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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Tor as well as the ISPL CD I mentioned on your other thread, this is essential reading. Although the spiel underneath the advert has some inaccuracies the book itself is most useful. http://www.shop.milweb.net/proddetail.php?prod=mlrs_1128&cat=34
  2. Bob its not the same, although that was used in Humber Hornet FV1620. Tor bear in mind there are two thermal circuit breakers that fail if water leaks into the jump start socket by the passenger,s door hinge.
  3. Wow, would be worth checking out if there was something rearward that caused that to happen. I'll check if I have a spare spare tomorrow. You need to get this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_trksid=p3984.m570.l1313&_nkw=humber+pig+parts+cd&_sacat=0 Unusually as an ISPL it has the circuit diagrams of GS & Pig.
  4. Tor I don't know which shaft you actually mean, but have look through this & you will see the tracta joints were upgraded: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?983-Pig-in-a-poke In reality you have the possibility of three types on the rear even though they appear to be Mk 2 Pigs.
  5. Orange Pigs! They wouldn't be these by any chance? http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?1262-Humber-Pigs&highlight=orange+pigs
  6. Simon DMC is indeed the correct term to have used. 9AHY is for MT items relating to heavy tanks & derivatives plus mine ploughs. Once it used to include medium tanks as well.
  7. John, front MRA1 cylinders are same as on Humber 1-Ton, 1 1/8 in diam.
  8. Doug it is 88in Land Rover. The torsion bar is 3 leaf spring. One of 6 prototypes I believe.
  9. Yes you are right. Unfortunately my circuit diagram labels it incorrectly. My other mistake was to assume CVR(W) & CVR(T) had the same charging arrangement. Although they are broadly similar I didn't realise the CVR(W) used the a vibrating contact regulator which is rather crude unlike CVR(T) with CAV 440 module at the heart of the panel.
  10. If you mean pins 3 & 4 they only provide the +ve output, the -ve is via earth. Pin 3 is to supply +ve output to hull batteries Pin 4 is to supply +ve output to turret batteries Pin 3 & 4 are only joined together & to the alternator output once the main relay RL2 is activated by the driver relay RL1 energised via the auxiliary alternator output feeding pin A. Your best place to monitor +ve alternator output is pin B or C that feed the ammeter & of course -ve from the earth. (I assume we are talking about Gen Panel No.12 Mk 1)
  11. Oh yes & at least you can see what's going on/broken :-D
  12. This was the most interesting thing I came across:
  13. John first of all I must congratulate on your powers of observation & recording skills. Wonderful stuff. Well the 25 BK 85 still survives! It was converted to a Mk 2 ie up-armoured in Op Bracelet 1972-73. It was struck off census on 21/1/91 to 19 Field Ambulance RAMC. It now resides at the Army Medical Services Museum, Keogh Barracks. There is no record of it having been converted actually to an ambulance. Normally a Mk 1 ambulance has a rear step on each side & on a Mk 2 it is a single step on the offside but doubled in width towards the nearside. So it may just be a paint job. When I viewed it a few years ago it was welded up I think. BTW that is a rare photo as you are not allowed to take pictures, but I obtained permission & took the picture under close supervision. 28 BK 97 was also converted to a Mk 2 it was struck off to Warminster Training Centre on 28/7/97 strangely enough! I'm not sure if that was the one that was outside their Small Arms Museum but that was sold of to a collector on the Isle of Wight & probably is still in the IOW Military Museum. I have some pictures somewhere. Anyway well done on recording that bit of history so precisely.
  14. I'm afraid I know nothing about the WC51. Where is the filter in the charging circuit or the ignition? Are you concerned about it failing & stopping the vehicle or whether it is still effective at suppressing radio frequency interference? If you are near Salisbury I can test the capacitors for leakage & measure the inductance of a filter choke.
  15. John with Wheels & Tracks Bart said he had enough material he had written to keep going for 18 months in advance. So he wasn't short of material but would find room for something he thought the readership would be interested in. Quite a change from my own club! But things have now improved enormously. Winsdscreen I think has helped bridge this silly wartime/postwar prejudice. So much so that I read most articles in there even if I think it might not be of immediate interest to me. These monthly MV mags have their place, I don't buy them but I think they are particularly good at getting people into the hobby or if someone want to see lots of good pictures. But they inevitably cannot provide the spectrum of interests and the depth detail that Windscreen provides for us. Although one has to draw a line somewhere, the HMVF version of the "codes" is 50% bigger than the printed version & growing! I have already added some more details for a further version! I'm reassured that you want to maintain the depth of detail. For two years I have been working on an article on Rover screened ignition systems, the history, the variants & practical fault finding. In fact this morning, as a result of the research, I was able to troubleshoot a problem for someone who had the wrong variant of coil. I'm not sure whether I'm going to get it finished in time for the deadline for the next edition, so it might end up your in tray :-)
  16. I agree, much as one welcomes John to his new post & wishes him well. We should not forget that we do owe a considerable debt to Andy Jones for bringing the magazine forward into a large format publication in colour with a broad spread of content & constantly honing it to suit the needs of members. Without Andy's co-operation & support I doubt that I would be writing articles today. I once submitted some ideas for articles & was told that my articles would be of no interest to Windscreen readers. After a year of campaigning I gave up & had one of the articles published in Wheels & Tracks. When Andy came along he encouraged me to submit articles for publication, this has resulted in over 50 articles spread over about 380 pages. He has always tidied them up for presentation but I am appreciate that he has not tampered with the content for journalistic purposes & given me a high degree of trust. So Andy I am very grateful for your encouragement, particularly at a time when I had been told to give up any expectation of having anything printed (and other disincentives I won't go into). Anyway back to writing the next two articles that are in the pipeline
  17. I notice the Land Rover Series 2 Club had an outage although it was for a lot longer. http://www.series2club.info/forum/index.php/topic,57088.0.html
  18. This isn't meant as a challenge or a lack of appreciation & is meant nicely. What bothered me was not knowing what had happened. Was it an official thing or had I got some malware? Nobody seemed to know. I came on read a post from Lee & there is a pop up about about menstruation. It just seemed irrelevant & unexpected. I now know the links go when you log on but I only found that by chance. You have given us an explanation. So now we know, so thank you.
  19. Congratulations John in your new post. I hope there will still be some room for occasional articles from me.
  20. I think what you have is the end top section of Tent, Marquee, Universal J1/8340-99-942-4590 The actual bit you have being Canvas, tent, roof end J1/8340-99-942-4676
  21. They move each time you view the page. However if you log in they go but a casual visitor will be surely irritated & feel like moving on?
  22. The only place I found it this morning was on that PM thread Lee. It's now gawn, so I hope that's the last of that experiment :-D
  23. Links from keywords to ebay I can understand & accept. I'm grateful they seem to be not so extensive as before. But what is this new green text or green text double underlined do for the forum? Apart from being more tedious to read a simple bit of text I cannot see how tripping over a free dictionary whilst reading it enhances the forum experience or can generate income, unless the path to the "free" dictionary is laden with links. I have not explored further & have no wish to walk into another link ridden area. Dictionaries being dictionaries cover all sorts of subjects as you can see below. I cannot see how the quoted biological facts enhance the value of Lee's post. In fact I think if a thread had been started on that theme it would have been pulled as it is irrelevant & not perhaps what one would need to read about on a family forum. Given the content of dictionaries, who knows what other interesting facts or topics which will be irrelevant or not in the best taste?
  24. The prize winner of the military section, our own PhilB. Well done! Sorry the phone picture doesn't do it justice.
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