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Hello's from new member

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Well, here I am finally. Having spent the last 18 months looking to purchase a Ex Mil Vehicle, I finally sold my civi 4 wheels and bought the 1983 series III Land Rover 109 Carawagon Tactical Command Centre.


I have been keeping an eye open on all the 'For Sale' thread on most of the forums, and this landed in my lap and was for sale at the end of the street near enough. What could I do :? I saw this at the Driffield Show earlier this year and fell in love with it so it seemed that this was fate and intended for me.


I have already spent a vast amount on the incidental bits even though I did not have a vehicle, although as most of you know, the 109 it complete. If I knew how to post photo's :oops: , I would put one up for those that have not seen it.


Anyways, my name is David and I am a nut for anything Military. I spend nearly every weekend airsofting (keeps me outta the pub), and run a team that reinacts 3CDO Royal Marine Commando BPT. We travel the country far and wide and although not the best, we do have a good time and believe in having some fun. We are complete in almost ever detail and this vehicle was the last component needed.


I have every intention of taking it to the shows and taking the rest of the lads along with me and having some fun. And we are well up for meeting you guys and gals there.


I spend far too much time on forums, MSN and on the phone, but I do have a loving supporter called Brenda. She just appologised to her family for me and the kids ignor me, although our grandson thinks I am wicked.


Think that is about if for now, bar looking forward to sharing info, experience and meeting you all.

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Thanks for the Intro David, it is always nice to know what people are up to and where they come from and good to see another LR owner on board as it gives the site diversity.


Got any pictures?


As Paul says, good to have you here and please leave some biscuits for me :twisted:





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I am sorry but I have just wet myself laughing after reading Papillon1065 signature..........


"I hated going to weddings. All the grandmas would poke me saying "You're next". They stopped that when I started doing it to them at funerals."


.....will be back after I have composed myself.

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Hi David,brave man who sells the sensible transport and buys an MV :D


If you find yourself at a loose end on the first wednesday of every month, there is an MVT meeting at the Sports Centre in Wetherby, just off the A1.

Friendly informal bunch with about 25 or so who regularly turn out, good cross section of vehicles from Humbers to Skidoos to Reos to Victor tankers and everything in between!!





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Hi David,brave man who sells the sensible transport and buys an MV :D


If you find yourself at a loose end on the first wednesday of every month, there is an MVT meeting at the Sports Centre in Wetherby, just off the A1.

Friendly informal bunch with about 25 or so who regularly turn out, good cross section of vehicles from Humbers to Skidoos to Reos to Victor tankers and everything in between!!






Nice one Tim....


Thanks for that. Will make sure I am at the November one. Can you PM me some details of times, blar blar blar....


Cheers again

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