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Guest matt

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This is a subject that really narks me as there is so much BS flying about in the press the real facts of the situation are being ignored.


I don't know if it's already been done but has anyone approached The Home Office to get some statistics from them,eg exactly how many crimes have been committed using deactivated weapons?


As we are part of the EU could the militaria,living history and MV owners not put it to the European parliament that if this bill is passed it would infringe on our human rights,as surely it IS our right to perpetuate our own history? how does the law stand in other EU countries regarding deact and replica weapons? is this somthing we could look into?



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Matt you're absolutely right, it’s a carefully choreographed smoke screen of information and dis-information, but the clock remains ticking.


The airsoft community is of course concerned and has to some extent been united in this cause. They have at least attended a Home Office meeting and probably have the best 'feel' of current thinking. Their view is that things don't look good, and they are trying to double and redouble their efforts. Our concern as Military vehicle enthusiasts should be that this proposed legislation will apply to deacts, i.e. for Airsoft read DEACTS.


This lengthy extract is taken directly from their webby and IS worth the read.


The Violent Crime Reduction Bill



How does it effect airsoft (deacts)




The government is looking to reduce crime by using the bluntest tool of all, a ban of sales. This will probably have the desired effect and reduce the availability of replicas to the criminal and those dead set on mischief and antisocial behavior but it will kill stone dead the sport of airsoft and heavily effect other areas replicas have legitimate uses, such as re-enactment and the film industry.


The VCR Bill has to go through the government system and has already had 2 readings in the house of commons. The next stage the bill must pass through is the committee stage where the exact wording, the practicalities and implications of the bill are sorted out. This is the stage airsofters stand the greatest chance of getting things changed. The Home secretary Charles Clarke has indicated exemptions are available for those legitimate users who put a strong enough case forward. Airsoft needs such an exemption.


The committee members have just been announced and are:-


Chaired by

Mr Joe Benton - Labour, Bootle

Mr Eric Forth - Conservative, Bromley & Chislehurst



Ms Diane Abbott - Labour, Hackney North & Stoke Newington

Hazel Blears - Labour, Salford (Min State Police, Crime etc)

Kevin Brennan - Labour, Cardiff West (Asst Whip, HM Treasurey)

Ms Dawn Butler - Labour, Brent South

Mr James Clappison - Conservative, Hertsmere

Rosie Cooper - Labour, West Lancashire

Mr Jonathan Djanogly - Conservative, Huntingdon

Lynne Featherstone - Lib Dem, Hornsey & Wood Green

Stewart Hosie - SNP, Dundee East

Mr Kevan Jones - Labour, North Durham

Ms Sally Keeble - Labour, Northampton North

Steve McCabe - Labour, Birmingham Hall Green

Mr Humfrey Malins - Conservative, Woking

Mr Mark Oaten - Lib Dem, Winchester

Stephen Pound - Labour, Ealing North

Mr Mark Prisk - Conservative, Hertford & Stortford

Mark Pritchard - Conservative, The Wrekin

Chris Ruane - Labour, Vale of Clywd

Jim Sheridan - Labour, Paisley

Lynda Waltho - Labour, Stourbridge

Jeremy Wright - Conservative, Rugby & Kenilworth.



There are 13 Labour, 7 Conservative, 2 Lib Dem, 1 SNP.


MP’s are currently on their summer recess and will form the committee when they return to parliament in October. Before this date all of the above MP’s need lobbying to put our views across and inform them in a positive manner about airsoft.


The ABA are actively lobbying these MP’s but need the help of ABA supporters to be as effective as possible. We are actively seeking constituents of the committee members to put our case forward, as members of the committee they have a duty to listen to anybody who has an interest and become stakeholders, but they also have a duty to their constituents.


If your MP is listed above please get in touch and help us gain an exemption for airsoft.


Without an exemption things look bleak at best. There will be no new blood coming into the sport and the players already committed will not be able to purchase any new airsoft guns. The sites throughout the UK will eventually close as numbers dwindle and their stocks of hire guns become damaged beyond repair. There will cease to be any dedicated retailers, most will go out of business very quickly, others will diversify into other fields and sell progressively less and less equipment. Airsoft will die! Estimates are airsoft will cease to exist within 5 years, a tragic waste for a sport with so much potential.


Please do your part and help with the lobbying campaign.


Their site at




carries further information.


If at this late hour you as an individual can not respond directly in support of this cause, please respond indirectly by signing their petition at:




This is NOT as good as DIRECT LOBBYING but it is better than NOTHING.



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Aditional contact information:



Violent Crime Reduction Bill - the proposed bill it its current form :



http://www.parliament.uk/directories/hciolists/alms.cfm - list of all UK MPs


http://www.number10.gov.uk/output/page821.asp - contact Downing Street


http://www.writetothem.com/ -write to your MP and/or get their contact details

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