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ok folks,


spotted a couple of old mines being used as charity boxes, one at Filey, the other at Scarborough. Is there any more around the country? I can remember when I was little, every seaside resort had them, usually for fisherman charitys.




I also saw one in somebodys garden being used as a centre piece for a floral display!!




Slightly off topic but here I go anyway. . .


Once on a building site in sleepy Peacehaven in Sussex around 1983 or so a JCB backed over a pile of gravel that had recently been dumped on site by an ARC lorry.


The driver noticed something disc like in the gravel and did not like the looks of it and dialed the nines pretty fast. C/S 404 and 403 were tasked to secure the site and duly did so and reported that "bomb disposal" was required asap.


Who ever had the tasking arrived in a flurry of blues and twos a while later and rendered the object safe and removed it to a nearby beach and made a nice bang with it. It still had active material even after all those years. If i recall correctly it was some kind of land mine.


The thoughts then turned as to how it had arrived there, the realisation was that it had been vacuum dredged from the sea bottom by the ARCO SEVERN or one of it's sister ships, unloaded and passed through the entire washing plant on the Newhaven North Quay and dumped into a stockpile. It was then handled again by a loader and dumped into the box of the lorry, transported over the A259 and dumped on site.


Thankfully its trigger mechanism was fouled and failed to set off the charge.


Everyone sighed a sigh of relief as to how lucky they had been.


Thought you might like the anecdote.




One in my brothers garden! Or was, must ckeck if still there. Half one anyway, we made a fish pool out of it when kids. Why it was in the middle of Staffordshire we never knew.

But we still have a depth charge that is used as a garden roller.


There is one painted white with the words "MIND OUT" painted on it at the entrance to a house on the A36 south of west wellow. Changing tack slightly I know of 2 WW1 naval shells on plinths at the road side, 1 is in Middleton near Pickering on the A170, the other is a bit more hidden away outside the village hall at Kirby Misperton. Does anyone know of any others?

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