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Kids and World History

Jessie The Jeep

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I had my B-17 Fortress out on the drive yesterday, doing some minor repairs ready for Croft next weekend. The plane had damaged the flaps by shifting in the trailer, so there was a bit of filling, sanding and a respray of those areas. Three kids, who looked about 7 years old, came to have a look and asked all sorts of questions about the plane, all very sensible questions too, rather than the usual how fast, how high etc.


I told them what it was and that it was a bomber in World War 2. One of the lads replied that he wasn't really interested in World War 2 or WW1, but preferred stuff from World War 3!!!!!! :D


Does he know something I don't?

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Your right they do not seem to teach youngster anything useful these days.

Had two at work who did not know who Winston Churchill was.


The there was the survey where the kids thought Adolf Hitler was a football coach.


Mind you some publications don't help.

Saw a nice picture in a digital photograpthy magazine of A Lancaster bomber and not the BBMF one.

You have all probably seen it, its green, has yellow and black checks on one engine. Has a couple of young ladies painted on the nose. I think the right is Memphis Belle (Haven't they seen the films) and the left Sally B.

Even the wife and my mother can spot the differnce between tose 2 very distinctive aircaft types.


And now one to really make you laught.Involves the same two who did not know who Winston Churchill was.

Was going on a walking holiday to Austria and some on itelligent asked the following.

"Are you going to do a Hannibal?"

to which I responded "If the oppertunity comes up I will give it a go"

This got some strange looks and response. They had seen the film and there were no elephants in it.


Things can only get worse.

Oh well more work for us.

Not only do we have to educate them we have to correct all the other miss information.




PS: Rember they thing the Americans liberated the Enigma machine and beat the Japanese at Pearl Harbour.

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I think you will find most kids learn about modern warfare these days from playing the likes of "call of duty" on the x-box. Its not politically correct to teach the history of warfare and anything relating to the war, in schools today.

History of Conflict! :nono: In Jersey it no longer correct to refer to the German Occupation, they were Forign Occupying forces, :n00b: Even I ended up being infected by it! :noyay:

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