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WW2 and Early Post War Pattern AFV Essex Fire Extinguisher mount


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Excellent, many thanks.


I have never seen those pics before! The email monster must have gobbled them up.


Can you take close up pics of the straps for me please and the "buckle" with dimensions



Sorry to be a pain.




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See attached pic (hopefully) of what I found at a swap meet!


I had some blurry black and white pics of the mount

and pretty well got it right when I fabricated one, down to the inbuilt safety for the striker head.


The complicated straps and clasp did not show up on the pics I have. So your pics are a real plus.


I have a striker head for the extinguisher bottle.


Please email me direct at dgrev@iinet.net.au







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Mate........ I was just walking along doing the usual scan of the tables at the swap meet

and my eyes almost came out on stalks when I realised what I was looking at!


It wasn't cheap, but I was having it regardless as I have been looking for one for years.


The fact that it had full decals was a plus too.


I had an empty complete unit with striker head, but some industrious soul had

taken to it with brasso, so there was not a skeric of paint on it.


That head is now on the cylinder pictured.


I had no idea of the manufacturer or name/designation of the extinguisher until this

find, but the decals told everything.


I have emailed the manufacturer and they have no records going back that far, so

they were rather interested to receive the above pic too.




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