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Croft Nostalgia in the Sun - Aug 4/5th

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We got back home about 8pm last night after a very hot Croft Nostalgia weekend. It seems that Croft was a little island in the sun for the weekend with thunderstorms, flash flooding and large hailstones falling all around the area, but not on Croft during the day. Saturday night there was a thunderstorm, but most people were in the marquee by then for the evening entertainment, so it didn't matter. Considering the summer we've had this year, we were stunned to get it so good with the weather.


I haven't had time to process properly any of my 700 photos, but have a small selection at low-res to give you a quick taste of what was there. I'll be back with more once I've had a good sort through them. Thank you to all who took part and made the show a success.















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  • 3 weeks later...

Not had a chance to post on here till now but I just had to say a big thanks to the organisers for putting on again such a fantastic weekend.

It just seems to get better and better and its a permanent date on our calendar now.


Fantastic fly past and where else can you get to do laps of a race circuit on a vintage bike ,see great vehicles,fire guns and meet great people!


Roll on next year guys, well done.

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