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I'm Steve and I was drawn here by a picture actually. I would really like to know more about it, such as where it was sourced from. Why you might ask, well my good ol' gramps recognises the people as his tank commander and gunner. If so, then it would be my gramps in the drivers seat (unfortunately not visible).


The picture was posted by Steveo who I think has a bit of a reputation on here as being the resident expert. He posted it on this post; http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?10980-Churchill-Gallery/page17



Welcome in. Get Gramps on as well, his knowledge and stories, invaluable.


He has a similar picture on his wall from a different angle and the subtitle says something like "on the way to Normandy" he always points out that it's a lie because he had a different tank when storming Normandy, this was taken somewhere else.

Welcome on the forum.

I take it your granddad is still alive?


Yep, still going strong at 92yrs. Always happy to go for a pint down the pub and thinks and the old folk near him are boring.

I'm trying to decipher his records, but too many things I don't understand.

Yep, still going strong at 92yrs. Always happy to go for a pint down the pub and thinks and the old folk near him are boring.

I'm trying to decipher his records, but too many things I don't understand.


Cool, thank him on my behalf for my freedom.


Now there's a story in itself! :D Go on persuade him to tell the rest, after all he is a valuable first hand scource to anyone with an intrest in the history of real people (Any futher flattery he may need will be applied by the shovelful)

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