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Abbot dial sight cowl

BRDM Driver

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Can any Abbot owners tell me if there is a lock on the rotating gunsight cowl that covers the dial sight?


Mine only moves a fraction and feels like something is locking it in place.


The parts diagrams dont show anything.


I tried taking out all the big mounting bolts so I could lift the cowl off, but it won't come off either. Even using a crow bar.


I took the position indicator off, but I think it's drive shaft is ceased in it's bearing sleeve and that's whats stopping the cowl moving.


The winding handle is free and it will move the cowl backwards and forwards a tiny bit, so it's not just rusted in place.


The service guide appears to show that the cowl can just be lifted off once the retaining bolts are undone, but mine will not budge.


There is some thing like a detent ball shown on the parts list, behind a cover, but the cover will not budge either.


Any ideas how to get the cowl off or if there is some rotation lock on it???

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