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Hero`s Return


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For those who have not seen the listings yet.......... channel 5 20:00 Hrs Tuesday Revealed...Sqdn. Leader George Johnston returns to The Sorpe dam (of Dambusters fame) to understand why his bomb failed and to visit the graves of fellow airmen on the raid.



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I belive that most of us have heard/read the daring exploits of these aircrew,soldiers and naval personel, but untill you can actually visit this and other places where the famous battles and encounters took place can you grasp the intensity/significance of what all those men and women involved accomplished.


I have visited the three dams (1970-1972) and have crossed the lower part of the Mohne see by waking (on 3 feet of thick ice )during a school trip :shake: and even then could only wonder at what made these men brave enough to carry out such a daring exploit, along with many other situations in the combat areas during world conflict,


The same can be said for the sites of the WW1 battlefields,and cemetaries .


Though satallight imagary, historic programmes can help to actually attend a site is will leave the visitor stunned and in awe of the people who fought, died, survived, for our freedom.



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