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Chris Hall

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Everything posted by Chris Hall

  1. Looking for a Bren L4A1, 2, 3, 4 etc. or anything unusual.
  2. She’s a beauty, Australian by the looks of it, I have 2 my self with one being an original Cutaway model. What else is in the arsenal?
  3. I know how hard it is to find a KM20 tank, I was looking for one for ages and when I did, it cost me a fortune. good find on the brake plate, I wonder how long they’ve had that!! is that a Lithgow Vickers Gun sat behind the Enfield?
  4. That’s why I was asking, perhaps that’s why it had replacement wheels. I don’t think the little 350 wheels are strong enough unlike the CO rear wheel! That thing is good for at least 750cc.
  5. Those ally rivets are correct for a service repair, I have a few of these somewhere and they were direct from source.
  6. Thanks, I’ll take a look at that paint, 2 pack is my preferred paint so could work well and in keeping with the paint process applied to my GPW.
  7. Apart from the firewall mods, the body looks in amazing condition. When I go out to the garage later I will post some photos of the current state of my rust bucket.
  8. My GPW has no red primer, it has that yellow/green chromate primer and the Willy’s type chassis has a black primer with an overspray of green. Not found a trace of red oxide yet which is a pain. I hoped to paint in the same format but I don’t think I can replicate the yellow/green chromate primer.
  9. The only Targeting pod in use is the Ultra LIII and it looks to big for that. The PWII, EPW2 and PWIV head is so small that one component is probably bigger than the whole thing. could be something like P.I.R.A.T.E but I don’t think Raytheon are involved in that.
  10. It’s not Paveway, I work with them every day and that will never fit in the ECCG. And PW uses a seeker rather than a lens.
  11. I suspect it could be aircraft related or equipment for testing aircraft weapons.
  12. You’ve got a Burman Gearbox engine plate there Ron, I may be wrong but I think Jan mentioned that after the CO/B contract, the Burman plate became standard to even Albion fitted bikes.
  13. Love the hi-viz timing marks Ron.
  14. Yeah, that’s the only time I ever used them. Used to love telling people they needed to get some welding done before their next MOT.
  15. I remember those mirrors, the end metal but was on a ball so you could alter the angle. We also had bigger ones on wheels.
  16. I don’t think RE ever made a longer stud, all the brackets I owned were the standard length. The pegs just never closed fully. If you look at Rons longer stud you can see it’s circular with a machined flat end. I don’t see RE doing that, more than likely if it was to exist, it would be the same as standard but slightly longer.
  17. Is that a crack Ron? Seen it before when the race has been knocked out.
  18. So I’m expecting my parents for a visit and thought I’d Stalk them on Find Friends. When looking my eyes were drawn to an old airfield west of Newark, and on that old airfield there must be hundreds of Military trucks. Anyone know the story and what they are? I guess they are there for disposal or rebuild. i don’t know if the Google maps is newer or older than the find friends photos but on GM, there’s only a handful of trucks there.
  19. I found in Iraq that heavy rust corrosion is removed exceedingly well with 4oz of PE4. Never failed to leave a nice clean rust free surface.
  20. The No.2 Mk1* Enfield was never designed for AFV. There was a recommendation from the Tank Corp for a combless hammer version but the main reason for this was a change in doctrine. All production after early 1941 were Mk1* regardless of contract and destination service arm. i wouldn’t have wanted to carry one concealed in NI, that’s for sure.
  21. PP and PPK were standard arms rather than specific to NI but I suppose you could say they were used in a role possibly they were not intended for.
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