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In Canadian Service

Great War truck

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I have just finished reading “The Armoured Autocar in Canadian Service” by Cameron Pulsifier.


width=600 height=800http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c309/Greatwartruck/DSCN0008.jpg[/img]


This is an excellent book telling the marvelous story of how the purchase of 20 Autocars was funded by private subscription and how “Automobile Machine Gun Brigade #1” was formed. As some of you already know, 8 of these Autocars were armoured and provided with two machine guns and used to devastating effect against the Germans during their offensive of March 1917.


Four of the armoured Autocars survived the war of which one still exists at the Canadian War Museum. The book is only 24 pages long, but has a great number of photos and tells a remarkable story about WW1 Motor Transport (not that I am biased in that particular field in anyway).


width=640 height=480http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c309/Greatwartruck/DSCN0009.jpg[/img]


Service Publications also do a great deal of other books on Canadian military vehicles and history on topics that are not usually covered. For example Kangaroo, Ram tank, Canadian Jeeps, Engineer assault boats, Land Matress and there are many other interesting titles in the pipe line such as Bailey Bridges and Canadian Motorcycles. They cost less than 10 Canadian dollars which is very reasonable I think. They are also currently selling a CD ROM with 1,000 images of CMP, AFV and carriers being constructed. Further info can be found at the website




Tim (too)


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Cheers Tim.


I think we need to post this up front with the other reviews....Perhaps His Jackness could comment (well, we know that - but on this specifically).





Yes many thanks Tim - I think Snap is right, we should have this up on the front page as we would like to develop the review section as this is one of the most read areas of HMVF.


Are you ok with that?


Kind regards.



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