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Figured out a solution for a problem we all have


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Well, we all have problems with our switch knobs losing the white lettering over time, and we buy new ones. Either repo metal or plastic. But I wanted to use my original real ones. So here is what I did.....


I cleaned the knobs really well.


Let them dry overnight.

I used a white paint stick, liquid, not one that has a paste.


I let it dry just a couple of minutes, then lightly wiped it off. Which smeared the whole knob with a light coat of white, and looks really bad.


I did not let it set, but I lightly sprayed some Brake cleaner on a rag, and start wiping around the parts of the knob but rub real lightly on the part with the lettering.


It turns out pretty well.


I wish I had taken before photos, but I really did not think it would work as well as it did.






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It is very large, it over fills the letters, and covers parts of the knob. that is why I go through how to clean it up. But also only takes about 5 minutes a knob to do, not counting the cleaning, and drying well overnight. If you look close, you can see some of the white around the edge, where I still need to clean it a little better.

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Another way is to spray the knobs with a 2 pac paint , and fill the white letters in with white spirrit based paint afterwards , whipe off eccessive paint , and when almost fully dry whipe off remaining paint , works always good .

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Ok thanks. Even with a very fine brush there was some overflow that needed some wiping.

The marker looks handy.


I'm too old and do not have a steady enough hand to use a brush. So I went with sloppy way.....:-)


Here is how large the point is.....



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