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A big thank you from the Sheringham 40s ladies

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Well now that makes more sense - after all, there could only ever be one Rosie :banana:


OK - so you had a picture of a big mischief (Suzanne) with a little mischief (Millie). Is one of these your 'Rosie'?




haha! ah, well we know who the historical rosie is, but no one told us their names at the day, apart from M5Clive saying he was 'M5Clive' :) we will have to make sure we get names at the next event :)

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Hey, the keen photographer in our group lynne [the brunette with the head scarf] has just added some more of her pics


Wow it looks like you had a great day there! So can we tempt any of you to start getting into vehicles? Once you pick up that spanner or climb on something big and tracked it becomes addictive!


Just look at Tank Girl -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tank_Girl_(film)


We definitely need more girls into the hobby.

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Hi Lauren!


Thats a big YES from me :) Boy do I WISH I had one, ANY of them! Speaking for myself Claire "Shorts" Hack I have a passion for all things with engines as long as the are old and/or big. I've also flown helicopters a couple of times and overtaken a Wherry on the norfolk broads with the local Mississippi Steamer... which is apparently not the done thing ;) I've been lucky enough to go and help out in the steam railway sheds as their wrench monkey too for the engines [mainly because I'm short so they can send me into where they used to send the 14year old boys when they where first invented] and for me 30th this year [eek] me and the girls are heading to go and drive the trains! I LOVE anything that drives,floats or flys :) Im sure the other girls feel the same, we're trying to decide wether to club together and get something...we quite liked this one.... it was pink and green too, apparently to blend in with the particular type of pinky rock over the landscape it would have been stationed in....? What do you have?




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.....I've been lucky enough to go and help out in the steam railway sheds as their wrench monkey too for the engines [mainly because I'm short so they can send me into where they used to send the 14year old boys when they where first invented] ....


Erm, I was one of those 14 year old boys back in the days before the shed (that dates me a bit.....) :angel:

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Hi Lauren!


Thats a big YES from me :) Boy do I WISH I had one, ANY of them! Speaking for myself Claire "Shorts" Hack I have a passion for all things with engines as long as the are old and/or big. I've also flown helicopters a couple of times and overtaken a Wherry on the norfolk broads with the local Mississippi Steamer... which is apparently not the done thing ;) I've been lucky enough to go and help out in the steam railway sheds as their wrench monkey too for the engines [mainly because I'm short so they can send me into where they used to send the 14year old boys when they where first invented] and for me 30th this year [eek] me and the girls are heading to go and drive the trains! I LOVE anything that drives,floats or flys :) Im sure the other girls feel the same, we're trying to decide wether to club together and get something...we quite liked this one.... it was pink and green too, apparently to blend in with the particular type of pinky rock over the landscape it would have been stationed in....? What do you have?




Wow, Helicopters and steam! Now I'm jealous :) I have to admit it was probably my brother's love of steam trains that got me interested in engineering - while he was running around the trains themselves I headed back into the sheds to see how they worked and got put together.


My babies are a Ford FGT F22 ( http://www.geocities.ws/cmpvehicles/f22.html ) which is from the same family as your pink and green favourite there, and a Fordson WOT2H ( P1020309 ), but I also volunteer in the MV wing at Duxford playing on the big stuff when I get the chance.

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My babies are a Ford FGT F22 ( http://www.geocities.ws/cmpvehicles/f22.html ) which is from the same family as your pink and green favourite there, and a Fordson WOT2H ( P1020309 ), but I also volunteer in the MV wing at Duxford playing on the big stuff when I get the chance.



Fantastic!! well if you ever need a team of really willing and eager novices then please please give us a call! [especially me!! :D] Really hope we get the chance to bump into each other at some event or other! Someone mentioned to us on here that a few of you are heading to the 1st Pensthorpe vintage rally this year, will you be coming along? Apparently its replacing the usual Mannington hall one? Would be great to see your mighty machines! We are all planning on heading over there to check soak up the atmosphere and see whats happening too! Maybe I should do an 'upcoming event' thing on here too see if anyones coming, am I allowed to do that? :undecided: xxx

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'Life on the Holme Front' 40s do is on the 5/6 October, that's near Peteborough which can't be too far from you perhaps ?



ooh, looks good but we have already said we will attend the Pensthorpe one which is on the same weekend! here's the link.... http://www.pensthorpe.com/events/2012/7/pensthorpes-1st-vintage-rally/


its only the first one so we want to go and support and encourage it in the hope it will get bigger and bigger each year :)


I will let the others know about the Peterborough one though as we might be able to do one of the days for one and one for the other... fun! Thanks so much for letting us know! xxx:kiss:

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Amazing! I bet you have some amazing stories! :D haha! Any pictures? Would love to hear about it! I had such an amazing time! :)


Can you believe it, Claire- not one photo from those 5 or 6 years :cry: Guess we were too busy having fun, it was a lot different back then :D One or two still there from those early days. Oh yes, plenty of stories, but they'll have to wait for another time / place, we'll maybe meet up at a local event - the four of you would be pretty hard to miss!!!


Another local 40's event is Gressenhall - not been there (have you?) but had good reports.


MVs - how about an American truck? You'd all just about fit in a Jeep, but really - how much fun can you have by yourselves in a Jeep? What about a GMC 6x6 (Huey's Detroit Dotty or M5Clive's Sticky Six), or the smaller Chevrolet 4x4 (Malcolm's Frankie)? Or maybe a Dodge weapons carrier....



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You'd all just about fit in a Jeep, but really - how much fun can you have by yourselves in a Jeep?



You would be surprised how many of us we can fit in ANYTHING! here is one example... 196579_10151059962891915_769455761_n.jpg


I can't believe there are no photos!! :( oh well, Im sure we will all bump into each other again so we will have to hear then! That was the nice thing about the evening of the sheringham event, it was outside a pub! hurrah! GREAT for chatting/storytelling!


here is a link to our album from the 40s event when we where having a good look around all of the amazing beasts you HMVF brought along! We where even lucky enough to get a lift on the back of M5Clives machine to race the steam train on the way back! [bEST THING EVER!!!!] and I believe he even got a vid of it! looking forward to him adding it too youtube :)http://www.flickr.com/groups/vintage_vixens/


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ooh, looks good but we have already said we will attend the Pensthorpe one which is on the same weekend! here's the link.... http://www.pensthorpe.com/events/2012/7/pensthorpes-1st-vintage-rally/


its only the first one so we want to go and support and encourage it in the hope it will get bigger and bigger each year :)


I will let the others know about the Peterborough one though as we might be able to do one of the days for one and one for the other... fun! Thanks so much for letting us know! xxx:kiss:


I suspect I'll be at the Peterborough one with Dolly (the F22), but at the moment *every* time I plan on an event something happens...




Sheringham's not that far away though - I'm sure I'll get over that way at some stage. I may have to get a pair of those dungarees now ;)

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Sheringham's not that far away though - I'm sure I'll get over that way at some stage. I may have to get a pair of those dungarees now ;)


Brilliant! Don't hesitate to give us a buzz on here if you are heading this way, it would be great to meet you! And as for the dungarees modeled by our wonderful Rachel, she got them from screwfix!! haha!! not very 40s but nice and practical ;) xxx

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