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Ran into a spot of bother at the weekend....

Jessie The Jeep

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"There I was, cruising along, not a care in the world. Suddenly, oil pressure low...............engine fire...............hit the silk...............and then this................."









I was lucky I hadn't bombed the area where I bailed out!


Fortunately, I bailed out near Allied lines, and within 30 minutes, the area was liberated, and I was set free.







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Hi steve,

i am sure that you wern`t in any danger as the (german ) guy on the left was wearing the second class bar to the 1914/18 iron cross :!:

which would make him at least 50 yrs old (unless he `s had an easy life !!!!! ) so he must be a repro or a spy :lol: :lol: :lol:



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Actually, he is an old dude! ( he'd kill me if he heard that! ), 'saw service in the last year of WW1, having lied about his age, and then volunteered for service in WW2, but was 'Put out to pasture' on a remote battery, never expecting to see anything more than yet another nights guard duty.' :roll:


He has been known to defect to the Allied forces at some events, as has Ernie, the other guard. The pair did get some stick during the day, and eventually we put them against a wall and shot them both. It was the kindest thing to do in the circumstances.



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