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Ww2 flying flea crankshaft needed

WD Flea

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Hi Chris. I know of at least three people also looking for a Flea crankshaft ! Best keep an eye on Ebay or similar as they do turn up every now and then......also keep an eye on Hitchcock's to see if they get any secondhand units in..........

If you are not already aware, note that the WD crankshaft assembly is not the same as the post-war civilian type........the WD version used different rollers, crankpin, conrod and crank webs...........they are narrower than the post war version which was "beefed up" in proportions........however, both complete assemblies are interchangeable although individual crank components are not......

As for pistons, you can use either the early pattern ones with "deflectors" cut into the top or the later "deflectorless" type.....but if using the former make sure you fit it with the deflectors facing to the rear.............

Picture 1 - WD crank assembly and civvy assembly

Picture 2 - close up of civvy assembly

Picture 3 - close up of WD assembly




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Chris, you may struggle.......Hitchcock's (I think) did have the post-war crankpin and conrod but not the wartime type.........worth considering that the entire assembly is hidden once fitted and the post-war assembly less-fragile than the wartime version.....Hopefully though, any secondhand crank may only require the renewal of the roller bearings rather than the crankpin...!


Also maybe try Burton Bike Bits.......they have an Enfield list on-line by original part numbers but it's often a little out of date.........

Edited by wdbikemad
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Like Steve, I can't tell from a picture. But better that it's post war as it's stronger and parts are available and I won't tell anyone.

BTW Steve did you catch up with Chris O at Shepton? He tried your mobile but I think you had forgotten to wind it up🥴


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Thanks Ron, no, I didn't have any calls from Chris O.....! I must catch up with him soon......

I suspect the crank assembly that Hitchcock's have is a post-war type and as you say these are better and far stronger than the pre-war and WD type..........the entire assembly is hidden once fitted anyway.....you can still obtain conrods and roller bearings for the post-war Flea.......not so for the earlier type, including the rollers that are a peculiar length...

In fact, the post-war "beefed up" crank assembly was actually designed/proposed during 1943 - I have the factory blueprints for it and they are dated ! Seemingly however, they did not switch over to the stronger assembly until civvy production recommenced in 1945, doubtless so as not to interfere with production.......

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Hi Chris, yes, the complete crank assembly is interchangeable between WD and civilian crankcases.........

Talking of Flea crankcases, they also differ between WD and civilian but only internally.........images below show the WD crankcase on the left, civvy on the right......the WD version had less alloy in it's construction but the vital measurements for the crank of both types remains the same.....

Ron, thanks for that. Better check my number !




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