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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Might apply but not what I have got written down here.
  2. A - Yes but Wally had got that one first B - Nope C - Not really but related
  3. Yes Wally "A" is Sanitation in the Field B - nope
  4. You need to broaden your reading horizons Richard this is in an Army Coded publication.
  5. During my enforced period of internet incommunicado I was perusing some manuals and was fascinated by some of the quotes used to capture the reader's attention. Here is a selection. The point of the quiz is to identify what might be the title of the chapter or the likely subject matter that relate to these introductions. You don't have to get them all correct in one go so there will be four winners as the answers surface.
  6. Well after 2 weeks & 3 days we now have a temporary phone line. Only through the intervention of a neighbour exercising influence. :-X Glad I wasn't the only one affected as I have had no text updates as promised & no replies to emails & left completely uninformed. Neighbour rang on my behalf yesterday to be told by someone in another country that they were waiting to dig a hole. Today they were told that they were waiting for council permission to dig the hole. Then a hour later the phone line was replaced (without having to dig a hole) But I expect they've been busy counting the £200 million they've got to find for screening some football events
  7. Some years ago I was lucky enough to buy two cans of high gloss DBG that were both of similar age and genuine military contract paint. Unfortunately they were by different contractors. After the paint had dried each looked to give a good DBG finish. But side by side one had a rather bottle green tint whilst the other was richer brownish tinge. This difference was particularly obvious after decanting into jam jars. After some months the pigments had settled to the lower part of the jars. One pigment was bottle green/blue and the other brown/red. Looking at the jars it would be hard to believe that they both came to very nearly the same colour! As far as Rover engine paint goes all the Series 2 FVRDE Specs I have seen quote: Engine enamel grey Donald Macphearson LSW.703 Whatever that is!
  8. Many of us owe a great deal to modellers for their fastidious attention to detail. I have a vehicle that could not have been restored authentically without such information. But I had an interesting conversation with a modeller of planes & warships who maintained he adjusted the shade according to the scale he was working with. He felt that the eye & brain software perceived shades differently according to the size of object being viewed. I had never come across this before. Maybe it explains how a small paint sample looks to be a good match but doesn't look so good when the whole vehicle is painted. But that could be more to do with my poor painting technique!
  9. DBG appeared in 1931 as "BS 381 No. 24 Colours for ready mixed paints".
  10. There is a comprehensive list of equivalents on the forum on page 2 of Clives Corner.
  11. FV Specification 2012 was issued by FVDD on 1st January 1948 stipulated DBG as BSC 24 as it was then. Later in the year when BSC381C was adopted it changed designation to 224 for finish coat of AFVs & MT vehicles. At that stage the manufacturer's finish for power units was acceptable. This Specification superseded the earlier version issued on 6th February 1945 by combining AFV Specification 2013 & Specification MC 286C issued by DFVI.
  12. Jack I'm not sure what it is either. If it is a means of directing people here that has to be good. Although why people can't use a search engine I don't know. What I think would be a divisive move would be to cultivate an alternative & elite subculture that would draw away some activity from here destroying the original raison d'etre. I belong to one forum where this has happened draining away the previous thriving forum activity.
  13. Andy I think that's a different sort of storm sadly.
  14. Still no phone line here. Struggle to even get an email on 3G web pages very slow or nothing. But do have some engineers repairing line their aim is to connect just 3 customers. Say they will connect me & my neighbour on Sunday. So that will be 13 days. Yet I was the first to report the fault when it happened. As for texting me updates as requested nothing received. Although it is perhaps good to be free of web addiction for a little while it is not so good being unable to pay bills & keep accounts out of the red with accounts that are Internet only. Seriously thinking about satellite broadband. As at best its no more than 2mbs. Anyone any experience of a satellite connection?
  15. I posted some extracts on here a few years ago. Do a search. There is a modelling website mentioned in the thread that many refer to but I think I pointed out that some info details had been misconstrued. I think that was to do with dates as patterns did change with time.
  16. Yes there were a series of booklets: Camouflage Military Training Pamphlet No.46 This had a series of Parts as sub-books notably 4 & 4A. Disruptive camo was in 20 & 26
  17. Still no phone line. Nobody much bothered about repairing it. :banghead: Just walked to a wifi hotspot but rather cold and windy now started to rain
  18. No it wasn't. I don't know when such stampings were introduced. What impressed me was that it seemed to have only one layer of brown paint that could well have been original or at least some time in it's career that someone thought it appropriate to paint it brown with white embellishments.
  19. Well done Doug that's a satisfying outcome. As for clutch, I have no experience other than fitting an original item. I had to do this because of nitwit abuse. The clutch was a bit worn but overheated to the extent that the flywheel had cracked. Bearing in mind your clutch may have been in place for nearly 60 years I would have thought fitting an original type would have been ok.
  20. Now in field struggling with weak 3G taking 3-5 minutes to get a page. Tree ripped phone line another tree smashed two fences. Spent hours trying to report fault with ansautomated system seemed designed to avoid customer communication wanting me to go online to report fault GRRRRH! Also tried to report fact that cable droops across lane endangering tall vehicles. Voice recognition not able to recognise simple words like "dangerous" had to give up as batteries were drained despite being charged all night after hours of calling dim witted machines & hanging on.
  21. No provided the radio positive supply was completely insulated off. It was just that I was thinking you had three "unused" diode elements that could be brought into play if there was a fault in the three being used for the vehicle positive. The 40A system differs from the 90A in that there are separate independent outputs for vehicle & radio batteries. Unlike 90A where there is one output that gets connected via a relay to the radio & vehicle batteries that are then linked in parallel with each other.
  22. Do you get a decent output (28v or so) at the terminal for radio batteries? If that is good then trace the feed back to its thick blue lead on the rectifier. Then unplug the output & swap it with the thick blue lead that goes to the vehicle batteries via the ammeter. There are 9 diode elements to the selenium pack 3 are common to the negative (this is not earth). Then there are 3 for the vehicle positive & 3 for radio positive, simply swapping the positives brings an alternative 3 diodes into operation. There are 6 thick blue leads. 3 are AC input from alternator one is negative to the regulator one is positive for vehicle one is positive for radio When you measure alternator output, put negative prod on blue negative not earth (as takes you through the current regulator winding although this would be of littlel consequence if minimal current was being drawn)
  23. Would have replied earlier, but have had two major power outages here in New Forest. Anyway:
  24. I've been asked for pics of C11-R210/C45 + R209. I'll post them here as others might see points of interest.
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