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German SP guns

Tony B

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Just a quick clip including a shot of SP guns. They look to be running along the coast road near La Haule in jersey. Odd as the rest of teh clip cover 'The Other Place'.



Most of the clips appear to come from a film made by the Ministry of Information just post war.

Edited by Tony B
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I my self have spent many an hour reading books on the occupation not to mention the hours in museums and at various fortifications. as for the clip i believe you are right i have had a scan through my books and have found a couple of images of them however they don't specify to there locations. one book does state the numbers tho 9 in Jersey, 10 in Guernsey, 2 in Sark and 1 Alderney.

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There is very good eveidence of an FT17 in a tunnel in Gurnerusey. I know a thourgh survey is being attempted. Though it is near a States housing estate. There was oner shipped over to Jersey a couple of years back in HO8 (Undrground Hospital) I never saw it because the place gives me the hebbies , I won't go in.

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There are several rumors of both Guernsey and Jersey's under ground hospitals being haunted by german officers. I'm sure i have heard of one account of a museum curator heard jack boots marching in one of the tunnels. Guernsey's one was a little dank and not very pleasant when i last went it, that was a long time ago tho.


Speaking of toys hidden in tunnels i have heard from first hand how an old german lorry along with boxes, kit and some weapons most of which were rotten at the time where still there in the mid 70s.


I know someone with original photos taken by the germans during the war will have to speak nicely and have a look if there are any in there.

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