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Another paint and spray question.


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Ok question time..


1. What is the difference between primer/undercoat - red oxide and top coat. The top cost I am buying from RR Services. What makes one different from the other.


2. What is the best temperature to paint in?


3. What is the worst temperature to paint in and why?.......I am thinking that I have just found out the answer to this one :oops:


Thank you for your help.



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Painting, I found it is best done outdooors as most of us can't get enough all round good light apart from the H&S fumes issue.


You need a mildly warm calm not too bright dry day. Early spring days seem best. Obviously you want no dampness on the vehicle before you start, during or when it is drying. If there is wind it will blow dust & leaves etc.


If it is too hot it will start to dry on impact & a day that is too bright make the applied surface a bit difficult to see with the sun behind you. Then with the sun in any other direction can spoil your vision & give rise to "missed bits" which people will forever enjoy pointing out to you. :roll:


Days that are too warm can encourage polleny leaves & things to fall from the trees or flying things that want to stick their bottoms on your wet paint.


One person I know has a nursery & uses the greenhouses for some vehicle work, even in winter it is warm, calm & has wonderful uniform levels of light.


There were awful problems in the 1950s with painting problems on a whole range of vehicles military & civil. The problems then were smog, the attituded that painting was for decoration rather than preservation, shortage of raw materiels in the paint industry generally. Also a lack of appreciation of using primer, undercoat, first coat & top coat in an intergated way way with the design & application of paint systems that were designed to adhere to each other as there were problems with poor paint adherence.


This is covered in a painting article I did but I see I haven't yet sent it to you for posting! So watch out it is quite a big one :roll:

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If its too cold the problem is condensation on what you are about to paint & what happens after you've put the paint on even if it seemed to have no moisture to start with.


In my workshop I have large dehumidifier been running continuously for I suppose at least ten years which is an achievement. But the metal is damp & of course when it is cold & dry it might be ok when you put it on but the coldness delays the drying of the paint. I just wait for spring, whenever that will be :cry:

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