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Everything posted by Surveyor

  1. That's what my kids say to me with my jokes or remember who is picking the nursing home I'm going to
  2. Makes 2 of us, stuff to get fixed and some to go in eBay
  3. Sir you have my respect for what you are doing and there are to many who agree with what you and your colleagues are doing and will not express their thoughts
  4. Another funny story on Wednesday I received an email from a well know supermarket store saying I was in a venerable group due to my age, still trying to pick my kids and others off the floor, 57 this year. Thursday logged on no longer a vulnerable person, some logic there lol
  5. I believe for classic car insurance some companies say 25 is the minimum age
  6. This has nothing to do with our subject of military vehicles but in these times I thought it was a good story to share. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-scotland-52050755/coronavirus-alpacas-visit-care-home-to-cheer-up-residents If the moderators wish to take it down so be it
  7. Thankfully I got home from the hotel, I have a long term booking, yesterday they closed for 3 weeks so at home with a 19 year old who is an outdoors type climbing the walls
  8. That solves one question, I have to go and get the beast from the MoT station and last night the police were out checking where people were going
  9. Any history on crash and smash sounds interesting and maybe for another thread
  10. Yes remember as an exercise they did demolition on HMS Raven at Crail Airfield
  11. Do you have a breakdown of the cost which would be interesting
  12. Yes I think that's apparent form the museum, all the best in getting it done
  13. A friend of mine has asked me if there is any information regrading the company. The research at the moment is general but the work done during the war years, any war would be appreciated as they are trying to make a film about them. There may be other companies to research. Richard
  14. Thanks a good site to bookmark
  15. Do you have pictures of the difference between them
  16. What about the main body
  17. Sorry when saw Enfield was thinking of the rifle, at least I am learning
  18. How would he carry that, slung across his back?
  19. they do that to age brick and stone
  20. I received the ATU and they were painted then so I hope to continue the practice, but thanks for the pointers regarding trying to get them roughened before painting, think my local garage may have some of the battery acid, will give them a shout latter
  21. Looking on line there is a company making them, just need to measure existing to match Thanks for the help
  22. Surveyor

    non payment of goods

    I will be honest I was paid within a couple of days of him receiving the one I sent
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