  21. MVEE Spec 574 dated 1972 states it should be "2 coats of Bronze green stoving enamel Berger SA4225. Rover Paint Spec No.15" IRR NATO Green was not available then.
  22. Yes with large patches of uncertainties moving in over the area for some periods when it may be changeable, probably for at least part of the time but liable to remain uncertain for many of us, perhaps (Not getting at you Robert just this changeable "summer" we are having)
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