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Expensive Oil Can!


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Well it was obviously worth it to the buyer - which is all that matters really :-)


I recently bid at auction for a very large and battered old National Oil & Gas Engine Co enamel sign - I'd have got it for £40 but then one guy came in and decided he was going to have it and that was that. I went to 3 times my planned max. bid (:-X) and still he bid. It was fairly apparent he was going to have it at whatever cost so I backed out (phew).


Speaking to him afterwards he had just sold a lovely old large National engine and wanted the sign as a reminder and was going to have it and that was that. He was very pleased with his purchase and wasn't in the least bit bothered about the price he had to pay, though you would't have thought he had two shillings to rub together. I was very relieved I lost.


I never cease to be amazed at what some people will pay for things, just like some of my friends never cease to be amazed at what I pay for some things. Says it all really :D

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