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WW2 records............


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Is there a database where you can track down fellow countrymans service records?


I am trying to fill in the gaps and I would imagine in this day and age that there is a web based site but I just can't find anything.


Any one got any ideas?






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The Public Record Office holds service records, my Dad got my grandads but it can only be sent to the direct descendant so it was sent to my uncle (luckily he only lives two miles away), it was very interesting reading. All you need is the army number and name, managed to find out what regiments my Grandad was in (he was on the 3.7inch AA guns at Tobruk when they were used against German tanks and then the Germans wiped them out, he was very lucky to escape)


Edit - you have to write to them though with the neccessary information, and it costs £25 which I reckon is a rip off for a poor quality photocopy (could barely read half of it and had to try and do dot-to-dot on some words)

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It is interesting to compare our system to that in the US,I have done a lot of research into various areas of US military history and have received a lot of information free of charge or for a very small charge,this includes aircraft crash reports,indvidual service records,unit diaries,missing aircraft reports etc.



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